Monday, July 15, 2019

Agent 86 is puzzled, and so am I.

Agent 86 said, "Strange, grifter Raye neglected to tell us how many months behind the server bill is. Also, the two rubes who wasted their $150 have given more than enough to pay the server bill"

As we all know, Raye always says she has not paid the server bill, which is actually covered by the CIA directly,  but this time she admits it is for only one month.  This is a sign she is definitely slipping.  It is too bad we do not know what she deleted, probably the other six months she generally claims to be behind.  But, as always, she needs money to pay the bills, which must be high since I recently pointed out her monthly income is enough to allow her to live palatially in Ashtabula, Ohio.  

She does thank you for the largess you will be sending off.  Stay tuned.  I suspect something is going to happen.  

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
I Really Need Help! I haven't even paid the Server this month!
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 15-Jul-2019 16:06:36

I accidentally erased the post I had just written explaining the state of my health. Whenever I do something like this, I realize that I must have said some thing that shouldn't have been said.
What I need to say in this post is I need money to pay bills and especially the server. I sincerely hope that some of you are in a position to help me out.
Thank you very much!!

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