Thursday, April 28, 2016

About Rayelan

sskids said, "she is the worst kind of beggar ... one who truly takes a way from those in need."
sskids also said, 

"She is even worse than that, the evil bitch enjoys totally destroying people's lives, Jim, her 'best friend' that she had living with her, who was poor to begin with, lost every thing thanks to Grifter Rayelan. She tried to see to it that Melinda lost her home by luring her out to Ohio. She used several tactics to accomplish this, lying and back stabbing her 'best friends' and adopted family that moved her to Ohio, whom she claimed were robbing her and poisoning the feeble damsel in distress sociopath Rayelan, and the promise of a lucrative partnership for Melinda at RumorSwill news. All lies, and there is always the destruction she imposed on the men in her life who were misfortunate enough to marry the lying bitch.

Rayelan is EVIL."
 Yep.  She is nasty to the core.  But I hope people see the patterns and, having seen them, are able to identify other individuals without conscience when they meet them. 
"she is the worst kind of beggar ... one who truly takes a way from those in need."

She is even worse than that, the evil bitch enjoys totally destroying people's lives, Jim, her 'best friend' that she had living with her, who was poor to begin with, lost every thing thanks to Grifter Rayelan. She tried to see to it that Melinda lost her home by luring her out to Ohio. She used several tactics to accomplish this, lying and back stabbing her 'best friends' and adopted family that moved her to Ohio, whom she claimed were robbing her and poisoning the feeble damsel in distress sociopath Rayelan, and the promise of a lucrative partnership for Melinda at RumorSwill news. All lies, and there is always the destruction she imposed on the men in her life who were misfortunate enough to marry the lying bitch. - See more at:

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

We all know why Rayelan was soooo popular with the boys in High School

Perhaps she should rethink her present strategies for increasing her traffic.  Could not hurt. 

How popular is

Alexa Traffic Ranks

How is this site ranked relative to other sites?

Global Rank

Global rank icon 108,674 26,580

Rank in United States

United States Flag 29,252  

Alexa Traffic Ranks

Liar, liar, Raye's Pants on Fire - A new meaning for Hot Pants Darlene!

Agent 86 said, "hundreds of thousands of readers? I don't think so, the stats typically show 70 or so readers on line and half of those are bots."

I have a suggestion.  Go look at the alternative news sources which have actually provided hard evidence and done the research on the issues you care about.  There are a lot of these and there are likely ones which RMN never covers at all, for instance the ongoing Mortgage Fraud carried out by the banks.

Get their RSS Feeds.  RMN does not generate any original content.  It is all stolen from elsewhere on the web, so you can get what you really want, free.  

If you visit and donate because you like Raye for some bizarre reason, or enjoy the camaraderie on RMN then ask the people you like having contact with to get in touch with you.  Just publish your email online.  You can use a new one to establish contact and then start communicating using one just for that purpose.  You can even put up a cheap website, a blogger, for nothing and socialize there!  And arrange to visit Raye in person so you really know who she is.  You should also swing by Atlanta Georgia and visit Jeff Gordon.  

And read this site's Time Line.  Time to ensure you waste no further money, right?   And if you invested in the Family Campground consider legal action to reclaim your money.  

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
I still need over $400.00 to pay the phone and internet bill
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 27-Apr-2016 09:22:06
I know times are hard and money is scarce, but if you love reading RMN you have to help me pay the bills.
I still owe the man who owns our server over $200.00. This needs to be paid asap.
The fundraiser widget shows only $1200.00 has been given by 18 people. Eighteen people are paying so hundreds of thousands can read RMN.
If you can give something, please do so asap so I can pay the server and then my telephone/cable bill. It's one thing for me to lose my internet... but if I don't pay the server... everyone loses RMN.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Agent 86 points out, "someone not minding the comments"

And Raye keeps on.  We do miss the lies and evasions but we know she is busy with some other interesting scam and, eventually, you will see that published here! Thanks Agent 86, as always you find them!

