Saturday, April 29, 2017

Agent 86 said, "Grifter Raye's monthly fictional soap operas, or, pay up rubes or I will take RuberMillNews away from you forever"

Now is the time to ask yourself if you really need the continual drama of Raye's whining.

Here are the subject she claims to keep you updated on in the order of importance she determined.  I'm going to reorder these a touch and add commentary. 

Rayelan's Newest Whine and Threat, with thanks to Agent 86   At the end see some other information which may interest you. Read over the Whine and read on. 

 Find UFOs, The Apocalypse, New World Order, Political Analysis,
Alternative Health, Armageddon, Conspiracies, Prophecies, Spirituality,
Home Schooling, Home Mortgages and more, in:
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Five Domains are Expiring
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 29-Apr-2017 00:57:24

It's almost May 1st and suddenly I discover that five domains are expiring in early May. Rumor Mill News is one of them. What does this mean?
It means that someone else can come in and pay the domain fee for RMN and they will have a perfect site to promote themselves or their philosophy. In other words, we lose the right to use
As I've told you, my health is not good. I was in the hospital with heart problems again. The next day I had to drive to Cleveland, which is an hour away, for tests in a private lab. I was there 3 hours and poked and prodded more times than I want to remember. I won't know the results until the 5th. But I can tell by the way I feel that something new has gone wrong.
In addition to money for gas to make the trip to Cleveland again, I need money for food. The cupboards are almost bare, which means that none of us, humans and animals, will have enough money to buy a small hamburger at McDonalds.
Since I have no money for food without the contributions from RMN Readers, having even a little extra right now means that I can eat... but that will have to wait a bit because I need to renew my domains. Don't worry, I won't starve... I keep rice and beans around the house just for times like this.
The domains will probably be about $200... The utilities and phones are almost $500.00.
I'm going to have to stop writing now. I can only stay up for a few hours at a time. I'm also going to have to pray that you understand my need for money right now. If no money is raised, I could Maybe it is time to pull the plug. Maybe "the universe" is telling me that RMN has run its course.
Maybe it's time for me to think about moving on. Maybe this is true. Only YOU know the answer to this question.
Here's the fundrazer widget. If you want to continue reading RMN, you will have to take it upon yourself to help raising money each month. If each RMN reader takes on the responsibility of raising the money needed for everything connected with RMN.

Do you think RMN substantially covers these subjects?  (With commentary) 

UFOs - If you are waiting for aliens to save you or worried they want you for lunch rest assured, the Pretend Princess of Obergon has no inside information. 

The Apocalypse -  It refers to the second coming of the one known as Jesus.  "In the Septuagint version of the Hebrew Bible (written over a century before the time of Jesus), the word Christos was used to translate into Greek the Hebrew mashiach (messiah), meaning "anointed." (Another Greek word, Messias appears in Daniel 9:26 and Psalm 2:2.) Some use the name Yeshua. .This name corresponds to the Greek spelling Iesous, from which, through the Latin Iesus, comes the English spelling Jesus. The Hebrew spelling Yeshua (ישוע) appears in some later books of the Hebrew Bible.   

Personally, I think this event is the reordering which will take place if we do what Yeshua told us to do.  Love One Another.  Try it.  

Armageddon -
According to the Book of Revelation, Armageddon is the prophesied location of a gathering of armies for a battle during the end times  

New World Order - Another word for Greedville (fill in your fav word), such as Bildebergers. 
 Political Analysis - Did any well researched, documented, insight of the present political paradigm ever appear on RMN?  No, except perhaps mine.
Alternative Health  - We need a data base on what works and how much it costs.  A free people would have this already.  But we still need to free ourselves from the Nasties (Greedvilliens or your fav) who conned us into their matrix of infrastructures.  

Conspiracies - Greedvilliens conspire because it keeps the money rolling in.  

Spirituality - No one has a lock on this.  All emotionally normal people (which lets out the folks running RMN), are on the same spiritual journey.  Read the articles in the Economist on psychopathy and the characteristics offered by the leading expert, Dr. Hare. 

Psychopaths have no conscience and no empathy.  Practicing their ability to deceive is nature for them.  There is more informed information on the subject every week and this, you need to know.  Consider Raye and Hobie's assertions and match them to what really appears.  And remember the Iraqi Dinar!

Prophecies - Judge prophecies by the source and the accuracy of that source.  If they are generally wrong, ignore them politely.  

Home Mortgages - RMN is not a good resource for the problem causing mortgage fraud.  The problem originates with the intention by (fill in your favorite name for those placed to manipulate our money) what I call Greedville.  If you are having a problem remember every relief offered by government or the banks comes with more ways to drain you.  
Eventually, we will hold the guilty parties accountable.  Keep your records.  RMN is not a legitimate resource for this kind of information, some may blunder in because it is being reposted but Raye and her cohort are clueless.  

