Monday, May 27, 2019

And Agent 86 sends on another amazing claim by the Princess of the Demonic

Agent 86 said, "Having raised $2500 grifter raye shoots for $3200 with her monthly story of the eight months in arrears server bill. Wonder who or if anyone is sueing her for $150k?"

I respond, No, I do not believe it, Agent 86.  I am absolutely with you on this.  The company, if one exists, would just have turned off her server service.  End of story.  

So, now we enter the world of speculation.  What do you think, Credulous or Amused Readers?  

Raye has lost it and thinks she is living on Mars.  This is actually possible, given the lies she has told in the part. 

The CIA decided she was an embarrassment and out out a contract on her and she is being held at gun-point by the paid assassin and hopes someone will accidentally send her $150,000, having misunderstood what she wrote.

Raye has another something or other she needs to pay which she cannot disclose.  

Raye is trying to keep me online because there is someone out there who is supposed to dispose of me and they are not sure where I am and they are tracing these responses to Her INanity.  

Those are all bald speculation or jokes, however, and likely no one believes either these speculations any more than they believe her 'server company,' unnamed, is suing her for $150,000.  We fell off the credulity cliff with that one. 

But why don't you guys who actually donate to RMN ask her for the name of her server company?  Then, call them and ask about their policies, cost of their servers and if they sued Raye for $150,000?

I wish I thought RMN was headed for the Dust Bin of History but it strikes me as far more likely Raye does not have a server because she is using her URL on a free site and has no expenses related to RMN except the yearly renewal.  

But since that is sort of boring I'm putting up a graphic from earlier, just for the fun of it. 

I should write the book.  Have a wonderful Memorial Day!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
help!!! I need $700.00 More Dollars to pay for the server
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 27-May-2019 14:49:54

You won't believe what I am going through trying to send the owner of the server the tiny amount of $200.00 which I have raised... but it looks like it is all or nothing and the rest is approsimately $700.00.
I really thought I had been paying my bills... but I guess somewhere between being sick and having his website reject some payments, I have racked up a large bill which now needs to be paid or RMN goes to the dust bin of history... this month!!
Gee... there are two ways that RMN can go out of business this month... the lawsuit against me for $150,000.00 or not paying for the server... I would prefer that we pay for the server so that everyone knows what's going on with the lawsuit.
Please... please... this is desparate and I know that some of you aren't even checking in on this holiday... IF you love RMN as much as I think you do... please help now!!

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Agent 86 said, "grifter raye's new jeep, can you believe the rest of her bullshit?"

Agent 86, It is always hard to believe people take Raye's stupid claims seriously.  That many do makes you wonder at their credulity.  The litany of stupid claims from Raye in her post, which became suddenly far more articulate that recently, I might add.

I immediately researched Raye's claim she is suffering from the impact of Agent Orange from Major David Kooker, her husband.was still married to the woman who was the mother of the Major's children when he returned from the war in Vietnam, even if he was last out this would have left about 25 years between any impact on the Major and Raye.  See below.  In 1996 Raye was still married to the love of her life, Gunther, who she abandoned in Austria when their spending spree from stolen credit card credit ended.  

Gunther then dumped her and moved on, disappearing from the scene.  

I cannot find a record of their having married, but they were, according to Raye.  She told me, I have to count her generally an unreliable source, but she clearly was able to put sentiment behind her if it no longer served her purposes.  She married the Major and suddenly he was supporting the newly founded RMN and overseeing its operation until he died on October 5, 2005.  

Now, you have the time sequence of events read this article on the impact of Agent Orange - on the children conceived after veterans returned.  I could find nothing about direct impact on wives they were then married to and certainly nothing about women they married decades later. 

The Children of Agent Orange

So, dear, deluded Readers, what do you think of Raye's credibility?


Gunther dumps Rayelan, who abandoned him in Austria, evidently saying to her acquaintances, he would be better of someplace where he could get treatment for his alcoholism.  

