By: Rayelan [Send
Date: Wednesday, 16-Oct-2013 12:37:00
Date: Wednesday, 16-Oct-2013 12:37:00
This post is yet another illustration of Darlene Rae Smith's lack of connection to reality. I'm going to respond to this blather by interlacing my narrative and providing the reader with documents and other facts. First: Who is this woman, really? After realizing Rayelan, (AKA) Darlene Rae Smith, Raye D Allan, Raye Smith Allan, Raye Allen, Allan Kooker, Rayeallan Kooker, Raye Allan Kooker, Allan Raye, Raye Allan Smith, and Darlene Raye Allan, were all born Darlene R. Smith I pondered the possible motive for accumulating so many names, DBAs and corporations. Just google any of these names and you will see more pop up using the same addresses in places like Watsonville, Freedom, CA, and Rome, Ohio. All of the names above are associated with the address in Watsonville. There were more. Darlene R. Smith is named as Ceo of RMNews. These are not all of the names found. Using a pseudonym is useless if you are attempting to evade the attentions of the NWO. But alias' are a different matter. I have no explanation as to why Rayelan would use so many. Perhaps she does not even know. However, an alias works well for hiding your covert activities. The Real Darlene Rae Smith The youngest of four children of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, Rayelan has two brothers, Arthur Vernon Smith, Jr., and William Smith. Donna Smith Crow is her only sister. All of the siblings are still living. Rayelan's mother, Bessie Campbell Smith, was the daughter of an early California pioneer family. She was descended from Daniel Rhoads, one of the rescuers of the Donner Party. Bessie's great-grandmother Mary Rhoads moved to Santa Cruz with her husband in the late 1800s. Bessie was born in Lemoore and attended the Island School where she graduated at age 16 as valedictorian. In 1935 she married Arthur Smith in Salinas and she and her husband moved to Texas Gov. James V. Allred's cabin in White House Canyon in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Three of her four children were born at the old Dominican Hospital in Santa Cruz. Bessie lived in Santa Cruz and Soquel until the early 1950s. Then the family moved to Crows Landing, near Modesto, and stayed for 30 years. Mrs. Smith was a homemaker and worked in Miner's Grocery and Dry Goods Store in Crows Landing before opening a children's clothing store in Gustine. Later, she moved back to the Santa Cruz area with her daughter Raye and eventually settled in Watsonville where she died, aged 89, December 16, 2007. Arrangements for her burial and memorial service were made through Davis Memorial Chapel and interment took place at Hills Ferry Cemetery in Newman. Rayelan's father, Arthur Vernon Smith, was born in San Diego, California. He was a long-range trucker, according to Raye Smith, and died in 1982. He is also buried in the Hills Ferry Cemetery in Newman. At the time of her death Bessie was survived by her sons Arthur Vernon Smith Jr. of Sacramento and William Smith of Olympia, Wash.; daughters Donna Crow of Newman and Raye Smith Kooker of Watsonville. She had 13 grandchildren; and many great-grandchildren. The family's background, from all reports, was solid, and typically American. No mention was made in any obituary of a military background for Rayelan's father, Arthur, and as a married man with children he would not have been subject to the draft for World War II. Rayelan went to high school in Crows Landing, where she was raised. The family at one time lived in a modified chicken coop, according to Rayelan, but then was able to rent a house. Having a mother who owned a clothing store made a big difference to Darlene, who had struggled with a speech impediment, which problem was solved by taking lessons from a speech therapist who had a British accent. This explains how Darlene lost the Southern tones in her voice, which had persisted in the family. Rayelan's personal history, from her own report Darlene Smith, the name it would appear Raye Smith stopped using, appears at this link. The link reads: Raelon is an unusual spelling and one which Darlene has used. It also appears in her autobiographical tome, “The Obergon Chronicles – Earth's Hidden History, New Age Channels, Mind Control, Extraterrestrials and the New World Order.” Darlene claims in Obergon Chronicles to have lived many lifetimes with Gunther, who in their first life time together was Atalon. She was Raelon, and it was a romance which was to continue for millions of years, down to this life, where he told her she was too fat, divorced her, and ran off with her best friend. Never small minded, this does not prevent Rayelan from continuing to use his name when it suits her, or claiming to still be married to him and so she claims to be the Arch-Duchess of Austria. This is from the beginning of the romance in Obergon Chronicles, available to read free online. The book reads like a mix of a badly written bodice ripper crossed with L. Ron Hubbard. Rayelan told me, only after I arrived in Ohio, I was her sister, Shalma, in this life. She was very insistant on this, which was somewhat off-putting after I read only the first few pages of Obergon Chronicles. She may say this to all her victims. And Raelon's romantic adventure begins! Prologue: These biographical tales have been transmitted to our contact on the planet Terra for the specific purpose of awakening the memory of home in the children of Obergon. These souls have now finished their lessons on Terra and it is time for them to awaken and return home.
