Sunday, May 29, 2016

Attention Readers who like Kauilapele's Blog -Get it for free! Sign up there

Agent 86 said, " Poof bullshit generates 7500 views, please pay up rubes"  

Kauilapele's Blog
No need to fork over money to the ravenous Rayelan and her henchman, Hobie AKA Jeff Gordon of Atlanta, Georgia.  You can sign up and get all of the posts directly in your email box.  And by so doing you are helping the person who maintains the real blog on wordpress.  

Get the Real Thing and let Freedom from avarice, deceit, and ugliness of all kinds, ring out across the globe!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 28-May-2016 18:44:55
Hi, Folks -
Many thanks to the 32 fine folks who have contributed $1611 toward our goal of $3000 for RMN's May expenses. :)
We're down to the final four days of the month and $1389 shy of that goal.
We can see from the 'view' counts that more and more folks in recent months have come to be regular RMN Readers. (For example, a recent Poofness post has been viewed about 7500 times so far.)
Imagine if, say, 2000 Readers were to contribute $10 apiece in the interest of insuring Rumor Mill News will still be here when they come to visit it tomorrow or next week.
That would easily keep RMN afloat for half a year. :)
May's nearly over; here's your chance. :) Please contribute if you're able and would find it fitting.
Blessings, all.
** ALMOST THE END OF MAY ** (views: 250)
hobie -- Saturday, 28-May-2016 18:44:55

  • Thanks for the $65, you 3, and the note about that ad - I agree, and I'll pass word to the ad supplier. :) (no msg in this post) *NM* (views: 40)
    hobie -- Saturday, 28-May-2016 19:42:09
  • Anonymous
    Contributed $25
    One of the full-page ads that came up this week when I clicked on an article, said I had an Apple virus and to click right away. I'm sorry but that's HORRIBLE advertising and I really don't want to be associated with trick-ads in any way.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Agent 86 says, "Grifter Raye plumbs an new low, and complains of lack of tribute during her birthday month"

And the World's Smallest Violin is serenading Rayelan the Rapacious Birthday Blimp. 

Why would the appalling thief-con-strictor and life stealer think anyone should care about the day her mother's life was blighted with her presence?  

Psychopaths always think they can get another bite out of you.  Chew the potato thoroughly Darlene, it is better than you deserve.  

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
I need a potato for tonight;s stew,,,
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 26-May-2016 12:40:54
How can you tell when I'm having a la
ck of money... i.e. none at all?
It's when I can't even come up with enough change from the car's ashtray and from the jar I throw my loose change in to buy a potato.
The fundrazr widget is at $1500,00 with only five days more in the month of May. May is my birthday month and for the last 9 years, May has always been the best month of the year. Let's see if Readers can make it so again!!
(Some fool donates $50.00)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Thank you for your immediate response!!
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 26-May-2016 13:46:33
In Response To: I need a potato for tonight;s stew,,, (Rayelan)
Thanks to one reader who gave a lot more than I need for a potato, I can now continue to make my stew... with potatoes!!
Thank you very much...
and thanks to the one other reader who also gave money.
: How can you tell when I'm having a lack of money... i.e. none
: at all?
: It's when I can't even come up with enough change from the
: car's ashtray and from the jar I throw my loose change in
: to buy a potato.
: The fundrazr widget is at $1500,00 with only five days more in
: the month of May. May is my birthday month and for the last
: 9 years, May has always been the best month of the year.
: Let's see if Readers can make it so again!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Agent 86 said, "step right up rubes, grifter Rayelan wishes to squander your money, don't miss your chance to join the demons that support rumorswill"

But how many are real Readers?  How many are simulated persons to keep the old ball of blarney moving?  Too bad the Razr link does not lead to a toilet so you can flush your money down.  Flush that money Down, boys, Flush that Money Down!  Raye and the IRS say, Just Flush that Money Down!!!!!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
** Only 7 days left, another$1514 needed to reach our goal - PLEASE CONTRIBUTE NOW **
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 25-May-2016 01:42:20
Hi, Folks -
Many thanks to the 29 fine folks who have contributed $1486 toward our goal of $3000 for RMN's May expenses. :)
It's the 25th - just 7 days left in the month of May, and another $1514 will reach our goal. Here's your chance to join the Angels that support Rumor Mill News and keep it available at no charge for everyone. :)
Please contribute now if you're able and would find it fitting.
Blessings, all.