Phoenix Source Distributors

        June 9 - A record is created through Network Solutions for the URL

       January 25 -   Rumor Mill News comes on line.  Rayelan is living in Watsonville,
                                 California, a middle class development outside of Santa Cruz.
       November 9 - Rumor Mill News is now consistently online and looks like THIS

       October 4     -  A record is created through Network Solutions for the URL
                                 RUMORMILLNEWS.NET.  The registrant is Rayelan Allen, PO Box 95,
                                 Ashtabula, Ohio 44004 because it was updated on January 2, 2014.
       December 1  - David Lee Kooker and Raye Allen Kooker take out a DBA for RUMOR
                                MILL NEWS in Santa Cruz County, California.

        October 5 - Major David Lee Kooker, Rayelan's husband, dies. 

"In the middle of all of this, my Jeep died. The damage was substantial and so was the bill. I was fortunate that several of my larger donors had sent me checks for exactly what the bill came to... a little over $1500.00. But the problems didn't stop there. I finally realized that I had to retire my 20 year old Jeep and find a reliable car.
I borrowed the money from Paypal and found a newer Jeep that I could afford. The agreement I made with Paypal was for them to take 25% out of every bit of money I receive." 

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The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
I Really Need Help
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 8-Jan-2019 08:44:23

Many of you know that I have not been doing well for many months now. My diabetes has worsened and I now have to give myself shots. And I hate shots to the point that my subconscious tells me to forget them, which makes the diabetes even worse.
My eyesight has started to worsen. I have to put the computer on the largest magnification to even see what I am typing.
The overall body pain that mimics fibromyalgia is also associated with the diabetes.
I have to stand to use the computer because sitting causes more pain than I can handle. Riding in a car is torture. I have to stop every 15 minutes or so and walk around the Jeep a few times for the pain to go away.
The only position that is comfortable is standing and walking. You can imagine that I get very little sleep.
I can get no pain pills because all the doctors are afraid to prescribe for fear they will lose their license. Ohio is the worst state for illegal drug abuse and unfortunately they don't distinguish legitimate prescription pain pill users with those people who sell them to people who are hooked on them and need them for a fix.
In the middle of all of this, my Jeep died. The damage was substantial and so was the bill. I was fortunate that several of my larger donors had sent me checks for exactly what the bill came to... a little over $1500.00. But the problems didn't stop there. I finally realized that I had to retire my 20 year old Jeep and find a reliable car.
I borrowed the money from Paypal and found a newer Jeep that I could afford. The agreement I made with Paypal was for them to take 25% out of every bit of money I receive.
And then there was the news that I had not paid for the RMN server in 8 months... I really thought that I had. I had to raise the money is less than two days or RMN would be no more.
I thank everyone who heard the call and helped out.
This time it's my electricity that will be turned off if I don't raise the money right now to pay the bill which is over $600.00.
It will soon be followed by the phone bill which is also my internet connection.
I try very hard to keep all the balls in the air... but with my health problems and the pain, sometimes I just can't.
My husband David died of agent orange related diabetes and heart problems. Years ago the news came out that the men coming back from Viet Nam were passing agent orange on to their wives. I am going down the same road that David went down, but mine is not as advanced as his was... yet!
I am writing to tell you why I have not found another way to supplement my income so that I don't have to come to you constantly for help. And I need help now.
For those who know me and have followed RMN for many years, you know that I would not be absent if I could help it.
If you feel moved to help me, I will be very grateful.

Powered by FundRazr
Thank you,

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Agent 86 made a point I should have taken into account.

My apologies to Agent 86 for overlooking so many salient points which should have been brought to the attention of RMN Readers.

Agent 86 commented to me, "Grifter raye makes way too much money to collect food food stamps, between her husbands military retirement and social security benefits about $3000 per month, much less the amount she grifts from the rubes, disqualifies her from any kind of aid.    The food stamp thing is to prey on the rubes, too bad they can't see how fat she is.