MORE Rumor Mill News is the only online 'news site,' where the Editor-in-Chief panhandles. This is the term the police officer offered when I described her behavior on Rumor Mill News to him some weeks ago. There is no relationship between Rayelan's frantic pleas for money and the reality of her day to day life, as I have already partly documented on this site. Everyday, the fund razr widget should bring in 112.90. By the 16th of each month there should be $1806.45 in the widget. There is only $1,262 in the widget, which means I am $544.45 short of what should be in the widget right now. This means there are $500.00 worth of bills that have not been paid.Yep, Rayelan is being sued. What is astonishing is that this is the first time her legal difficulties have come to the attention of Readers with information from the victim. The Ploy of the Retreat for Rumor Mill Readers and Agents in Ohio, advertised as a serene place for conferences and contemplation, for which Rayelan did fundraising, never materialized. Naturally, it was someone else's fault, in this case the Lee family, who rescued her from Watsonville, was blamed, though it is likely they did not know she filed police reports about their 'thefts.' Rayelan asked me to compile these reports for the police and make out lists of the items which she claimed had been stolen. When these began to surface from the morass which is her basement and storage around the house she said, “Oh, I guess they did not steal that.” But she refused to correct the police reports which, by then, had been filed. Rayelan positions herself as a competent businesswoman. I never saw any evidence this was the case. Rayelan refused to discuss the matter of the RMN Retreat with an attorney or pursue a resolution. With time, it became clear it never would be resolved unless action was taken, Until now, I hesitated to do this. Now, I'm turning this over to the local authorities, as advised by counsel. My attorney is duely licensed to practice law and her Bar number was available to Rayelan on the demand letter which Rayelan received, certified mail, and refused to accept. She could have checked this, if she wanted, with Ms. Bloom's state Bar Association and relieved her mind of doubt. Damages for Rayelan's deceptive behavior and recharacterization of her offers to me in this letter have been sent on to counsel and counsel's staff. The demand letter, which Rayelan was afraid to open is HERE. As you know, I am facing a lawsuit because I am trying to evict a "houseguest" who was only supposed to stay for the winter of 2011-2012. She and her disabled son are still here and still refusing to leave.Actually, both of us are legally disabled, which Rayelan knew when she begged me to relocate. Rayelan painted her health problems as serious, and herself as alone and desperately in need of help. She does go to the hospital frequently, using the health insurance which pays for pretty much everything. I came to the conclusion, eventually, she enjoys this for some reason. Rayelan can always do what she wants. Getting sick seems to be a handy excuse when she changes her mind or wants you to do something for her. Housing was a benefit of employment. I was never a house guest. This 'demand,' along with having fired me, had never been previously mentioned. Rayelan takes Passive – Aggressive behavior to heady heights. I served her with an eviction notice and she had her "lawyers" draw up a lawsuit for breech of contract. She is suing me for $120,000 or 51% of Rumor Mill News. She claims I promised her half of Rumor Mill News.Rayelan taped it to my bedroom door. In no sense is this a 'service.' I responded forthwith by retaining legal counsel and having a demand letter sent to her, which, naturally, she refused to open. By the way, you cannot evict in these circumstances legally, which Rayelan learned the hard way. Any long time RMN admin/agent/supporter/reader would know that this is completely ludicrous. I barely knew the woman. I had never met her in person, I only knew her over the internet and telephone. She was stranded in Montana with no place to live. Because I have great compassion for those in need I opened my home to her and her 35 year old disabled son.No one who really knows Rayelan would think she possesses even a shred of 'compassion.' Rayelan conned me into working for her for two years without pay, as it turned out. Rayelan is the descendant of slave owners, and believe me, the attitudes are inherited in her case. This is a genealogical fact, of which, she does not usually brag – much. I have never charged her a dime because she claims she doesn't have any money. She owns a cabin in the high mountains of California which is where she lives when the snow is not blocking the roads.Item: When your ghastly housing is a 'benefit' of employment you do not pay rent. Rayelan has a hard time remembering