Friday, May 20, 2016

Another Interesting Observation by Agent 86

 Agent 86 said, "anonymous embarrassed to disclose the amounts of their tributes to rumor swill? No problem to do the math, the total exceeds the listed amounts by $365"

They may be padding the totals to make it seem as if they have more support than actually exists.  There have been no disclosures of their bills or other proof expenses exist.  All of them are Factphobic and one has to conclude they can't provide any proof because it will be instantly checked.  As they have learned to their chagrin.  

In the meantime, the NWO continues to  eat our lunch.  Rayelan, as a subcontractor for disinformation is not concerned.  But she should be.  Agents at her level will be dumped as soon as they have outlived their usefulness.  Either way, she is in trouble. 


$1,221 Raised
41% of $3k goal
24 contributors
Ends Jun 2, 2016
Keeping Independent Media Online!! 

Contributed $50
Thank you Rayelan for all the information, most interesting times indeed
Like Comment Contribute Share 16 hours ago
Vincent Maglione
Contributed $20
Like Comment Contribute Share 20 hours ago
Contributed $50
Like Comment Contribute Share 21 hours ago
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Hope this helps.
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Contributed $50
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Contributed $50
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Contributed $35
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Like Comment Contribute Share 4 days ago
Contributed $35
Like Comment Contribute Share 4 days ago
God bless you dear Rayalin
Like Comment Contribute Share 4 days ago
Contributed $25
Like Comment Contribute Share 4 days ago
Contributed $20
Birthday blessings!
Like Comment Contribute Share 1 week ago
Contributed $50
Best wishes! Thank you for all you do to provide truth.
Like Comment Contribute Share 1 week ago
Contributed $210
Sending Love and Light!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Agent 86 says, "Lies, lies and more lies as her royal highness, the duchess of Denny's demands more tribute from the rubes"

And not only do I agree I think   a lot of folks are hanging around because they want to be there when she finally goes down for the 1,345 time.  
Go ahead, list the site and see what it could bring.  Inquiring minds want to know, and perhaps bid. Anyway, folks can use this site to make contact with each other and do what they want.  Which for many will be to finally hear the truth about what we are facing today.  

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Please, Please help me Pay the Server
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 19-May-2016 09:10:32
As you can clearly see, from the Fundrazr widget, we are not even CLOSE to having what we need in the widget.
I still need close to $200.00 to pay the server bill.
I also got an updated bill from the phone company, which is also my internet connection... another $200.00 is needed.
By this time of the month, there should be at least $2,000 in the widget. $100.00 a day keeps RMN on the web.
I have no money of my own to pay these bills. If the bills aren't paid then I guess RMN will go dark.
I am certain that I could get a good price for the domain name.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

An RMN Reader, as Rayelan Wants Him/Her to Be.

If Rayelan had a contract with Readers which reflected the reality of their relationship it would say.......

I, ____________________, a Reader of Rumor Mill News agree to the following contract to which I will adhere with slavish  dedication and from which I will not deviate because I understand I am a meuling little worm who desperately needs Darlene Rae Smith to bring meaning and disinformation   in to my otherwise empty life.  

I agree to give Rayelan, the name our Queen uses so we always remember she is actually a Princess and in charge of the entire world, money whenever she asks for it even when I have twinges of awareness that it is not possible of anyone to have this many bills which are identical every month and have disasters, for which she is in no way responsible, every third day.  

I will continue to bring her articles for which no credit is given to the writer but I get credit for stealing them for her. This is right and good because she is Rayelan, Princess of the Universe.  

I further agree to forget the past discrepancies in the stories she tells me and always believe what she is saying at this minute as the revealed Word of God.  

Finally, I agree to love and worship her and send her wonderful presents even when there is no reason and    continue to wait for my turn to us the  Family Camping Ground even if I know it was given to Angel for some reason I do not understand.  

Signed,  May 17, 2016


And what is my Queen's address so I can send more money? 

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Rayelan starts writing birthday cards! A new venture for the vulture.

Agent 86 says, "delusional blather."  Quite correct.  It appears Rayelan the  unready to find normal employment is now writing birthday cards to herself with the possible assistance, two days late because Angel had to be reminded, of the one and only love and delight of the Deadly Handyman of Ashtabula (DHA).  This does not mean Rayelan actually still lives in the area as it is very possible sale of the six storage units of 'stuff' could have been subcontracted to Angel and DHA.  

