Monday, February 22, 2016

Again! Agent 86

I wonder if it tires Raye out to come up with these fictitious people?  Anonymous is so much easier.  The direction changes only when there has been a reason.  Like the direction of Big Oil RMN is losing market share.  There is no reason for this to have changed - except invention. 

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 22-Feb-2016 11:20:38
I went to bed last night not knowing if I could make it to my appointment in Cleveland. Then I opened up Paypal and saw that you had MORE than filled my gas tank!!
I truly can't thank you enough!!
Many blessings to all who heard and heeded my call.
Anonymous gave $20
For Rayelan's gas money - or otherwise Rita / novice
Like Comment Contribute Share 3 hours ago
Anonymous gave $10
Sending you some Reiki, too!
Like Comment Contribute Share 3 hours ago
Anonymous gave $20
Like Comment Contribute Share 4 hours ago
Pamela Dalton gave $10
Be safe, get well, many blessings, wish I could do more.
Like Comment Contribute Share 8 hours ago
Anonymous gave $50
In follow to my email.
Like Comment Contribute Share 9 hours ago
Anonymous gave $20
Hope you're feeling better soon!
Like Comment Contribute Share 11 hours ago
Anonymous gave $5
Rayelan, Wishing you the best always! Would like to send more but am ridiculously tight this week too! Sending love and healing, Nimueh
Like Comment Contribute Share 11 hours ago
Joe Featherston gave $20
Keep the faith and get well real soon. Thanks for all you do.

Like Comment Contribute Share 12 hours ago
Reader D gave $10
Good luck!
Like Comment Contribute Share 12 hours ago


And even more repositioning generated by Raye, provided by the good offices of Agent 86

And who would have suddenly decided paying Raye money was a good idea?  This is why she doesn't want anyone to know anyone else, personally. 

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 22-Feb-2016 11:20:38
I went to bed last night not knowing if I could make it to my appointment in Cleveland. Then I opened up Paypal and saw that you had MORE than filled my gas tank!!
I truly can't thank you enough!!
Many blessings to all who heard and heeded my call.

And Rayelan Loves going to the Hospital. Really, I saw it.

This sounds like the Rayelan we once knew, snug, always talking about her health, which was never actually bad.  Psychopaths love, just love drama, remember.  Every one of the claims below is recycled. 

These people never change their eating habits - and Rayelan constantly claimed to have exactly these problems when I was living there.  I stopped believing it when I found the junk food wrappers not quite far down enough in the kitchen trash to be hidden.  

And what about Jim?  That nice guy who let Rayelan sell his mother's furniture and then kicked him out?  

And if that Fundrazr filled up who put in the money.....humm?  Could it have been shut-up money?  Keep your mouth zipped cash for services rendered?  Could be.  Time will tell, and you will know, rest assured.  

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 21-Feb-2016 23:06:24
Without reviewing everything I have written about all the various ailments that have been plaguing me recently, I don't know where to start...
At the moment I have a chest infection that may or may not have already gone into pneumonia. It feels like pneumonia... but I have been at the hospital already once today for a breathing treatment.... and will go back in the morning to have the doctor check and see if there has been any improvement. At the moment it doesn't feel as though there has been.

My regular doctor seems to think that the spate of ill health I have been having for the last few months is all connected to my diabetes. Tomorrow in the late afternoon, I go to Cleveland to see a diabetic specialist. I guess I will know them if all my problems are indeed caused by my diabetes.
I want to thank everyone for filling the fundrazr widget without any hints from either hobie or me. It just filled up... and as usual, I paid all the bills and now I don't even have the cash to put gas in the Jeep so I can make my doctor's appt.
All the bills are paid and I have enough food in the house to last me until I get paid again on the first. I only need about $20.00... maybe even less since the price of gas is as low as I have ever seen it here... $1.49.
If you can chip in a bit, I really need it. After all the bills were paid, I have 65 cents in my Paypal account and I am minus in my bank account.  

As I said... all the bills are paid and the only money I need right now is gas money. If anyone feels moved to help me out... I will truly appreciate it.
If anyone would like one of my autographed books, let me know and I will send you one as a thank you for the donation.
Here's the Fundrazr widget... Thank you as always for your continued support.
PS... I am going to have some interesting personal news in the next few weeks... stay tuned!!