Support RMN! Keep Independent News on the Web
Support RMN! Keep Independent News on the Web
Ending soon! If you've been meaning to help, now is the time. ×
$1,155 Raised
39% of $3k goal
17 contributors
Ends May 3, 2016
April 2016 - Keeping Independent News on the Web for 20 long years!More ...

Contributed $20
Like Comment Contribute Share 3 hours ago
This must be hard. Every month you have to think of a lie to tell to beg for money from your gullible viewers that believe this BS. Get a real job. We're tired of your sob stories each month!

Anne, folks like Raye love the fun of conning people.  Granted, this is tough on her intellectually
but it keeps her aging mind active, of what passes for active with her.  What boggles my mind is 
how anyone can see the flow of inane and irrelevant material on RMN and think it has any value.
But we live in a world of wonders, don't we?  Best,  Melinda  
Like Comment Contribute Share 7 hours ago
Contributed $10
Like Comment Contribute Share 7 hours ago
Contributed $200
Hello Ray, long time no talk; hope that you are well xcept financial; please give me a call when you have a chance 4124171099 Warm regards, Gene
Like Comment Contribute Share 7 hours ago
Contributed $30
to help...
Like Comment Contribute Share 9 hours ago
James Reany
Contributed $50
Like Comment Contribute Share 12 hours ago
Contributed $8
Like Comment Contribute Share 20 hours ago
Contributed $10
Like Comment Contribute Share 2 days ago
Contributed $12
Like Comment Contribute Share 2 days ago
Contributed $20
Like Comment Contribute Share 5 days ago
Contributed $350
Sending Love and Light!!!
Like Comment Contribute Share 1 week ago
Contributed $50
God bless you :))
Like Comment Contribute Share 1 week ago
Patrick humbert
Contributed $50
Thanks for the good. Work.....will like to comment but don't. Find it easy..,
Like Comment Contribute Share 1 week ago
Gene Valentine
Contributed $200
keep up the good work
Like Comment Contribute Share 1 week ago
Contributed $20
Like Comment Contribute Share 2 weeks ago

People just like you

People just like you have raised $80+ million for causes they and their friends care about.
Start your own campaign

Thursday, April 21, 2016

And another insight emerges from the swamp of Rayeland

Agent 86 said, "Hobie has not been doing much in the way of 'the maths', wonder why?" 

Let's see......could he be spending his time on paid work?  Or could he be in the middle of a transsexual surgical procedure?  Or could he be ________________________. 

Fill in the blank.  We do know it is unlikely he has moved from the Old Family Home of Druid. 

But money is still coming in - and there is a photo of one of the generous, um,'supporters.'

7 supporters have donated a grand total of $715 as of 4-21-16.     How are all those massive and important RumorSwill bills being paid?    Rayelan must have found another source of lucrative scamming or she is very distracted by something else in her life or maybe it is both?    I suppose it is too much to hope the Rubes of RumorSwillSnewz are wising up?

Anonymous gave $20
Comment Contribute Share 1 hour ago
Anonymous gave $350
Sending Love and Light!!!
Comment Contribute Share 3 days ago

gave $50
God bless you :))
Comment Contribute Share 1 week ago

Patrick humbert gave $50
Thanks for the good. Work.....will like to comment but don't. Find it easy..,
Comment Contribute Share 1 week ago
Gene Valentine gave $200
keep up the good work
Comment Contribute Share 1 week ago

gave $20
Comment Contribute Share 1 week ago

Monday, April 18, 2016

Did Rayelan MOVE to Drums, Pennsylvania?

Well, that is definitely Rayelan the less than Magnificent.  Has she moved her pert little self to Drums?  Did a potental victim live there?  