Hobie's monthly 'pay' must be coming from the rubes in order for him to shill so much lately.   Also she bought a new car and it is being paid for directly out of her grift account, credit for the credit impaired, if anything grifter raye says can be believed."

Agent 86 is entirely correct and I apologize to him for having overlooked these points.  Let us review:  Raye's monthly pension could be low, if she was not trading favors with someone like Congressman Condit, which it appears she was.  Whoever helped her pump up the amount of service units up would have to have increase these. The amount received by Raye monthly for this could be $500 - $2,000.  From the military pension received by Raye for Major David Kooker, she would be receiving as much as $2,500 a month.  

Since she was also married to Professor  John Dyer, PhD, for over ten years she would is probably receiving a pension amount from this source as well.  Let's say around $2,000 a month.   

Her social security would likely be at least $1,500 a month.

So, not counting the 'donations" from credulous RMN Readers, let's say she is pulling in $6,000 a month, minimum.  

Of course, Raye has shows a propensity to grab the money and not be forced to budget when she wants something, for instance the astonishing built out on her home in Watsonville, CA.  

Does she qualify for Food Stamps ? No, depending on her previous stupidities.   

This would be under the  Ashtabula County Community Action

Address104 W 45th St, Ashtabula, OH 44004

Obviously, we can't call now to inquire, but they will be open, most likely, Tuesday morning.  Have a lovely Memorial Day!

Friday, May 24, 2019

And the Princess of Scamming told her fellow con-fellow, Jeff Gordon the shocking news.

Agent 86 wrote to relay the shocking news Raye, now 71, and live-in help, are subsisting on food stamps, "Hobie claims that grifter Raye is surviving on food stamps"

Let's get this straight.  Raye will get anything where ever possible without blinking an eye.  She moved into a huge house so she could store some part of her cache of junk which she accumulated using donations from RMN Readers over many years.  

She spent extravagantly the moment David Kooker, her too credulous fourth husband, died and left her with a paid for Jeep and medical benefits and other veterans benefits.  

The family she conned into helping her move to Ohio, the Lee Family went to California to move her,spending weeks packing up her already monumental piles of junk.  She dumped them, and the baby girl who she had taught to think of her, Raye, as a special Grandma.  


       Spring - Rayelan begins to gird up everyone else's loins for the move to Ohio. 

                       Part One - The Original Saga of theMove to Ohio, a Prelude 

                       Part Three – The Saga of the Move to Ohio continues, as does the panhandling

       November 18 - Rayelan registers Rubicon Aegis as a Limited Liability Corporation in

      July                    The Lee Family Express their Gratitude to their beloved Rayelan
                                 The Lee family moved Rayelan from the house she was losing in California
                                 to Ohio.  They packed up her things for her and drove her back to Ohio.  
                                 Rayelan told me they were already stealing from her but later 
                                 commented over and over that items she had reported stolen had been  

Raye dumped them so she could sell me a line of bullshit on how much she needed help.  It was a setup intended to kill me.  - But she had no hesitation on turning her back on those who had treated her like family.  

I was stunned when I found this email, which Raye inadvertently forwarded to me.  

The little girl was adorable and what Raye did to her and her family was sick, or, more accurately, psychopathic.  Raye had not gotten nearly what she deserves.

Today more Americans every day are lucky if they can get food stamps, but Raye the Obscessively self-indulgent, complains about it. 

Anyone who helps her is an enabler.  

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
* Raye needs our help, too *
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 24-May-2019 20:25:34

Hi, Folks -
Just got off the phone with Raye; she and her housemate are surviving on food stamps at the moment. Another $725 will reach our goal for May, and if that could come in RIGHT NOW it would help a lot. Many thanks to the 35 who have already contributed.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Agent 86 finds Hobie reaching out of his den. Thanks Agent 86!

Giving money to Raye is less productive than flushing it down the toilet.  Right now, the US Dollar is set to tank.  The tsunami of homelessness is the logical outcome of Rigid Installment Payments (RIPs).  The Elites have callously, intentionally, been draining us of our hard-earned equity and savings for generations.  