Home Schooling - if you need information, google it.  You can find what you want on line rapidly.  RMN is not a good resource if this is your interest. 

Does Raye provide something worth paying for?  Ask yourself.  
URLS do cost, I know.  But I never ask anyone to pay for mine, neither should she.  
Her's are from  I pay $10.17 a year for each of my URLs.  

Ashtabula has good support for aging seniors so Raye can go to the food pantry there. 
St. Peter's Church offers help on Tuesday nights - and she can get a nice little place in
The Tower near the church and keep her dogs.  And her good friend (former friend)
 Jim lives there!  And another St. Peter's member who lives there is now supplying
organic food.  Perfect!

Raye asks this question.  Answer it for her: "Maybe it's time for me to think about moving on."

I vote it is time for Raye to move to the Tower and take up tatting.  

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Grifter Raye can't bother with a post begging for Hobie's urgent need for his monthly allowance, so Hobie recruits his sidekick to do the job

And Agent 86 hits another nail on the head of this scamming crew who refuse to provide any transparency what-so-ever.  You know, they claim they are soooo critical to saving the world that their reposting must continue no matter what.  

Let's hear what great insights you received on the badnicks which allowed you to secure your future!  Tell us about those exciting posts where dauntless authors - not reposting agents, gave you valuable information which you followed. 
Or, tell us if you just keep reading because this is your only social life, or, perhaps, you are fascinated to see what will happen next.  

Thanks Agent 86!  Lovely to read you again!   

Alternative Health, Armageddon, Conspiracies, Prophecies, Spirituality,
Home Schooling, Home Mortgages and more, in:
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 23-Apr-2017 12:28:52

A Wonderful day to you and yours!
I'm coming forward to ask all of the Rumor Mill News readers for help in buying Hobie some groceries and to pay a few utility bills this month. A few months ago, he lost his earnings due to an ad company misadventure. Since then he has been working here for free and falling further and further into the red zone each month.
Hobie is the backbone of Rumor Mill. He works more hours in one day then most people do in two or three. Without him, we'd be lost. There would be no website coder or one of the other dozen things he does daily for RMN. This isn't about RMN it's about helping one of our own get back on his feet.
If you feel so inclined, would you consider a gift of $20.00, $30.00 or more for this worthy cause. Please help Hobie and make your generous paypal donation to
Thank you so much for your time and your generosity. Let's make this the best month ever for a man who deserves so much more!!
We Love You Hobie!!

Three comments on the outrage of Susoni's post from two of our loyal supporters!

For the crew at RMN life is always a drama.  A hangnail requires major a=surgery for which they have no insurance and in a world full of food pantries in a home he was left by his parents, Hobie is starving, just starving.   
And yet.......Raye cannot find the paperwork or have it replaced in a world where this is routine.  Really.  And two of our faithful followers of this parody of tragedy provided comments.  They were soooo very amusing I just had to turn them into a post.  

Thanks to Anonymous and 2W3X4YZ5 for their commentary on this silliest of sad scams.  You two are both real troopers
 in the cause of truth!


And to 2W3X4YZ5 for both his pointed comments on the Scamsters of Ashtabula! 

And dont forget RayéLoon is going to be needing a new car ASAP. Dont you realize how foolish it makes her look at Denny's and the Goodwill store, asking for help to get down out of her trusty Cherokee, so she can waddle across the parking lot to waste other people's hard earned money? Better send her some cash quick, unless you want to see RMN disappear forever. 

I, for one, dont have to wonder why RayéLoon still has to ask for money. RayéLoon has to ask for money because she is a fat old psychopathic BUM whose only purpose in life is TO TAKE, no matter what, no matter from whom, and with less than zero regard as to who is hurt as a result. RayéLoon still has to ask for money, because there is a group of rubes who still have money, and who are ignorant enough to send it to her. 

And here is the Queen of Whines with that tiniest violin to sing her to sleep as the crocodile tears fall on her cache or trash purchased for the money donated by you good people. 

PS.  I recall Raye telling me Susoni is the other person who receives payment for services.  Now, does she report this to the IRS?  Inquiring minds want to know.   

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Thanks again to Agent 86 for another missive from ...": 


Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 23-Apr-2017 12:28:52 
A Wonderful day to you and yours!

I'm coming forward to ask all of the Rumor Mill News readers for help in buying Hobie some groceries and to pay a few utility bills this month. A few months ago, he lost his earnings due to an ad company misadventure. Since then he has been working here for free and falling further and further into the red zone each month.

Hobie is the backbone of Rumor Mill. He works more hours in one day then most people do in two or three. Without him, we'd be lost. There would be no website coder or one of the other dozen things he does daily for RMN. This isn't about RMN it's about helping one of our own get back on his feet.