WhoIs -

Whois Server
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Expires On
March 16, 2017
Registered On
March 16, 2006
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January 15, 2016

Allan, Rayelan
   care of Network Solutions
   PO Box 459
   Drums, PA.  US  18222

   Domain Name: RAYELAN.COM

   Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
      Allan, Rayelan
      Rumor Mill News
      care of Network Solutions
      PO Box 459
      Drums, PA 18222

   Record expires on 15-Mar-2012.
   Record created on 27-Nov-2006.
   Database last updated on 23-Apr-2010 07:45:09 EDT.

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include the registrant's domain name in the address.

Information Updated: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 07:50:46 UTC

And here is the front page of!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Says Agent 86, "How did I miss this? Hot Fat Pants Darlene has snared another victim?"

Rayelan is such a card.  All of her 'marriages' have been strictly aimed at the money.  Dr. Dyer divorced his wife of many years to marry her - wonder if she told him she was preggers to accomplish that.  Then she tells the story they were getting back together when he suddenly, and oddly, died.  She told me Dyer's son-in-law did him in so they could maintain control of his estate, but somehow it seems more likely Rayelan would have had motives for wanting him dead.  But it is always a drama with her in the virtuous, starring role.  Always. 

And Gunther!  She abandons him in Austria, the Love of Her Life, and returns to the USA with the comment he will get treatment for his alcoholism in prison so it will be good for him.  What happened to Gunther being installed - crowned as the Arch Duke of Austria?  Must have been a conspiracy, right? 

She immediately begins begging for money from the folks at Phoenix Project, who finally have the penny drop and stop helping her.  And Gunther dumps her for another woman. 

But Rayelan can weave a romance out of these sordid events.  Wow.

And Major David Kooker, who she married a very short time later, leaves her with medical benefits, the Jeep and?  I suspect there was more.  Ahhhhh!  Romance and true love, Rayelan style as Princess of Obergon.  Oy!  She should be shipped back to Crows Landing and reality.  

Who would believe this?  Right, RMN Contributors. 

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
When I read this I had feelings of deja vu to the inth degree
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 23-Jan-2016 04:30:29
Valiant, Thank you so much for posting this. It was like an ancient wake up call for me.
The song is also very important, but as yet I have not been able to connect all the pieces, I just know in my heart and soul that something very great and magnificent was passed to me through the song and what you wrote.

I awoke from a wonderful sleep next to my soon to be husband. I was crying. I know not why. I silently slipped out of bed, being careful not to wake him. I wandered through my half dark and cluttered house which is filled with vintage wares I sell on ebay.
The house was cold. Our area is experiencing record cold. I turned the heater up and poured myself a bowl of bran flakes. Where could I find a place to sit and eat them? The only place that has room for a bowl and a chair to sit in was my desk. I cleared a spot for the bowl and sat down to read the latest articles on RMN.
The first article I read was yours, Valiant. But before I read it, I listened to the song... over and over again. It was like magic. It was as if the song had been written for me... another me... in another time continuum. It was as though a stream from another time and place had reached out across the combined universes and touched me... touched my heart, my soul, my very being as well as all the other lives I have lived on earth and in the stars. It was as though a mega star birth experience had just occurred and I had been privliged to attend the ceremonies and watch the new being come into form and structure and life as it is known in this part of the combined universes.
Your choice of music and the words you wrote were all too familiar to me... even though I had never even heard the name of the song before, much less listened to it... but on this night... I listened over and over until the song spoke to me about all that is important on this world and in the combined universes. It spoke to me of love and the bonds an enduring and ageless love can create... bonds that can propel the human spirit forward and allow it to do feats that it never believed possible.
Such is true love... Just as a mother bear will fight heaven and hell to protect her cubs... so will a love struck human fight the gods and Creator to protect the blossom of love that hangs around the neck of their intended. Love indeed conquers all... and love is the foundation on which our world is built.
Your words filled my mind while at the same time thousands of shards of light kept bursting from my brain... each shard carried a special kind of energy that I had never before known.
Valiant, I do not fully grasp what your story has done to me... maybe you don't really know either. What I do know is it touched something very deep in me and has made me realize that all is right in my world. I am on the right path. I have not strayed from my mission on earth...
Thank you so much for posting this. I pray everyone reads it.
Much love and light to you, your mother and to all our readers.
Rayelan... RA El ON

And from the Nether Regions Appears in my email box -

Is this satire?  If so, then the link may take you someplace strange.  Of course, it could be the summoning of spectre's from a long evaded reality.    Who knows, who knows.  But here it is for your reading pleasure. 