Thanks for the Updates, Agent 86. We all appreciate them.

The black listing could be a result of folks reporting them for the Dinar Scam.  I don't know, but it could be. 

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
RMN server not sending mail outward
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 22-Feb-2016 01:53:58
The RMN mail server has stopped delivering mail to outside domains and I don't know why.
This means messages headed for Susoni's outside mailbox or to Rayelan's outside mailbox are idling here and not yet being delivered, and email from me to Readers' mailboxes is also not yet being delivered.
Please bear with us -- you're not being ignored; it's a technical problem, being investigated.

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Also RMN not appearing on Google searches
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 22-Feb-2016 02:05:26
In Response To: RMN server not sending mail outward (hobie)

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Thanks, Agent 86, for this update on events at Conspitacy Central - Rayelan Style!

Now let's see.......In 2012 we learned from OITC's Security Specialist, who explored the issue at Raye's request, that RMN was hosted on a CIA server farm, for which, presumably, they paid nothing since she is a CIA Operative providing disinformation services.  

Did Raye ever respond or comment when OITC stopped talking to her soon afterward?  Nope.   

Has either Raye or Jeff Gordon - Hobie - Zapper, these last three being the same person, ever denied that for years they paid nothing for their server?  Nope.  Do you, or does any other rational person think the CIA charges its operatives for such services or provides these commercially?  Nope.  

I certainly remember how flustered Raye was when the Specialist came back - during that conference call with the information and Raye claimed Jeff Gordon - Hobie - Zapper must have deceived her.  He was clearly shocked and Raye gave all the appearances of being shocked and flustered at the answer. 

At that point Raye was maintaining the pretense the CIA was out to 'get' RMN.  OITC, always viewed as good guys fighting for freedom. (Raye had trumpeted having David Sale, then fighting to have OITC achieve Victory with special announcements, on her radio show).  

Does Jeff Gordon - Hobie - Zapper still appear to be a trusted confederate at RMN?  Duhhh, of course he is!  We have even learned he lives in Druid Hills, address withheld, in Atlanta, Georgia and seems to run lots of scams other than RMN, for instance shilling for the Dinar Promoters.  

When I first arrived in Ohio the whole focus for Raye was being whisked off to some exciting OITC destination to handle their entire world-wide media operation.  I still do not know what happened entirely - but I do know they wanted nothing to do with Raye - RMN-Jeff Gordon - Hobie - Zapper.  Raye did not want to talk about it anymore and just got sick when the subject was broached. 

The OITC, David Sale, and the Specialist clearly thought the CIA was a very, very bad player.  I agree with that, even more so when now have been widely acknowledged as having orchestrated the assassination of JFK, RFK and Mary Pinchot Meyer.  See Mary's Mosaic, written by Peter Janney.  The book won, in 2102

Winner – 2012 Hollywood Book Festival for General Non-Fiction.
Honorable Mention – 2012 N.E. Book Festival for General Non-Fiction.
Honorable Mention – 2012 London Book Festival for General Non-Fiction.

And don't forget to check out a real Whistle Blower of this and other subjects, The Justice Integrity Project, run by Andrew Kreig, a respected journalist.  

We could consider the possibility that Raye and Company were summarily fired by the CIA for unconscionable stupidity in being outed at some point, or dumped because they had become an embarrassment to those folks, that is certainly possible.  

And has anyone from RMN ever shared the identity of who hosts the RMN  site now, if such hosting has changed?  Have the denizens of RMN provided a bill with any identifiers so we could check the amount charged with the services used by RMN.  Another big NO.  

Now, who would like to know if RMN even has any monthly bills or if it is hosted on someplace which  is either free or of minimal cost?  And where has all that money gone?  Gone to thrift shopping, everyone!  When will they ever learn?  When will they ever....learn.

If you would like answers, raise your hand - or speak loudly by keeping your funds as private as RMN does its 'business.'

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 19-Feb-2016 20:00:09
Mail server is back online, Contact and 'Send E-mail' forms should function normally.
However, our server is probably now on multiple blacklists, so our replies to any e-mails you send us may or may not arrive with you.
Unfortunately getting removed from a blacklist is usually much harder than getting on one. We'll do what we can.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Agent 86 had only one word for this, "Karma"

Yes, it is karma which finally bites you in the most sensitive parts.  If you have any, always a question when it is a psychopath. 

