"Employment" Rayelan-style is unusual at best. Jeff Gordon (Hobie) is correct in saying no one is going to pay her for exercising her prior marketable skills. However, this is not her age. Look at the previous post for more information on Rayelan's background to you understand just how little normal 'employment history' she has accumulated over the nearly 70 years of her life.
Again, read the long post which was linked to the last post.
Since I lived there and had the experience of seeing how little time she spent on Rumor Mill, how she complained about having to anything herself, it was hard for me to believe anyone could take her seriously as an agent of change.
The world is shredding around all of us and knowing some still view RMN as a reliable source of information saddens me. America is headed for third world status if we cannot stop the elites from continuing the con-job which has been repeated through the First Mercantilist Era into the Second, now drawing to a close.
Visit Greedville and go over the Time Lines. I built that site for the interactive game for which I could not finish, thanks to Raye and her friends.
Raye should turn RMN over to Jeff. He at least appears to spend time on the thing.
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
** END OF MAY, PLEASE CONTRIBUTE ** / about a job for Raye...
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 30-May-2017 20:24:51
Date: Tuesday, 30-May-2017 20:24:51
Hi, Folks -
Many thanks to the 24 fine folks who have contributed $840 toward our goal of $2500 for RMN's May expenses, and to the 16 equally fine folks who have given $450 to help me out personally. :)
Wednesday is the final day of May, and we're still $1660 shy of our goal for RMN this month. PLEASE JUMP IN AND HELP KEEP RMN's LIGHTS ON HERE IN CYBERSPACE.
Friday Raye posted, saying:
I still have bills to pay and not a dime to my name.Thank you so much for your help. without it I would have to go back to work to support RMN...I know from email I've received in the past that there are those who feel Ray =should= get a job and pay for RMN's expenses by herself, as she years ago did do.First, please note, she's 70 or close to it now. I don't know what sort of job you expect her to dash out and get. (??)
And second, if you find value in what RMN provides, doesn't it make sense to return a little something for that and to help make sure it'll still be here for you tomorrow?
Please contribute if you're able and would find it fitting.
Blessings, all.