How Did We Get Stuck in the Mortgage Meltdown?

Raye and Hobie are agents for our destruction.  Do not give them money.  Instead, put in a garden, you will need the food in the near future because the world we knew will end if the correct steps are not taken.  We are taking them, but better safe than sorry. 

 Thank you Agent 86 for your assistance

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The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
...what Raye said a few days ago...
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 17-May-2019 19:41:42

Hi, Folks -
About 4 days ago, Rayelan also wrote, indicating an urgent need for $1250. Most of that sum is for past due payments to our ISP for hosting the RMN server, for months of December and February through May.
Four people responded - thanks very much, you four :) - contributing something less than half the amount needed.
A few of today's posts already have over 1000 views. Poofness posts generally have 1000 to 3000 views. So we know we're not alone out here. :) Yet it's become the norm that only about 30 folks can be counted on each month to support RMN by contributing to cover its costs.
Blessings indeed to those 30 or so folks. :) But even with their steadfast support, our goal of $2500 is seldom reached - and that means the shortfall tends to add up, month to month, so we're generally just barely keeping our heads above water, never quite catching up.
Perhaps it's time that some of the rest of you thousands who regularly come to visit RMN return value for the value you receive here. Realize that if 500 each give $5 each month, the goal would be painlessly achieved.
Here's part of what Raye wrote on Monday:
- - -
I am writing this to tell you about some bad news regarding money. I thought I had $800.00 in my bank. I don't... I have less than $13.00 in my bank account... the one I thought I was going to use to pay many of the bills that are coming due this time of the month.
When I looked at my PalPal a few days ago I was happy to see that RMN is looking after itself as we struggle to come up with even MORE money. There was almost $1000.00 in Paypal. I thought to myself, "This is enough to pay for the car and all of the bills that are due right now. But... there was something that I didn't know.
I had forgotten to pay for the server that RMN is hosted on. I think I owe for November, December, January,
february, March and April. I truly thought that I had paid for all these months. I did pay for ONE month, I'm not sure which one.
All together I must come up with $1250.00 asap. I truly hate to ask for more money so soon after I asked for the money to pay the bills at the first of the month. But I have to because this server is the best one we can have. The owner is great and I understand his point... I am truly surprised that he didn't say something sooner.
Thank you for all the help you have given me and RMN and the
RMN Agents.
Here's the link to the

Reader: "It is very hard for me to understand how Raye should expect others to support her personal expenses."

And our own Agent 86 said, "A rube wises up, and hobie lies to justify the theft"

Indeed, indeed. Thanks for your succinct analysis, Agent 86!

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The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Reader: "It is very hard for me to understand how Raye should expect others to support her personal expenses."
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 18-May-2019 04:31:07

(Thanks, s. :)
Reader s. writes (and I'll respond in detail, following);
Re: ...what Raye said a few days ago...
Dear Hobie,
These continual emails from Raye seem to reinforce that much of the money she asks for goes for the upkeep of herself, rather than solely for RMN. In addition. she appears to be getting older and not too well and perhaps should think of retiring. Also, she pays late charges and interest fees for items she has not paid or forgotten to pay, which add up quickly.
I am retired, live on a very limited income in a small but very convenient apartment. I pay all my bills on time and live with basics only. I have one 13-yr-old car which works fine. I do not have any excess baggage. It is very hard for me to understand how Raye should expect others to support her personal expenses. She needs to take care of herself in her old age and find someone else to run RMN if possible.
Please do not reveal my name or email. Thank you.

(hobie here.) Thanks for your note, which I expect speaks for many. The things you've touched on are of course things I've looked at and considered for myself. Here are my thoughts:
Yes, she's getting older. Me, too. :)
In earlier days, Rayelan paid all RMN expenses out of her own pocket, providing it for everyone. As things changed in her living, which included quitting a job to be primary caretaker for her mother, she could no longer afford to do that.
       January 25 -   Rumor Mill News comes on line.  Rayelan is living in Watsonville,
                                 California, a middle class development outside of Santa Cruz.