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
* RMN's MAIL SERVER IS OFFLINE -- 'Send-Email' won't work, for now *
Posted By: Zapper [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 19-Feb-2016 15:20:55
Someone has been using our mail server to send an enormous amount of spam and 'phishing' e-mails. I've shut down the primary mail server while I investigate. This means among other things that our Contact and 'Send E-mail' aren't working for the time being.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Let's hope repeating the facts works - eventually

Let's review the facts. 

Rayelan's much vaulted 'romance' with Gunther Russbacher, whose name is not Austrian, took place immediately after she flubbed an attempt to sexually compromise Senator Claiborne Pell, then the leading spokesman for the environment. 

Instead of romance think new assignment for her long time employers a covert disinformation team.

Gunther's role with yet another nasty manipulation of our political system was so marginal as to defy belief.  It is like having General Douglas MacArthur's plumber claim credit for freeing the Philippines or General Smedley Butler's trash collector ask for donations for his 'essential' work against corporate wars.
From 1992 - 1995 the Calloused Couple scammed people across the globe.

Rayelan and Gunther cut a swath through Austria, financed inventively by using other people's credit cards to supposedly pay for Gunther's Coronation as Arch Duke of Austria.  

Gunther is arrested in Austria.  Rayelan flees to the United States where she begins panhandling to raise enough money to pay her phone bill, which she says is $2,000.  All of this is reported in  Phoenix Source Distributors where articles from the Phoenix Journal appear, first enthusiastically supportive of the duo and then, as the light bulb goes on, denouncing them as con-artists.  

In 1996 Gunther dumps Rayelan, who abandoned him in Austria, evidently saying to her acquaintances, he would be better of someplace where he could get treatment for his alcoholism.  After the Big Dump Gunther marries another woman named Jane.  Good move on his part. 

So Rayelan is actually married to Major David Kooker when Rumor Mill News is founded in 1998.
        June 9 - A record is created through Network Solutions for the URL

       January 25 -   Rumor Mill News comes on line.  Rayelan is living in Watsonville,
                                 California, a middle class development outside of Santa Cruz with her                                          husband, David Kooker and her mother, for whom she receives state aid                                      to care.
       November 9 - Rumor Mill News is now consistently online and looks like THIS

       October 4     -  A record is created through Network Solutions for the URL
                                 RUMORMILLNEWS.NET.  The registrant is Rayelan Allen, PO Box 95,
                                 Ashtabula, Ohio 44004 because it was updated on January 2, 2014.
       December 1  - David Lee Kooker and Raye Allen Kooker take out a DBA for RUMOR
                                MILL NEWS in Santa Cruz County, California.

        October 5 - Major David Lee Kooker, Rayelan's husband, dies. Rayelan, finally freed from David's more conventional approach to personal finance, goes heavily into debt to turn her small, modest house into a MacMansion.  The debts drive her into even more insolvency.    

        April 24 -       Raye Allen Smith takes out a DBA for RUMOR MILL NEWS in Santa Cruz
                                County, California.

        December 11 - From:  FourWinds10 
                                 "From: EW
                                    To: <>
                                    Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 2:10 PM
                                    Subject: E. J. & Doris J. Ekker"               
                                    December 11, 2007 2:10 PM

        December 16 - Bessie Smith, Rayelan's mother dies in Watsonville while living with 
                                   Rayelan. Oops.  Rayelan stops getting the money for caring for her own                                        mother.  More short fall.  And two years later she decides to move to Ohio, assisted by her kind Readers.   

In the  Spring of 2010 Rayelan begins to gird up everyone else's loins for the move to Ohio.  Read these.  Money, money money - and the Magical Disappearing Family Camp Ground now owned by Angel and company.  Did you invest/contribute? 
                       Part One - The Original Saga of theMove to Ohio, a Prelude 

                       Part Three – The Saga of the Move to Ohio continues, as does the panhandling

       November 18 - Rayelan registers Rubicon Aegis as a Limited Liability Corporation in

      July                    The Lee Family Express their Gratitude to their beloved Rayelan
                                 The Lee family moved Rayelan from the house she was losing in California
                                 to Ohio.  They packed up her things for her and drove her back to Ohio.  
                                 Rayelan told me they were already stealing from her but later 
                                 commented over and over that items she had reported stolen had been  

It was late July when Rayelan called me, panting with excitement, to ask I do a show on her 'station.'   She also piled on lots of things for me to do for her without compensation and then managed to enmesh me  with her Best Friends in the World, the Duke and Duchess of Manchester.