But who knows - maybe they are all living together again.  Time always reveals the truth.  Have a lovely day, everyone.  - Melinda  

Home Schooling, Home Mortgages and more, in:
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: NeverSurrender [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 12-May-2016 15:09:39
Happy Birthday Raye,
I wish everyone here could get to know you like I have, to see the kind, caring , hard working woman that you are everyday.
On your special day today, if you receive a fraction of the love and support and blessing that you are to the world and to your family and friends then you will have an amazing birthday :)
I truly hope you find a few dollars to go out and treat yourself to a nice dinner today or some other special treat, you sure deserve it.
If you would like to send Raye some birthday love you can send it to her through Paypal at:
or the mail:
P.O.Box 95
Ashtabula, Oh
Happy Birthday :)

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Exxon – What They Are Still Hiding - and it is not the Queen of Cons

Since it has been a while since Hobie-Jeff Gordon-Zapper and, the Denizen of Denny's Rayelan, have showed themselves I'm going to give you something different to read. 

The question is in the title, sans the mention of Queenie.  Of course, we don't know for sure that the Duchess of Destruction never worked for Exxon, so who knows? 

We do know disaster is poised for the Torrance Refinery, which within hours will be reactivated.  Exxon really wanted this to happen on Mother's Day because they were annoyed with the two mothers who got in their way previously by demanding they stop poisoning their children.  The nerve of them!  

From incorporated psychopaths to the single operator types, we keep you informed.

From:  ACP Vision & Action  


Written for EcoAlert

By Melinda Pillsbury-Foster and David Lincoln

About the article

We have been investigating the connection between Exxon’s Climate change denial and their policies towards refinery maintenance and operations policy. In particular, we are interested in how decisions at the highest levels of the major oil companies have impacted the rate of accidents and other major refinery incidents.

Today we sent information to the Attorneys General in each state with evidence of further wrong doing by Exxon. You need to know about this, too.

While we all know Exxon is being charged civilly for withholding information on Climate Change, the company was at the same time carrying out a campaign of climate change denial. This distracted our attention from an ongoing shell game involving the refinery industry. 

Research done by our organization, EcoAlert, revealed further acts by Exxon, and other oil companies, which resulted in the deaths of plant employees because the companies failed to maintain their equipment or provide adequate training and oversight. Further implications of refinery sales, fires and shutdowns are enormous. 

While we were still doing the research we realized the strategy Exxon followed was really very simple, so simple a child could easily 'get' it. We began calling this Greedville – The Oil Game. We refer to the game in the article and use some graphics. We may actually produce the game, as it worked well explaining these events to our associates.

Here is what we found out. 
What Exxon is Still Hiding 

At about the time Exxon defunded their studies on climate change, decisions were being made and a strategy agreed on to cut costs on refinery operations. Exxon began its campaign of Climate Change Denial to distract you. Now, for the real story.

The very small group of individuals who run ExxonMobil are highly motivated and extraordinarily well compensated for the work they do. Each of these individuals, vice-presidents up, expected to leave the company at least as a multi-millionaire. The last ExxonMobil CEO Lee Raymond, received a compensation package of about $400,000,000 when he retired in 2006. Raymond came onboard Exxon while these events were playing out.

Their present CEO, Rex Tillerson, made a little over $40,000,000 last year and is expected to retire with a very nice golden parachute soon.

These men had ambitions, dreams, and in 1985 they were firmly invested in a sense of entitlement for what they were then earning and for their future compensation.

This is the real governing body, the club, the people who can be trusted with the facts and would actively carry out the decisions made.

If the public had known the damage oil was already doing, and the potential for more, steps would have been taken to get us off oil far sooner, cutting off the millions to be paid to the individuals making these decisions. Of course, many vice-presidents also sit on the Board of Directors of other companies.

Exxon did not tell their stockholders, lower level employees - or us, about their plans.

Exxon's management must have been shocked when they realized what was causing climate change. It may even have been shattering for them. A very vocal faction of the public was becoming ever louder and more active on the issue of oil in the 80s. At the same time, expectations for long term goals were irrevocably altered.

These men did not view themselves as bad guys, quite the contrary. But they were also angry. Those of us around then saw that boiling anger in this bumper sticker.