       November 9 - Rumor Mill News is now consistently online and looks like THIS

       October 4     -  A record is created through Network Solutions for the URL
                                 RUMORMILLNEWS.NET.  The registrant is Rayelan Allen, PO Box 95,
                                 Ashtabula, Ohio 44004 because it was updated on January 2, 2014.

       December 1  - David Lee Kooker and Raye Allen Kooker take out a DBA for RUMOR
                                MILL NEWS in Santa Cruz County, California.

 Raye was paid to take care of her mother, having arranged this with the local social services.  Her husband, David Kooker, was paying for everything related to RMN. 

        October 5 - Major David Lee Kooker, Rayelan's husband, dies.   

Raye, without David to put his foot down, when on a spending spree, using the money for repairs to her kitchen, covered by her insurance, to do a make over of a modest home in a blue collar area which could never be recovered by increasing the sale price of the home and which drastically raised her operating expenses.  
The effort was made to support the site with Google AdSense ads, and that worked quite well for a time - until RMN became one of the earliest examples of being "de-platformed" when Google abruptly cut us off from their AdSense service.
Raye decided it was better to beg and be paid to kill me.  As it turns out, this was a stupid move on her part. 
(The appearance was that they had actively looked for an excuse to do that. One of the things they pointed to was a post in the RMN Archive from 8 years earlier that included photos of the damage that could result from the bite of a Brown Recluse spider. They said this was contrary to the "no gore" restriction stated in their terms of service.)
Oddly coincidental, this was at about the same time that a hacker, taking advantage of a software vulnerability in the server's operating system, managed to get in and delete 300,000 posts. The effect of that was that RMN also began disappearing, fading away from search engine results. That in turn made RMN less attractive to other advertisers.
Hobie did this to eliminate evidence of the frauds perpetrated by RMN on investors to their RMN Family Park.  They stole thousands and were afraid this would be reported. 
And, all that was going on around the same time that Raye was dealing with an unwanted house guest, whose antagonistic behavior was greatly increasing utility bill costs that Raye was obliged to be responsible to pay.
Raye begged me to come, which I did only reluctantly.  She was being paid by  a group who wanted me dead.  Read NEOCONS and also THIS PAGE  scroll down to 2011, July

I had been posting, and had been requested to do so, for years and barely knew Raye.  She begged me for help, and everything she said was a lie intended to lead to my death.  
The stress of not being able to oust that unwanted house guest probably set the stage for health issues Raye is now dealing with, years later.
Raye had all of the readers well conned then.  I put up the evidence and many realized they were being had.  Today, all of us know the CIA does not have good guys and bad guys, they are all about serving the elite and destroying ordinary Americans.  
If someone had deliberately set out to destroy Rumor Mill News, that combination of financial upsets and psychological stresses might well have been expected to do it. Yet, we're still here.
In earliest days, RMN was a pretty tightly-knit community. The Agents all knew Raye personally, as did many of the Readers, and it felt very much like a family, all pulling together to "shine the light", exposing the creepy-crawlies that had been hiding in the dark corners of the room. Rayelan was the first to speak of the Factions, working to further opposing goals behind the scenes, and in particular of Faction 2's long-term plan to take down the Federal Reserve and dethrone the folks back of it.

How can anyone today believe this idiotic propaganda?  Raye was born a conartist.  Read about her early life, one deceit after another. 
Today, not everyone of the Agents and not everyone who visits here has particular awareness of and relationship with Rayelan. But I believe Raye still thinks of the RMN Agents and Readers as family and friends. :) Which is why she's so free in talking about her personal trials and tribulations. That, and she's essentially transparent in her dealings with others anyway. :)

Does Raye ever provide anything which proves to be accurate?  No.  She is a propaganda operations and was from the start.  She is aging, but continues to refuse to take care of her future by cutting her expenses and accepting reality  Hobie, Jeff Gordon of Atlanta Georgia, has the same kind of history.  He is also covered on this site. 