which lie she told last, which you will notice if you review her online panhandling. I lived at the cabin for years through the winter, staying with friends down the mountain only very occasionally. Both myself and my son liked it much better than living with Rayelan, as it turned out. Now she is threatening me with a lawsuit that will give her control of Rumor Mill News.I'm not threatening. If Rayelan had just accepted service of the demand letter we would already have filed the law suit. Rumor Mill News is, according to Rayelan, her only asset. My counsel provided all estimates of liability, in accordance with Rayelan's many violations of promises made and work provided. Rayelan is very Passive – Aggressive. Needless to say, I need help paying the bills for RMN as well as help dealing with this woman which sadly, comes in the form of lawyers who charge a lot of money.According to my counsel, who, as mentioned, is a licensed attorney with years of experience in employment law, Rayelan has not a leg to stand on. I worked for her for two years, relocating at her insistance. I was offered multiple benefits which never materialized. Payments of commissions, emails, documents produced for the direct employment and for the promised partnership, exist and will be produced as evidence. Rayelan never ended my employment. She just stopped me from getting referrals, giving the job to someone else. She then removed me as an Agent, also without reason or notification. Agents take note. Her real motive was, I speculate, that I knew too much about how she operates. In the section below you will read Rayelan's pleas for money to eat. This ignores the remodelling of the house, which has been ongoing on the first floor and basement. She routinely has people in to dinner and to work for her. Rayelan is paying for various unusual services, some at the rate of $6.00 an hour, some at the rate of $12.00 an hour, Rayelan and her escort, Jim Heath, who she met at church, eat out frequently. Both of them love eating. Rayelan always pays, as Jim is scraping by on disability. Piles of packages are delivered to the front porch ordered by Rayelan. These and other signs would, for most people, indicate money is not a problem. New furniture and bric-a-brac are constantly appearing to be replaced with other ugly pieces. Also note her car has appeared to be functioning normally and is driven daily. Rayelan also pays for the beads used in her newest hobby, St. Beading, which she runs at the church on Tuesday and Saturdays. People just love coming in to learn how to bead and take away free jewelry. This is probably one of the ways Rayelan makes up for living in that chicken coop as a girl. Now, that you are emotionally invested in Rayelan's sad, sad story and understand her overwhelming problems, which her great compassion and trustful nature brought on, down to the purpose of this post - SEND hER MONEY!!!!! At the moment I am facing an immediate financial crisis that I need to remedy today. Both my personal account and my business account are overdrawn. I thought I had $200.00 in my personal account, this is the account that my VA benefits in deposited in. But to my horror I discovered that it was also overdrawn and I discovered this at the grocery store when my card was declined. I have now felt the humiliation of not having enough money to pay for the groceries in my basket. There was $70.00 in my personal account, or so I thought, but I had bought $80.00 worth of food. I pulled out my iPhone and pulled up my accounts. The account that I thought had $70.00 only had $47.00 and some change. The other account, that I wrongly believed to have at least $50.00 in only had $23.00 plus change and my Paypal account had .09 - 9 cents Oct 15, 2013 Debit Card Balance $0.09 USD I had to take out all of the groceries that I didn't need right at the moment for dinner. As each item was deleted, I waited for the tally to reach $65.00 which I safely thought I had in both accounts. After everything was removed that I didn't need immediately, I was left with milk, a bag of oranges, 4 chicken breasts, 4 cases of coke on sale for $12.00, 12 Chobani yogurts on sale for 65 cents each, 4 lemon puddings, 10 ounces of cheese, a pack of tortillas, lettuce, tomatoes, mushrooms and a bag of onions. There were only 3 small bags and the bag of onions to carry out. but it all came to $60.90 and I only had $47.09 on one of my debit cards and $24.00 on another one. I had to use two cards to pay the bill. The high cost of food has finally gotten my attention. I know that many of you are struggling, as I am, just to eat. But I have other things that I have to pay for. I had 4 domain names automatically renew themselves yesterday for a total of $120.00. I hadn't expected this and this was the transaction that overdrew my business account. ( is a domain name) Believe me, I