Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Agent 86 said, "Oh Boohoohoo I'm not asking for anything above and beyond the $3,000 that RMN gets each month. Last month the fundrazer only raised $1658, and the rest of the bills had to be paid with my social security and VA benefits"

All true, all true.  Thanks, Agent 86!  Raye could give post-graduate instruction for whining and babbling.  She has two cars and it looks like she is living at the posh, huge place close to Dennys on the Austinburg Road from the description.  Angel and her Handyman are probably there, too. 

Tell her you can't afford it because you have to go to Dennys. 

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
It's almost the END of the Month... And we are still SHORT. $1300..
Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Tuesday, 30-Aug-2016 12:55:55

PLEASE... if you can afford it.. Put something in the Fundrazer Widget.
This month has been a very difficult time for me. First I find out that I have a heart condition... one that can be reversed with diet. But for the moment I am often stopped by chest pain and have to drop everything I am doing, lie down and take a nitro.
Needless to say... returning to my normal way of living is a bit hard once I've faced the ultimate life changer.
While I have been sidelined for the last six days due to having no internet... I've been completely house bound due to having no running vehicle. My Jeep needs a steering box and my Pickup needs a new clutch.
The pickup is needed this winter to haul wood for the woodstove. My electric bill has been off the chart. I get the wood for free from all of the fallen trees that surround the pond that is on the property. All I have to do is cut it up.
At the moment what I need most is the use of my Jeep. A steering box can be bought for a little less than $300.00, The Jeep is the RMN Company car!
The Fundrazr widget only needs $1300.00 more to fill it up. Please, if you can... please help me pay my bills and get my Jeep fixed. There is a lot more wrong with it than just the steering box.
  • The 4-wheel drive no longer works, and I will need to have that when the snow comes again.
  • The blower motor doesn't work which means I have no heat in winter and no air conditioning in summer.
  • The Jeep has transmission troubles. I don't know how bad or how long I can go before I have to have it fixed. I have a master mechanic who will do the work for free so all I need is the money to buy the parts.
    I'm not asking for anything above and beyond the $3,000 that RMN gets each month... it's just that this month, the money has to be used to buy parts for the company Jeep.
    Last month the fundrazer only raised $1658, and the rest of the bills had to be paid with my social security and VA benefits. What couldn't be paid then can hopefully be paid soon. Then I can stop eating my survival stores and go grocery shopping!
    Thank you in advance for your help.

  • Saturday, August 13, 2016

    Reposting does not warrant donations.

     As soon as I published below as a comment from Anonymous  Agent 86 also sent it along.  Thanks to both of you! 

    Anonymous sent along this hopeful letter from Raye about articles which were reposted on RMN. Those posting the articles have been rewarded with Raye's thanks.  But she keeps the money.  You can sign up for these sites and get these and other articles free.  There is no reason to donate a penny for reading them because the business model on reposting sites is to sell advertising to generate enough to realize a profit.  And they do.  At least all of them do but Raye.   

    And when did Raye actually work?  It looks like she spent most of her time scamming at Phoenix Project and engaged with her felonious husband, Gunther, soon traded in for Major Kooker, who allowed her to start RMN.  I wonder what the Major would say to the credit give to Gunther, who dumped Raye and went off with a more  amiable woman, who he then married in short order.   

    Raye does not mean you to take the 'posting of comments' seriously.  If articles are legally reposted then you will, naturally, post your comments on the original, publishing site.  Rest assured, she does not want that to happen.  
    Wise up.  

