Agent 86 wrote, "Pay up you ingrates! (Grifter Raye does not have a water bill and with her copious amounts of fat should turn down the thermostat) Save your money rubes, it is all lies."
With 62% of Americans now in danger of losing their homes in six-months you would think reality would have finally dawned. But, alas, there are still people out there who simply do not understand. Their Social Security, stolen by Congress for all but three of the years since it was instituted, is about to die. Note that in France there is a government program which is similar but IN FRANCE when retirement happens the retiree is well-to-do. The funds were invested in stocks and bonds which made a profit.
Here, we just acquire more laws, more benefits for government, and more debt.
Get it. And thank you again, Agent 86 and the other stalwarts who follow the rapacious rampage of Rayelan the Barbarian
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 5-Mar-2020
Date: Thursday, 5-Mar-2020
I am overdrawn again. It seems that the heating and water bill must have tripled this winter. And I am overdrawn by $130.0 .
My home functions as my office and HQ for RMN. Which means that I have to function in the home in order to accomplish everything I need to do to survive and keep RMN up and running.
Thank God for hobie … because without him there would be no RMN. Thank Lynda too.
I still owe the company that hosts RMN $160.00. Which means that for me to keep RMN up and running for another month I need $290.00.
I am not asking for any more than I budgeted for when I created the Fundrazr widget. I asked for $1500.00 At the moment we have $1100.00
Please, there must be many of you out there who can help.
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