How does reading about supposed events which can never be proves and confound rationality be believed?  If you want to know the facts and protect yourself reduce your operating expenses, put in a garden, and know that Social Security is going away and they are about to steal your retirement.  

There are many con-artists in the world who sell you lies.  But no one you paid for information, "insider stuff", is going to help you when it hits the fan.  
Ponder this with me: Ben Fulford has a by-subscription membership arrangement at this own website. That arrangement is why we post a portion of his weekly reports on Monday and then the full reports on Thursday. Most of the article is 'embargoed', available only to subscribers, during those intervening days.
Members to Fulford's site pay $11 a month. Now, here are a few questions about that:
- How much money is Fulford realizing from that, each month?
- How is that money being spent?
I'd expect we all feel the answer to that first question is, "I don't know - and it's none of my business!" :) A price is stated; there's expectation of such-and-such benefit to be realized from paying it; and that's all anyone needs to know.
Second question: Almost the same answer. "It's none of my business what Fulford as site publisher does with the money coming in from subscription payments." No doubt he's paying hosting and perhaps webmaster expenses with it, and probably his Internet connection, and perhaps his smart phone and/or computer costs and perhaps a separate phone bill. But he could also be buying new clothes, tires for his car, maybe a Netflix subscription, etc., etc. And we wouldn't begrudge him any of it.

Is this an argument that RMN - Raye - is a cheaper disinformation site?  What difference does  it make when they are all lying to you?
So what's different here?
- The Fundrazr shows everyone how much money is coming in.
- Rayelan is forthcoming about what at least some of her expenses are.
- We don't embargo anything. :)

Hobie - Jeff, you don't embargo because you are selling fluff with no legitimate content.  But I'm sure that works for you. 
Blessings, all.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Agent 86 started with, "Month after month she demands money for the past due server yet now she claims owe for the last six months. You'd think the dummies would STOP donating."

Then, Agent 86 commented, "I had forgotten to pay for the server that RMN is hosted on. I think I owe for November, December, January, 
february, March and April. I truly thought that I had paid for all these months. I did pay for ONE month, I'm not sure which one"

Month after month she demands money for the past due server yet now she claims owe for the last six months.   You'd think the dummies would STOP donating."

And I absolutely agree with 86.  As we know, Raye the Ravenous for loot, is never through with you.  And Agent 86 waxes eloquent above on this issue.  So.  I guess the answer is the RMN readers are dummies, will never learn, and it is fruitless to attempt to change them.  But, still, I suspect some, who remain silent, do leave, shaking the dust of disgust off as they move on to more worthy sites.  

Let's hope it is only the CIA feeding the RMN kitty.  And thank you for possessing a strong stomach in this unsavory work.  You are appreciated.  Melinda 

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Back Again, Back Again
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 13-May-2019 13:28:44

Back Again, Back Again,
Some unfinished task to do...
This time will be my last...
This time I'm through!!
(Through the Looking Glass? Or the Looking
Glass Command? I was there... on Offutt 'Air
Force Base... i.e. The Looking Glass Command.)
Many years ago, while I was in college, my psychology teacher came up with a new task for us. He wanted us to write a poem or poems.
To prepare for this, we had to read may different poems, from writers in the middle ages to writers from today.
Being an English/psychology major, I had already read most of the poems that were assigned. So, while the rest of the class struggled through reading a poem and then writing a poem, I had handed in my paper and was off to the coffee shop for a piece of the best chocolate cake you have ever tasted.
I bet some of you are wondering why I have inserted this 'poem". If you're wondering, then maybe I should start wondering...
I am writing this to tell you about some bad news regarding money. I thought I had $800.00 in my bank. I don't... I have less than $13.00 in my bank account... the one I thought I was going to use to pay many of the bills that are coming due this time of the month.
When I looked at my PalPal a few days ago I was happy to see that RMN is looking after itself as we struggle to come up with even MORE money. There was almost $1000.00 in Paypal. I thought to myself, "This is enough to pay for the car and all of the bills that are due right now. But... there was something that I didn't know.
I had forgotten to pay for the server that RMN is hosted on. I think I owe for November, December, January,
february, March and April. I truly thought that I had paid for all these months. I did pay for ONE month, I'm not sure which one.
All together I must come up with $1250.00 asap. I truly hate to ask for more money so soon after I asked for the money to pay the bills at the first of the month. But I have to because this server is the best one we can have. The owner is great and I understand his point... I am truly surprised that he didn't say something sooner.
Thank you for all the help you have given me and RMN and the
RMN Agents.
Here's the link to the