If you feel so inclined, would you consider a gift of $20.00, $30.00 or more for this worthy cause. Please help Hobie and make your generous paypal donation to

Thank you so much for your time and your generosity. Let's make this the best month ever for a man who deserves so much more!!

We Love You Hobie!!


Saturday, April 15, 2017

Thanks again to Agent 86 for another missive from Rayelan

Rayelan has been asked many times, by multiple parties, to provide the location of her server provider.  This is not critical information and she does not provide any kind of substantial original content.  The 'value' of RMN is social, not informational as the articles are reposted, sometimes with and sometimes without attribution, from other sites.  

Is Raye's health deteriorating?  I can say from direct experience I found this to be consistently untrue because no matter how sick she said she was she was instantly well if something she wanted to do came up.  I am not a physician but I raised children and this was clear to me on this basis.  

Again, ask yourself what value you get in supporting a site which consistently lies to you and refuses to provide proof of the expenses they claim to need paid. 

Post those bills, Raye, people want to know and check the facts.  

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
I need to Pay the Server
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 15-Apr-2017 11:19:12

I owe the server $160.00. If you would like to see RMNews next month... please help me pay the server bill.
If you wonder why I continue to ask for money, it's because my social security and VA stipend aren't enough to pay all the bills... and I have not had the time to get ready to sell on eBay... because of my three health problems, diabetes, heart condition and SEVERE restless legs, complicated by a bruised bursa in my right hip.
Ever since I injured the bursa of my hip, my restless leg is a thousand times worse... meaning I get very little sleep and walk around like a zombie most of the time.
Without your help, there is no way I can pay the bills. I still think I am young and strong and can do it all by myself. That simply isn't the case any longer. I now need help getting in and out of my beloved Cherokee. Yes, I could get another more practical car, but the Cherokee is paid for and a step stool is a lot less than a new car.
If you would like to see RMNews continue, please contribute as much as you can without depriving yourself of food, shelter, medicine and other necessities.
Thank you!!!
Raye Allan Smith
aka Rayelan
aka Rayelan Allan

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Agent 86 sends news! "the rubes are wising up, but not to hobie's scams"

Thanks, Agent 86!  Yes, Hobie, who once lingered in the background with his alternative pseudonym of Zapper an Jeff Gordon of Atlanta Georgia carefully concealed is writing yet again about activity on the "Poofness" site.  You can find the site and sign up for updates directly, see?   Front Page, with signup

Your present problems are a failing economy and the well-founded prediction the standard of living for Americans will fall by 1/3 this year.  

The major oil companies have now taken control of the Iraqi oil fields, which were the hope on which a revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar was founded.  Prosecution for promoting and selling these Dinars are now in process. 

Any major financial collapse holds the potential for loss of food supplies.  Plant a a garden and organize locally to support your common needs. 

Now, tell us about the value exchange you have had over the years with RMN and its 'owners' Rayelan A. Smith and Hobie AKA Jeff Gordon of Atlanta Georgia.  If one of their suggestions paid off, tell us about it.  If one of them reached out to you in need tell us about that, with details, naturally.  (We all have witnessed the constant inventive narrative (I did not call it calloused lies) which appear in their pleas for money.  

Incidentally, did you know 24% of major purchases have always ended up failing due to the natural and unavoidable events which can hit all of us?  Major disease, your own or a loved one,  loss of  employment, accidents, personal, natural or orchestrated by those in power, and more disrupt our lives.  

Yet our present financial infrastructure is predicated on a system for borrowing which makes the impact of these events unavoidable.  That said, consider closely how to best use your money and remember to ask Rayelan about your personal space in the RMN Family Campground!  She will be delighted to her from you.  And Easter On!

Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 12-Apr-2017 15:26:22
In Response To: POOFness for APR 11: THE FINAL DELAY (hobie)

Hi, folks -
FYI, I receive emails frequently from Readers who are firmly convinced that Zap and the projects he speaks of and his open pleas for donations to assist others are all some kind of scam.
I don't usually post those, because, frankly, they don't get us anywhere useful, and the majority of RMN Readers are well able to decide for themselves whether to treat the matter as a scam or not, without need of someone else to point out to them the possibility that it might be a scam.
Here are two such emails I've received today. Please don't bother writing me just to chime in with "I think so, too!" It's unlikely I'd post those unless they actually have something new and useful to say:
The question everyone is asking is: when will this never-ending story finally come to end? Most readers realise of course that it is a long-standing internet scam, but there must come a time when the financial return that Zap (=Jerzy) receives, even from the steadfast believers, drops to a level where it is not worth the effort of penning increasingly more preposterous lines of fiction. We must be coming to that happy conclusion soon.
The very next week hobie will post the latest excuse of the week.
At what point do you acknowledge this is a scam?

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Apology for my inattention to your comments.

I must apologize for the number of comments I failed to moderate and post this last while.  Things have been busy around here and a family member has been seriously ill as well.  He is just starting to mend and we hope he will be up and back to work soon after Easter. 

