Thursday, July 25, 2019

Raye's poor little animal companions are starving now.

Agent 86 opined with feeling, "Grifter raye claims her pets are starving after heroically using some of her social security to pay the non existant bills of rumorshillnews, by the way, just where did the $800 already contributed this month go? More 9 months past due server bills?"

We are living in an economy which is forcing people out of their homes and into their vehicles which are also being repossessed.  Homeless, they are being treated like scum and forced to live with an explosively growing population of mice and rats which carry Bubonic Plague, the potential devastation for which is now extended by the increased territory of ticks now spreading across the US and the world.  Ticks also appear to be carrying Lyme Disease which was, surprise, originated in a military lab as part of their weapons work.  

Climate Change is the result of corporate and governmental greed and overindulgence, all at our cost, which is putting our lives and the lives of our children at risk every day.  

Let us remember, Raye has far more monthly income than that realized through her SSI.  She has retirement pensions from multiple sources.  

Cost of cat fool:  $17.48 a month.  The cat is apparently young.  The two small dogs, Toby, and Max, two dogs of a mixed breed who look like small, flattened Golden Retrievers.  They were never house-broken,  I wonder if Miss Kitty manages to one-up them on that? 

And why no photo posted of Miss Kitty?

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I have paid some of the bills out of my social security... now I have no money for food for the furry kids
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 25-Jul-2019 07:21:08

Every month it gets harder and harder to raise the money to keep me and RMN going. All I can do is appeal to those of you who have the means to help me pay the bills so I can use my own money to feed the dogs and Miss Kitty... and me!!

Powered by FundRazr

Monday, July 15, 2019

Agent 86 is puzzled, and so am I.

Agent 86 said, "Strange, grifter Raye neglected to tell us how many months behind the server bill is. Also, the two rubes who wasted their $150 have given more than enough to pay the server bill"

As we all know, Raye always says she has not paid the server bill, which is actually covered by the CIA directly,  but this time she admits it is for only one month.  This is a sign she is definitely slipping.  It is too bad we do not know what she deleted, probably the other six months she generally claims to be behind.  But, as always, she needs money to pay the bills, which must be high since I recently pointed out her monthly income is enough to allow her to live palatially in Ashtabula, Ohio.  

She does thank you for the largess you will be sending off.  Stay tuned.  I suspect something is going to happen.  

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
I Really Need Help! I haven't even paid the Server this month!
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 15-Jul-2019 16:06:36

I accidentally erased the post I had just written explaining the state of my health. Whenever I do something like this, I realize that I must have said some thing that shouldn't have been said.
What I need to say in this post is I need money to pay bills and especially the server. I sincerely hope that some of you are in a position to help me out.
Thank you very much!!

Monday, July 8, 2019

Agent 86 says, "Grifter raye out does herself with the most awe inspiring, succinct and persuasive demand for money ever!"

And we certainly agreed with Agent 86 when we scrolled down the page.  In face, if I was not somewhat calloused to her flights of fiction and fantasy my eyes would have bugged out.  Why would the woman think that asking for a humongous amount of money would elicit more donations than the increasingly large, but this? 

From Rayelan the Lethargic's Fundrazr site: 

$50 raised

0% of $250k goal
1 contributor
28 Days left

"This story is still being told . Please follow RMN to see and know what to do when all things begin to change."  by Raye

Huh?  and not even any entertaining lies, fibs and fantasies to make the blather worth reading?  Amazing.  

We all know Rayelan the Reprobate is intellectually challenged. The only thing she reads, cover to cover are romance novels and, her favorite, catalogs for ordering more and more 'stuff' paid for by RMN readers, the always credulous. 

The statement Agent 86 cites, which caused Raye's credibility to sink even further into negative numbers was, "Join Our Team this July and Help Us Inspire the World!!!"

America is rapidly streaking toward third world status.  This is caused by the final plays of the de Rothschild Clan's scheme for leaving no one alive but themselves and a few slaves.  ONLY one set of actions can change this.  The problems compiled economically and environmentally have resulted in the highest imbalance of Elites vs Normal People in world history.  The Elites, confident they will survive, are driving the action today from all points, global and within the US.  They are in back of Trump, in back of the Dems and Reps, and have created a linked up cooperation with the newest generation of Elites, the Big Tech Corporations.  

This is far too global and complex to even allow Raye, at her best, to comprehend them, include that, finally, the climate change which began to mount about 150 years ago through the drastic impact of human activity on our ecosystem, heightened by the objective astronomical conditions we are only beginning to experience through the shifting position of Earn as it enters the the Orion Arm of our galaxy, is now being felt.  

Bad timing, very bad timing.  There are four possible approaches available to us now.  These are:
NOTE:  Chance of Success (COS)  Borrowed from an optimist, I might add.

1. Deny and hope you’re right.                          COS. 0%
                                                                                "Denial is not a river."

2.Plan to change Energy Infrastructure now and complete changes using unproven new technologies within 10 years.                                                                      COS 25%
                                                                                "Hope Springs Eternal!"

3. Force shift to renewables by 2050.            COS 50%
                                                                            "Too Little, Too Late."

4. Accept increasingly harsh environmental. conditions and adapt to new normal.
                                                                               COS 99%.
       Meanwhile, continuing to conserve and transition to sustainable energy sources, a sustainable human infrastructure, and a sustainable economy.                                 

For all pathways, many will die unnecessarily, so no pathway is entirely successful.  The Ultimate Goal is the most good for the most people. Never forgetting, the end does not justify the means!

                                                                     Jesus said in Mark 8:36 KJV:

                                                                   "For what shall it profit a man,
                                                                    if he shall gain the whole world,
                                                                          and lose his own soul?"

We await future events - and also a renewal of Raye's fabrications!  Thanks, as always, to Agent 86!