Powered by FundRazr
Thank you so much,

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Tired of the continuing whining from Raye, the Repetitive, Agent 86 said, "the latest fiction from grifter raye"

And I certainly agree with him.  It makes you wonder about the human race, really it does.  Can these people really believe the continuous and flabby lies this woman tells to con a few more bucks out of her 'loyal' readers.  I never read Rumor Mill News even when I was posting there, long before Raye suckered me into 'saving her and rebuilding RMN suckers, er, readers.'  

If you paid any attention to what is happening around you it would be obvious the FRN is dead and we are in for a depression to make the one in the 30's look like a walk in the park.  But you still put money in this con-artist's kitty?  Sad, very sad.

Now, why, you might ask yourself, did this Dennys Addict move out into the country where her gas bill is outrageous; why did she rent a house which sucks energy like a vampire?  Why doesn't she move into the local housing for the elderly?  It is pegged to income and so is entirely affordable for her.  She has no family who will acknowledge her, they having been ripped off too frequently to risk it happening again.

Instead of paying for her non-existent expenses you need to save the money and put in a garden and take action to save your own hide.

Read the facts on this site and start reading your CIA disinformation elsewhere.  Only at RMN do you have to pay to be a sucker.  And have a very nice day!  Melinda

And thank you Agent 86 for sending this on to me.  Lovely venting.

PS 2 - Raye is a psychopath.  She does not appreciate anything you do for her. 

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I Really Need Help
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 7-May-2019 18:20:37

I'm in so much pain that I can't sit or stand very long. So am hoping to make this short.
I bought a recliner thinking that I could recline in it and spend more time on the computer. I was wrong... I don't seem to be able to hold the computer and type while I am reclining. It does help me sleep so all is not wasted.
The doctors have no idea what is causing the pain and their only remedy is a shot of cortisone in a specific spot. The only doctor that my insurance covers was on vacation until May 1st. The first appointment she has is the 24th of this month.
With no pain pills except ibuprofen, it's going to be a long month for me.
I stopped asking for $3,000 a month when I started selling on eBay. But with the pain and not being able to sit longer than 10 minutes, I haven't been getting a lot posted on eBay. I have a lot of stuff to sell and it's really high quality thanks to my Readers and Goodwill. I just can't bear the pain long enough to get any posted.
My social security arrives on the 15th. At the moment I have $13.00 in Paypal and over $800.00 in bills that still need to be paid.
My electricity bill is $220.00. and its due tomorrow. I live in an all electric house that was built in the 50s over the basement that was dug in the 1840s. I don't know what happened to the first house. The only heat in this house is baseboard electric heaters in each room. I have to go from room to room to turn them up or turn them off. Needless to say, sometimes I forget about turning one off and run my bill up even higher.
I would love to move to a better house, but you know my money problems. And with the pain lately I've given up on looking for something better.
I have over $800 in bills that are due now. If you can spare a few dollars please put them in the fundraiser. You can use paypal or Wepay and put it on a credit card. I think they also take checks but I don't know how that's done.
I I truly appreciate all the help you have given me over the years. When I started, I debated charging people $5.00 to enter. I decided if I did that, I would lose most of my readers. I decided to ask for donations to keep everything up and running. And so far this way of doing things has worked.
I give updates on what's going on... like now. So people can see that I really can't do this without your help.
Thank you so very mcuh,