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    The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
    Help!! Server Needs to be Paid -- And Nothing in the Accounts!
    Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
    Date: Saturday, 13-Aug-2016 09:49:41
    It's that time of month again.
    I thank the 9 people who have already contributed and raised $230.00. Here's the comment one of those readers left:
    "Reader D
    Contributed $20
    Great information, as usual! The dangers of the proposed 5G network, Izakovic's take on the chemtrailing, the excellent Joseph Stiglitz article, and the fascinating wildlife webcams, to name but a recent few. Thanks, and keep up the great work, RMN!"
    end of reader comments!
    Like all of us, RMN has bills to pay. I know that times are hard financially right now. But all I ask if from each reader who truly enjoys what we bring them, is to contribute $5.00. If all 141,420 visitors would contribute $5.00, that would be $707.100.
    I have never charged to read RMNews... But maybe its time to rethink this.
    How many readers would pay $5.00 a month to read RMNews?
    What if you could post your comments yourself!!
    If I choose to do this, I will add an interactive feature which will allow contributing readers to post comments under articles. This would literally (almost) make each one of our contributing readers an RMNews "agent"!
    I still have reservations about charging as little as $5.00 a month. When I started RMNews 20 years ago I did charge %5.00 for a monthly issue. But the monthly issues were printed and mailed, not just online. After printing and postage, I think I made about $2.00 an issue.
    I don't know what the answer to the money question is. I am still going to be away from RMN more than I would like due to my health problems and the various treatments I will be taking. With my current heart condition (which I am told can be reversed) all I need is additional money worries.
    Years ago, I used to be able to pay all of the expenses of RMN out of my salary as a teacher. But the expenses were quite a bit less in those days. I am also no longer working and bringing in an income of my own above and beyond my social security and VA Benefits.
    To make ends meet, I will start selling some of my thrift store finds on eBay. These are items that I always bought with the idea of selling them to pay the bills. It's now time for me to generate another income stream so that I don't depend entirely on RMN readers to pay the bills... so the Thrift store items are now for sale.
    But right at the moment, with the server fee coming due, I have to ask readers for help. I simply don't have enough money coming in to pay the server without your help.
    Thank you so much for your understanding and your help.

    Monday, August 8, 2016

    Agent 86 comments on the RayeTox Below, , "Send money...I want to spend more...here are a few new lies"

    Thanks, Agent 86!

    The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
    We can't stay on the web without your help. Last month we raised half of what is needed.
    Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
    Date: Sunday, 7-Aug-2016 11:46:42
    RMNews is one of the oldest privately owned websites. It covers every aspect of the human condition and world. We celebrated our 20th anniversary this June 6th.
    Raye knows people get excited when a publication has managed to stay around for a while, no matter what.  All of us emotionally normal people will project onto the statement validation for the publication and ignore the realities all too obvious if we pause to consider the past.  See Time Line.

    Rayelan is lying.  This is easy for a psychopath because they feel no guilt for anything they do.  
    From the Time Line: 
            June 9 - A record is created through Network Solutions for the URL

           January 25 -   Rumor Mill News comes on line.  Rayelan is living in Watsonville,
                                     California, a middle class development outside of Santa Cruz.
           November 9 - Rumor Mill News is now consistently online and looks like THIS 

    This statement on her part was intended to get you to cough up money into her Razr.  She now will whine out more justifications and pullings on the heart-strings to egg you into delivering.   
    We can't stay on the web without your help. Last month we raised half of what is needed.
    This means that I, as the one who pays the bills, must look to other avenues to come up with the money. This takes my time away from RMNews to the point that I am a stranger to many of our readers.
    I am also having serious health problems. I've been in the hospital near Cleveland where they did an angiogram and told me that the main artery next to the heart is 40% blocked. I'm on a diet and medicine regimen that is designed to reverse things.
    Oh, Fear and Shock.  Your beloved Rumor Mill News, which ripped you off for the Family Camp Ground for tens of thousands of dollars, paid for Raye the Rapacious's move to Ohio and then helped her move again and for uncounted disasters (all  invented) will disappear from your life.  Ask yourself why you care.  Note that she designed the site so you can't find your friends here who are also being ripped off, unless the site remains.  You are being held hostage to your emotional connection to people she refuses to let you know directly.  What kind of creep does this.  Smile Rayelan, we are talking about you.  
    I am also taking oral chelation because I know first hand that it works. I saw the x-rays from before and after chelation for my late husband, David. He was reversing the blocked arteries when he died from a blood clot to the brain.
    Rayelan will eventually die as will all of us. Raye is more than a hundred pounds over weight because she eats like a pig and is too lazy to pick up after herself, instead conning others and paying people to do the work most people do for themselves.  She has several sources of income, most likely more than nearly anyone reading this.  She has never showed you any bills, just told you to pay whatever she needs to continue her life style.  
    The one thing you can do to help me at this time is to take the money worries off my back. If you have the resources and are willing, please donate.
    So, are you going to buy her lies?  My advice is to, instead, donate to the campaign of Gary Johnson as electing him would help us avoid multiple disasters of horrific potential.  
    Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.
    And Agent 86 is exactly right.  It is time we started pointing out the disordered and Narcissistic elements always present in Rayelan the Ready to Feed's Posts on her now struggling disinformation site.  

    Rayelan, there is a lot of her to feed.