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
* PLEASE CONTRIBUTE - The month is more than half over *
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturnday, 16-Apr-2016 14:27:49


Hi, Folks -
It's April 16, and ideally the FundRazr would be at $1500 today - but it's at a mere $345 (for which, thanks, rubes. :)
While there are no important important bills coming due on the 15th, Rayelan would like to continue her spendthrift ways and dining out habit.  Rayelan is "plumping up" and would appreciate you readers doing the same for the FundRazr, so please,  "plump it up" a bit by then. :)
Please contribute if you're able and would find it fitting:
Blessings, all.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

What are The Queen of Cons and Hobie-Jeff Gordon-Zapper up to now?

The Google search was this:  "P. O. Box 95 Ashtabula" ohio

What about this?

Immigrant voting rights - Vizified
Feb 28, 2016 - Checks Money Orders: Raye Allan Smith P.O. Box 95 Ashtabula, OH 44004. Who Founded RMNews? Dewitt Jones' immigrant voting rights 

Immigrant voting rights?  

It is an election year.  Raye is living in a pivot state, Ohio.  What is she doing here?  Inquiring minds want to know. 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Hobie does the math for the reluctant sheep only one shearing for $25 and the month is 1/3rd over

Wow!  Thanks Agent 86.  Is it possible that the credulous are wising up?  It could be. 

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
* PLEASE CONTRIBUTE - The month is a third over *
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 11-Apr-2016 14:27:49
Hi, Folks -
It's April 11, and ideally the FundRazr would be at $1100 today - but it's at $25 (for which, thanks, S. :)
At least one important bill comes due on the 15th, so it would be good for the FundRazr to "plump up" a bit by then. :)
Please contribute if you're able and would find it fitting:
Blessings, all.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

And the Whine Goes on, and on, and on........

Agent 86 sent along sad comments from those still deluged from the Fundrazr page which included the terse blubber below

"$2,527 Raised
84% of $3k goal
58 contributors
35 Days running
RMNews started on June 6, 1996. Who could have imagined... way back then, that 20 years later... RMN would still be around.  See Time Line
Thank you all for your continued support. Without you... RMN would not be here.
Let's see if we can go for another 20 years!!"

Now, what positive benefits have you, or anyone but the Denizen of Dennys and Hobie the Jeff Gordon of Atlanta, enjoyed due to the continued existence of RMN? Would the absence of RMN on the web impact you in any way - except prevent you from wasting your money supporting Rayelan's overgrown habits of consumption? Has the economy grown less corporatized?  Are politicians still lying?  Haven't things grown steadily worse?  

Tell us, what justifies the continuing to donate money to RMN? 

Also of interest is this comment, which I did not want you to miss....

"I always thought there was something wrong with all the money Rumormill news needed. It was bizarre that a grown woman could lose money on more than one occasion or not pay her bills. So I looked up info on her and found your site. I'm not the brightest bulb in the socket but I got right away that she was scamming people. It felt unethical and in poor taste on all counts. Just wanted you to know that I have caught on and I know there are more like me. Thanks for letting us know the "real" story!" 

It is my very real pleasure, Anonymous.  

Saturday, April 2, 2016

More Pathetic Lies from Hot Pants Darlene of Crows Landing, California

 Thanks, Agent 86, who said of the letter below, "Fresh batch of tired lies from the lazy psychopath."
You would think she could be more entertaining, wouldn't you?

