Sunday, June 24, 2018

Thanks, twice in a day, updates from Agent 86!

Agent 86 commented, with brevity and accuracy, "Note from Raye, damsel in distress...what a load of bullshit." 

The Princess of Depravity knows perfectly well she can lie about her income and more into the Towers, located close enough for her to visit Salvation Army's outlet on Main Street to her heart's content.  

This is a tutorial on psychopathic behavior.  See Characteristics of Psychopathy

Rayelan needs to admit she has been recognized for what she is.  The evidence provided on this site is overwhelming, showing her to be at best a con-artist who without conscience or shame has serially defrauded people who trusted her.  

She defrauded me, tried to kill me and my son, and was doing so in cooperation with my former husband, Craig Franklin.  I survived, I believe others did not.  

Consider this before continuing to fund her life of crime.  And again, thanks to Agent 86!

Published on this site February 7, 2018

Note from Raye
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 24-Jun-2018 11:59:23

I truly need your help...
Without money coming in to pay the bills, I am in real jeopardy of immediately losing my phone and dsl, dish services and more.
I don't have the money to fix the brake system on my Jeep, and even if the Jeep was running, I have no money to buy food or anything else.
If you can help, here is the Fundrazr widget.

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1 comment:

  1. Id hate to be a bother, but did you perhaps try reaching out to the various posters on RMN? Or do the messages get scrutinized and verified (perhaps even blocked) by Rayelan just before they get sent through the website to the intended reciever?