Rayelan lies.  This is what scammers do.  

Why was it worth Rayelan's time to con me into coming to Ohio?  She, like so many others was most likely compensated well for her services in getting me out of my home in California.  

The time lines reveal this took place soon after I put up a website outing Green Hills Software, Inc., for their continued harassment of me and for defrauding me of millions of dollars.  Coincidence?  I don't think so.  Rayelan, Morgan, Craig, and the Manchesters manged to get the original Greedville site taken down in December 2011.  This, not the Manchester site, was actually the target.  Here is the content of the Home Page for the original Greedville.

Being continually slandered, libeled and threatened forced me to publish the truth, with an occasional scintilla of humor.  It works.  People are now calling me for advice on how to handle their own nasty psychopaths.  
1992 - 1995

Rayelan and Gunther cut a swath through Austria, financed inventively by using other people's credit cards to supposedly pay for Gunther's Coronation as Arch Duke of Austria.  

Gunther is arrested in Austria.  Rayelan flees to the United States where she begins panhandling to raise enough money to pay her phone bill, which she says is $2,000.  All of this is reported in  Phoenix Source Distributors where articles from the Phoenix Journal appear, first enthusiastically supportive of the duo and then, as the light bulb goes on, denouncing them as con-artists.  


Gunther dumps Rayelan, who abandoned him in Austria, evidently saying to her acquaintances, he would be better of someplace where he could get treatment for his alcoholism.  

Phoenix Source Distributors

        June 9 - A record is created through Network Solutions for the URL

       January 25 -   Rumor Mill News comes on line.  Rayelan is living in Watsonville,
                                 California, a middle class development outside of Santa Cruz.
       November 9 - Rumor Mill News is now consistently online and looks like THIS

       October 4     -  A record is created through Network Solutions for the URL
                                 RUMORMILLNEWS.NET.  The registrant is Rayelan Allen, PO Box 95,
                                 Ashtabula, Ohio 44004 because it was updated on January 2, 2014.
       December 1  - David Lee Kooker and Raye Allen Kooker take out a DBA for RUMOR
                                MILL NEWS in Santa Cruz County, California.

        October 5 - Major David Lee Kooker, Rayelan's husband, dies.    

        April 24 -       Raye Allen Smith takes out a DBA for RUMOR MILL NEWS in Santa Cruz
                                County, California.


        December 11 - From:  FourWinds10 
                                 "From: EW
                                    To: <>
                                    Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 2:10 PM
                                    Subject: E. J. & Doris J. Ekker"
December 11, 2007 2:10 PM
        December 16 - Bessie Smith, Rayelan's mother dies in Watsonville while living with 


       Spring - Rayelan begins to gird up everyone else's loins for the move to Ohio. 

                       Part One - The Original Saga of theMove to Ohio, a Prelude 
                       Part Three – The Saga of the Move to Ohio continues, as does the panhandling
       November 18 - Rayelan registers Rubicon Aegis as a Limited Liability Corporation in

      July                    The Lee Family Express their Gratitude to their beloved Rayelan
                                 The Lee family moved Rayelan from the house she was losing in California
                                 to Ohio.  They packed up her things for her and drove her back to Ohio.  
                                 Rayelan told me they were already stealing from her but later 
                                 commented over and over that items she had reported stolen had been  
                                 found.  - See more at:

Friday, February 5, 2016

Agent 86 says, "Horseshit, show us the bill and shutoff notice"

Since Rayetox has never told the truth heretofore why would anyone assume she inadvertently did so in this instance?  If she honestly filled out a bio for herself the section for profession would read, "con-artist." 

Her problem is over spending.  Like many psychopaths, she cannot control her impulse buying.  You, her credulous Reader, are one of her CashCows, always there to ensure reality does not catch up with her active fantasy life.  To her you are just so much - hamburger - on the hoof.

