Can you believe these misrepresentations and out-right lies? Thanks, Agent 86
h and every week to read the Poofness posts...while fewer than 100 contribute financially in support of the site they keep coming back to. (You can sign up and get this for free!!!)
The issue is not whether the site's publisher should "get a job", but whether the site's users might return something for what they're choosing to receive. (You have been ripped off with her stolen content for years - why are you not grateful?)
The site is intentionally free to read, but there are costs involved in providing that. We're HAPPY to continue providing it and to keep it free for those who genuinely are unable to contribute toward its support. If out of those thousands some 250 were to contribute $10 apiece each month, the goal would be easily reached in no time. :)
Blessings, all.
P.S About those "dud" 'Send Email' addresses. No Agent intentionally places a false contact address. But two things may apply:
- Anyone can make a 'finger error' when typing his or her address. And:
- There's a Yahoo! policy in place that makes delivery of mail from the RMN server difficult for some. Yahoo's policy is that if there's a Yahoo return address on an email, it has to come from the Yahoo server. The result is that if an Agent's contact email address is a Yahoo one, and if the Reader using the 'Send Email' link also enters a Yahoo address for him- or herself, the message is very likely to bounce back. Why Yahoo didn't somehow allow for form-generated emails from other sites when constructing their policy is a mystery, but that's the way it is. I'll see if I can 'hack' our software to do something about that.
P.P.S. We have often looked at ways we might keep RMN free for all to read while adding either some special feature for subscribers and/or some way to allow Readers to comment directly. We still may do that at some point if we can see a reasonable way to do it. Some of the difficulties involve the need to keep track of who has paid the subscription for a given month and who has stopped their subscription; and the greatly increased need for moderation if the door is opened for direct posting by any-and-everyone.
How pathetic. real sites allow comments and do not make it impossible for people to connect directly to each other. This is just control, control. control. But Jeff Gordon prefers lying to gettting an honest job. So does Rayelan. Happy Thanksgiving and may your turkey be sweet, succulent, and smarter than Jeff and Raye.