This is Easter Week and I hope these days are blessed and that the Easter Bunny is generous with what makes you happiest!  

This is a traditional Ukrainian Easter Egg.  I started making these when the Wandzeras moved in one house from us when I was seven or eight.  

The Wandzeras were a fascinating family, very musical.  Antonia, the Mom worked for Howard Hughes as a secretary and her husband, Tzar (he had a real name but no one called him that), was in charge of the Moon Rover project at Hughes.   

Shelley,  Rochell, was my best friend for a good part of our lives.  Everyone made Easter Eggs all year.  It is a fascinating craft and worth learning .  

                  Have a Wonderful Easter! 

Friday, April 7, 2017

The Duke and Doxie of Manchester site is up and working See below

This morning we received a query via the contact form on this site reading, "where is the duke and duchess site - it is down.  really miss reading it you worked so hard.  hope it gets put back up."

The site is up and  thanks for noting many from RMN are following the antics of the Ducal Despoilers.  I will list the URLs, slightly changed due to exasperation with my former URL register to and, for Laura personally,

I strongly considered dropping Laura but her contacts to me persuaded me she continues to pursue the silly strategy of attempting to repair the Manchester reputation by publishing articles from the long past on their wealth and earned honors.  It is sad, and we probably all wish she would find something positive to do with her time, but that is the story.  

We understand Laura is living in Laguna Beach, CA, likely with a relative.  Craig does not appear to be in the piture but may be throwing some money her way.  

Alex is safely incarcerated for previous crimes in the Nevada system and when I have a moment I will find his contact information and publish it here so you can write to him, if you like.  

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Agent 86 said, "More fractured fairy tales from grifter Raye"

Rayelan is using the now well understood strategy of 'just keep lying.'

This nearly always works because very few people either bother to do research themselves or, as is true with most emotionally normal people, trust those who are familiar to them.  

Raye has been around for a long time and had told the same lies over and over 

Look over the narrative below, which Raye has attempted to sell for decades. 

"Rumor Mill News is 20 years old. When it started in 1996 it was intended to become a worldwide newspaper. It would be printed in Mexico then brought to San Diego to be mailed out. My partner in the newspaper magazine was my husband at the time, CIA whistleblower Gunther Russbacher."

Gunther dumped Raye after he was arrested in Europe for committing fraud against multiple credulous people.  Money not intelligence was the couple's goal.  There is no evidence Gunther was ever involved in RMN.  He was, in fact, in a relationship with another woman, who he married.

"Gunther supplied at least 80% of the information in the print editions of RMN. But in December of 1996 he disapeared. When he reappeared months later he had no memory of ever being married to me. He later married a British film maker during a strange trip to Mexico after which he sneaked into the United States, was arrested and held for deportation." 

One can judge information after the fact by seeing if it proved to be true.  None of the 'leaks' Raye supplied from her 'sources' proved to be true, bur appear to be planted disinformation. 

"For the next 10 or so years, I would continue to receive inside information from SEALS and other operatives that I had met during the time Gunther and I were together. It seemed that "someone" wanted RMN to continue... and continue we have."

 None of the exciting revelations proved to be true.  However, Raye was very motivated to have RMN work so she could live on the money generated from donations by the credulous. 

"We now have an army of reporters worldwide who can post their stories any time of the night or day without sending them to an editor for approval. 
When Rumor Mill News started, it was called RMNews. It even had a section for humor called Humor Mill News. That is one thing I have tried to starte online, but I've never had the time to work on it."

There are no 'reporters' associated with RMN only Reposters (Agents) who ae encouraged to snag the work of others are repost these articles, some of them interesting and even accurate, on the RMN site.  Rye is not  witty person so it is no surprise the humor did not work. 

"Why have I never had the time? Because I am too busy trying to earn the money for all the bills and for food too. Recently I have been missing from RMN and that's because I am getting ready to sell on eBay. If you want to see what I am selling I will soon be creating my own ebay page for RMN."

Raye's life is a steady round of hunting through the Salvation Army store to buy 'treasurers.'  This is why she needs all that storage. 

"Many years ago I said that if people had no money to donate to RMN but had something I could sell on ebay to please send it and I would sell it. If you are in that category, my address is:

People sent Raye lots of things, which she sold but the money went for meals out and her endless acquisitions of 'treasurers.'  A full set of 100 books on the JFK assassination which she said she received as a donation sat and gathered dust.  Raye never read a single book and was astonishingly  ignorant on the issues.  

But, rest assured, Raye wants your money so her life style can continue. 

P.O. Box 95
Ashtabula, Ohio 44010

I thank all my my readers. Without you there would be no RMNews. You have my unconditional love and respect.
Most Humbly,
Raye Smith
aka Rayelan Allan"