As you peruse this site you will find the facts documented by audio recordings, photos, and documents and a time line to prove what a complete liar this highly toxic disinformation agent, born Darlene Rae Smith really is. She is entirely without conscience, a parasite who has lived on others all of her life, indulging her fantasies, which she uses to con decent people into supporting her.
During the time she is talking about she had people living in the house, Angel and the bad nasty guy she claimed threatened her who is Angel's long time boy friend, with a monumental entertainment center which pumped out noise 24/7. The conflict started when she claimed she did not have the money to pay him for the days of work he had put in. I told him how much she had received in donations and he was justly angry.
TayeTox never expects to be caught, it is always a rude shock when it happens.
paid my way to Ohio for what was to be a short stay as we got up the
corporation in which she offered me a partnership. She lied. She was
recruited by my former husband, Craig Franklin, another psychopath, to
get me out of my home there so they could finish destroying me
financially. I worked for her, unpaid, for nearly two years waiting forher to keep her promises. Look over the Time Line.
In early 2015 I suspect she hoped my ex-husband was about to pay her for making me homeless, which was his goal for which she had signed on to be paid. It didn't happen.
RayeTox (one of the names which suits her) has made a career of begging for money online. She is a completely self-indulgent creep who spends money like it is water on her self-indulgences, which only multiply as she ages.
She bled me dry asking I pay for expenses while she went through performances of fainting, claims she was dying, and scenes designed to con me. It worked. But the final chapter of this story is coming. Stay tuned.
I Need $600.00 to pay the Electric Bill
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Thursday, 4-Feb-2016 11:19:23
If the Fundrazer Widget could be filled completely I could pay
the electric bill... most of which stems from the winter months last
year while the painter and his girlfriend were painting and repairing
the house. I was still stuck in my old house in Ashtabula while I waited
for the court date to evict my "house guest" who came for 5 months and
stayed for 3 years... never once paying for any household bills or rent.
During the last months she was there, she ran the electric bill
up to over $600.00 each month. I am reminded of this because I need
$600.00 to pay the electric bill at the new house... but the $600.00 I
need pays the back bill of $2,000. I never even knew I owed $2,000. I
never got a bill. I assumed the owner of the house was still paying the
bill while the painting and repairs were being done to her house.
Actually, the electric company has charged interest and now I
owe them $3,000 which I am paying off at $434 each month. The rest of
the current bill is this month's actual electric bill.
I don't pay this bill by the 8th, my electricity will be shut off and
there will be no possibility of having it turned back on without paying
the entire bill. I learned this from a county self help advisor for
people in my situation.
The $600.00 will keep the lights
and computer on for the RMNews office and since it is in my home, this
will keep the lights and heat on for me.
Last night I
wrote a longer explanation of exactly why I'm in the shape I am in
financially... but my computer hiccuped and I lost the entire text of my
post. My computer was badly damaged the last time the electricity was
shut off. I have to take it to Cleveland to the only Apple repair site
in Northern Ohio. I am certain that it will cost almost as much as it
cost new to repair it.
Thank God a friend bought me a new Toshiba so that I can put the Apple Mac in the shop to be repaired.
If you can help fill up the Fundrazr widget so I can keep my lights and heat on I will appreciate it so much.
Thank you!!