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 5-Feb-2016 15:25:03
Hi, Folks -
In case you missed it:
Rayelan -- Friday, 5-Feb-2016 12:17:52
...Raye's facing possible electricity shutdown, which would mean "no heat".
We can help her stay warm. :) Another $300 or so, or, even better, bringing the FundRazr widget up to our goal of $3000, will take care of it.
Many thanks to the 34 fine folks who have so generously contributed $2582 already. :) Please join with them today, and help keep Raye from (as a friend of mine used to put it) "freezing her penalliwoppers off". :)
Blessings, all.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Rayelan Allan 'Smith' or - Darlene Rae Smith of Crow's Landing, California - The Con-Artist From Hell

 As you peruse this site you will find the facts documented by audio recordings, photos, and documents and a time line to prove what a complete liar this highly toxic disinformation agent, born Darlene Rae Smith really is.  She is entirely without conscience, a parasite who has lived on others all of her life, indulging her fantasies, which she uses to con decent people into supporting her. 

During the time she is talking about she had people living in the house, Angel and the bad nasty guy she claimed threatened her who is Angel's long time boy friend, with a monumental entertainment center which pumped out noise 24/7.  The conflict started when she claimed she did not have the money to pay him for the days of work he had put in.  I told him how much she had received in donations and he was justly angry.  

TayeTox never expects to be caught, it is always a rude shock when it happens. 

Rayetox paid my way to Ohio for what was to be a short stay as we got up the corporation in which she offered me a partnership.  She lied.  She was recruited by my former husband, Craig Franklin, another psychopath, to get me out of my home there so they could finish destroying me financially.  I worked for her, unpaid, for nearly two years waiting forher to keep her promises.  Look over the Time Line.  

In early 2015 I suspect she hoped my ex-husband was about to pay her for making me homeless, which was his goal for which she had signed on to be paid.  It didn't happen. 

 Those cooperating with this conspiracy included Craig Franklin, Dan O'Dowd, Morgan Gell and 'The Duke and Duchess of Manchester.'  The Duke and Duchess were presented to me as RayeTox's best friends and RayeTox vouched for their honor and trust-worthiness.  What a joke. 

RayeTox (one of the names which suits her) has made a career of begging for money online.  She is a completely self-indulgent creep who spends money like it is water on her self-indulgences, which only multiply as she ages.   

 She bled me dry asking I pay for expenses while she went through performances of fainting, claims she was dying, and scenes designed to con me.  It worked.  But the final chapter of this story is coming.  Stay tuned.    

I Need $600.00 to pay the Electric Bill

Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 4-Feb-2016 11:19:23

If the Fundrazer Widget could be filled completely I could pay the electric bill... most of which stems from the winter months last year while the painter and his girlfriend were painting and repairing the house. I was still stuck in my old house in Ashtabula while I waited for the court date to evict my "house guest" who came for 5 months and stayed for 3 years... never once paying for any household bills or rent.

During the last months she was there, she ran the electric bill up to over $600.00 each month. I am reminded of this because I need $600.00 to pay the electric bill at the new house... but the $600.00 I need pays the back bill of $2,000. I never even knew I owed $2,000. I never got a bill. I assumed the owner of the house was still paying the bill while the painting and repairs were being done to her house.

Actually, the electric company has charged interest and now I owe them $3,000 which I am paying off at $434 each month. The rest of the current bill is this month's actual electric bill.

If I don't pay this bill by the 8th, my electricity will be shut off and there will be no possibility of having it turned back on without paying the entire bill. I learned this from a county self help advisor for people in my situation.

The $600.00 will keep the lights and computer on for the RMNews office and since it is in my home, this will keep the lights and heat on for me.

Last night I wrote a longer explanation of exactly why I'm in the shape I am in financially... but my computer hiccuped and I lost the entire text of my post. My computer was badly damaged the last time the electricity was shut off. I have to take it to Cleveland to the only Apple repair site in Northern Ohio. I am certain that it will cost almost as much as it cost new to repair it.

Thank God a friend bought me a new Toshiba so that I can put the Apple Mac in the shop to be repaired.

If you can help fill up the Fundrazr widget so I can keep my lights and heat on I will appreciate it so much.

Thank you!!
