Friday, April 26, 2019

And again Agent 86 brings us the most recent wonder-whine of Raye, the avaricious.

Agent 86 commented, "The lying, thieving, grifter recovered quickly from the "I can't write right now disease"  Psychopaths lie convincingly because they have no conscience.  Nothing about RMN produces solutions to the problems we are facing today.  The Depression was a walk in the park compared to what is coming.  Perhaps Fundrazr got wise to Raye.  Thanks, Agent 86!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Bills are due again!
Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Thursday, 25-Apr-2019 12:59:25

The telephone bill is overdue and so is my monthly payment for our server. I just received an email from network solutions. All my domains originated from there. I haven’t yet read the email but I know that it involves money or something worse... losing a domain.
Needless to say, I’m coming to you once again. If you have extra money, could you share some with me and RMN? I would really love it!
Sorry I can’t insert the fundrazr wizard. For some reason it’s not available right now.
The phone bill is $220.03 and they just called.
Thank you for all your help keeping this website up for all these years.

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