Now is the time to ask yourself if you really need the continual drama of Raye's whining.
Here are the subject she claims to keep you updated on in the order of importance she determined. I'm going to reorder these a touch and add commentary.
Rayelan's Newest Whine and Threat, with thanks to Agent 86 At the end see some other information which may interest you. Read over the Whine and read on.
Find UFOs, The Apocalypse, New World Order, Political Analysis,
Alternative Health, Armageddon, Conspiracies, Prophecies, Spirituality,
Home Schooling, Home Mortgages and more, in:
Do you think RMN substantially covers these subjects? (With commentary)
UFOs - If you are waiting for aliens to save you or worried they want you for lunch rest assured, the Pretend Princess of Obergon has no inside information.
Home Schooling - if you need information, google it. You can find what you want on line rapidly. RMN is not a good resource if this is your interest.
Here are the subject she claims to keep you updated on in the order of importance she determined. I'm going to reorder these a touch and add commentary.
Rayelan's Newest Whine and Threat, with thanks to Agent 86 At the end see some other information which may interest you. Read over the Whine and read on.
Find UFOs, The Apocalypse, New World Order, Political Analysis,
Home Schooling, Home Mortgages and more, in:
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Five Domains are Expiring
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 29-Apr-2017 00:57:24
Date: Saturday, 29-Apr-2017 00:57:24
It's almost May 1st and suddenly I discover that five domains are expiring in early May. Rumor Mill News is one of them. What does this mean?
It means that someone else can come in and pay the domain fee for RMN and they will have a perfect site to promote themselves or their philosophy. In other words, we lose the right to use
As I've told you, my health is not good. I was in the hospital with heart problems again. The next day I had to drive to Cleveland, which is an hour away, for tests in a private lab. I was there 3 hours and poked and prodded more times than I want to remember. I won't know the results until the 5th. But I can tell by the way I feel that something new has gone wrong.
In addition to money for gas to make the trip to Cleveland again, I need money for food. The cupboards are almost bare, which means that none of us, humans and animals, will have enough money to buy a small hamburger at McDonalds.
Since I have no money for food without the contributions from RMN Readers, having even a little extra right now means that I can eat... but that will have to wait a bit because I need to renew my domains. Don't worry, I won't starve... I keep rice and beans around the house just for times like this.
The domains will probably be about $200... The utilities and phones are almost $500.00.
I'm going to have to stop writing now. I can only stay up for a few hours at a time. I'm also going to have to pray that you understand my need for money right now. If no money is raised, I could Maybe it is time to pull the plug. Maybe "the universe" is telling me that RMN has run its course.
Maybe it's time for me to think about moving on. Maybe this is true. Only YOU know the answer to this question.
Here's the fundrazer widget. If you want to continue reading RMN, you will have to take it upon yourself to help raising money each month. If each RMN reader takes on the responsibility of raising the money needed for everything connected with RMN.
Do you think RMN substantially covers these subjects? (With commentary)
UFOs - If you are waiting for aliens to save you or worried they want you for lunch rest assured, the Pretend Princess of Obergon has no inside information.
The Apocalypse - It refers to the second coming of the one known as Jesus. "In the Septuagint version of the Hebrew Bible (written over a century before the time of Jesus), the word Christos was used to translate into Greek the Hebrew mashiach (messiah), meaning "anointed." (Another Greek word, Messias appears in Daniel 9:26 and Psalm 2:2.) Some use the name Yeshua. .This name corresponds to the Greek spelling Iesous, from which, through the Latin Iesus, comes the English spelling Jesus. The Hebrew spelling Yeshua (ישוע) appears in some later books of the Hebrew Bible.
Personally, I think this event is the reordering which will take place if we do what Yeshua told us to do. Love One Another. Try it.
Armageddon -
According to the Book of Revelation, Armageddon is the prophesied location of a gathering of armies for a battle during the end times
New World Order - Another word for Greedville (fill in your fav word), such as Bildebergers.
Political Analysis - Did any well researched, documented, insight of the present political paradigm ever appear on RMN? No, except perhaps mine.
Alternative Health - We need a data base on what works and how much it costs. A free people would have this already. But we still need to free ourselves from the Nasties (Greedvilliens or your fav) who conned us into their matrix of infrastructures.
Conspiracies - Greedvilliens conspire because it keeps the money rolling in.
Spirituality - No one has a lock on this. All emotionally normal people (which lets out the folks running RMN), are on the same spiritual journey. Read the articles in the Economist on psychopathy and the characteristics offered by the leading expert, Dr. Hare.
Psychopaths have no conscience and no empathy. Practicing their ability to deceive is nature for them. There is more informed information on the subject every week and this, you need to know. Consider Raye and Hobie's assertions and match them to what really appears. And remember the Iraqi Dinar!
Prophecies - Judge prophecies by the source and the accuracy of that source. If they are generally wrong, ignore them politely.
Home Mortgages - RMN is not a good resource for the problem causing mortgage fraud. The problem originates with the intention by (fill in your favorite name for those placed to manipulate our money) what I call Greedville. If you are having a problem remember every relief offered by government or the banks comes with more ways to drain you.
Eventually, we will hold the guilty parties accountable. Keep your records. RMN is not a legitimate resource for this kind of information, some may blunder in because it is being reposted but Raye and her cohort are clueless.
Home Schooling - if you need information, google it. You can find what you want on line rapidly. RMN is not a good resource if this is your interest.
Does Raye provide something worth paying for? Ask yourself.
URLS do cost, I know. But I never ask anyone to pay for mine, neither should she.
Her's are from I pay $10.17 a year for each of my URLs.
Ashtabula has good support for aging seniors so Raye can go to the food pantry there.
St. Peter's Church offers help on Tuesday nights - and she can get a nice little place in
The Tower near the church and keep her dogs. And her good friend (former friend)
Jim lives there! And another St. Peter's member who lives there is now supplying
organic food. Perfect!
Raye asks this question. Answer it for her: "Maybe it's time for me to think about moving on."
I vote it is time for Raye to move to the Tower and take up tatting.