The missive below, conforming to the whining and begging mode followed by Hobie-Jeff Gordon-Zapper and Darlene Rae Smith AKA, Raye A. Smith, Allan Kooker, or even Rayelan Allan Smith again claims she has been under the weather.  This was never true before so there is no reason to assume it is true now.  She might have had a bad night after indulging in too many rich foods, purchased at Giant Eagle or ordered in from someplace, but The Queen of Cons is never really sick in the sense most of us mean this.  Also remember going to the doctor costs her nothing due to her comprehensive coverage left to her by her deceased husband, Major David Kooker.  Too bad the wife who went through the wars with him is not so cared for. 

Now, what hired help do you think did the moving?  I suspect it is the violent handyman and his long time girl friend, Angel.  They always seem to help out in a pinch.  Raye always has multiple computers because so many people send them to her, gratis. 

And the demands for money never change.  Why is that?  Pay the server?  No copy of the bill?  No mention of whether or not it is off the CIA server, which, presumably was free? 

Clothing?  Raye has the equivalent of  a store from which she draws her inappropriate wardrobe, suited for someone young enough to be her great-grand daughter.  Rack after rack filling every nook and cranny are there for the taking. 

And the always present electric bill.  Wow.  If you help this whining taker you deserved what you get.  Remember, she and Gunther used the credit card information of people without their permission according to the report in the Phoenix Project

And surprise.  Things on ebay are not going well.  Prices are down - so those multiple storage units of 'stuff' acquired at Goodwill, Salvation Army and elsewhere are costing more than they are worth by now. 

And so it Psychopath Land. 

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
If you've been wondering what happened to Raye...
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 2-Apr-2016 11:55:22
Hi everyone!!
I've been missing in action for almost a month now. For the first few weeks I was recovering from the worst case of the flu that I have ever had. It went into pneumonia. The first anti biotics I took didn't work at all. In fact I believe they made me sicker. The second round did the trick and in 5 days I was over it.
As soon as I felt like getting out of bed, I went to my computer and found out that it had finally stopped working. A friend dropped my big screen television on it. The monitor (which is also the computer since it's an apple iMac) has 3 very large cracks in it.
Even with the cracks, it ran fine for a while. A few days ago it stopped working. I thought to myself, that's fine... I'll use my Toshiba backup computer... It's been stored on the desk table every since my move. I picked it up and looked around for the cord. After searchin the entire workspace and my bedroom, (I have a habit of using this computer in bed), I realized that the cord for it must still be packed in one of the hundreds of boxes that I have not had the time to unpack.
Deciding that it would take me weeks to unpack everything, I decided that buying a new cord for it would be the best idea. The cord arrives this Tuesday so I will be back online late Tuesday.
Now on to business... I need to pay for our server. I honestly can't remember if I paid the server last month. I was very sick at the time. Hopefully hobie will let us know how much I owe the server.
I also have a $600.00 electric bill that needs to be paid before the 5th.
I have gone back and forth for years now about charging a fee to read RMN. I still want RMN free for all to read... but I am not physically able to work like I used to and pay the costs of running the webpage myself. If my ebay plans don't work out... I don't know what I am going to do except continue to beg for money.
We missed the March goal by $1000.00. I have yet to put up an April fund raising widget, so it looks like March will stay up for all of April. The combined widgets need to have $6,000 in them to pay for all the expenses involved in running the home office for RMN.
Believe me, I have no frills. The RMN office is quite austere as are my needs. I have not bought new clothes in years. Once you start shopping at Goodwill and Salvation Army, you have "sticker" shock when you look at the prices of clothes at Walmart... and you would almost faint when you compare the price of clothes at Macys to what you find at Thrift stores.
If you can help me pay the electric bill of $400.00... I would truly appreciate it. And if there's a little extra for the cable/telephone/internet I won't have to do another beg to pay for this.
Thank you so much for your encouragement and support.