fully understand the financial hardships everyone is experiencing these days. If it is within your budget, I could really use some help right now. If you are in the shape I am in, please don't feel guilty for not helping. One day you will be able to help, so let those who still have extra money, fill up the widget this month.Raylen just loves buying things. She is not so fond of selling them, unfortunately. This accounts for the fact the house looks like a scene out of Hoarders. For short periods of time it will be cleaned up, this happening when she is paying someone else to do it, as she appears to be doing now. The basement, however shows only more build up. When I first arrived Rayelan told me this was the fault of the Horrible People who ripped her off, otherwise known as the Lee Family. This is the family who drove to Watsonville from Ohio to rescue Rayelan when her home was being foreclosed and she was facing eviction. Read Amanda's Letters regarding Rayelan, who she calls Raye. When telling me about the trip Rayelan painted them in the most unfavorable light imaginable in every way. Reading the letters from them provide a stunning contrast. The Lee Family gave this CERTIFICATE to Raye to show their appreciation for what Rayelan had done for THEM in July of 2011. Naturally, I never got to know the family members. Rayelan manipulates people, telling stories which sow distrust between those she is victimizing. She is quite expert at this. So expert, in fact, I personally think it likely she had had a lifetime of experience in this sort of thing. Remember, this is the family who, poor themselves, moved Rayelan to Ohio. When they arrived in Watsonville Rayelan had not even started packing or attempting to go through her possessions so there would be less to move. Then she complained to me, after she had kicked them out, about the job they did. They were, she said, shiftless, lazy, incompetent, and slack-jawed. Rayelan and Ebay
have to wonder how Rayelan, since presumably she reads some of the
articles appearing on RMN and on other sites, managed to miss the
fact a meltdown in the economy hits luxury items first. Buying
patterns change as people begin focusing on survival. At the low end
of cost people who before would have bought new will buy used and
scrounge – but as pressure builds sales for costume jewelry and
other luxury items slow down. This is why there are so many sales on
these goods now – and why you can buy now and pay later in places
which never before offered this option.
Incidentally, Rayelan has been buying this stuff since at least November of 2011. She never saw a garage sale she could pass up. Amanda notes this as well. As you know, I am opening an ebay store. Most of the things in the store will be depression glass. Ohio was the capital of depression glass. There is so much here that I buy for pennies on the dollar that I believe I can bring in a few hundred a month. I also have a collection of vintage handbags. Handbags from the 60s through the 80s. I was in the shoe and handbag business most of my life. My mother had a clothing store and I ran the shoe and handbag department until I graduated from high school and moved to the Haight Ashbury. When I ran out of money, I took a job that one of my mother's friends had recommended me for... selling children's shoes at Macy's on Union Square in downtown San Francisco. I was a grand time to live in San Francisco. I could look out the windows in the stock room and watch a never ending parade of strangely dressed people who were singing and dancing and smoking lots of weed. I eventually went to work for Nordstrom's as a children's shoe buyer/manager and moved to Seattle where I stayed until I started college. I then worked locally in California for Nordstrom's, in a number of different stores. When I finished college I was offered a buying position at I. Magnin's. I Magnin's had the reputation of being the "retail college" of the country. I was transferred to their Carmel store where I met and married Dr. John N. Dyer, PhD. John was the chairman of the physics department at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. Even though he was a GS18 the equivalent of a Navy Captain (Army Colonel), his salary was barely enough to pay the bills. This meant that I still needed to work. And I did, selling shoes on commission for a fine shoe salon in Carmel. Regular customers were Kim Novak, Merv Griffin, and Clint Eastwood. I was also a shoe model during my college days. Being around shoes and handbags for over 30 years, you might imagine that I have a fine collection of shoes and handbags. I sold over half of my collection to support myself when Gunther was in prison. But I still have many left. I will soon be starting an ebay page that will have my handbags, depression glass and maybe even some of my shoes that I no longer fit in or that the heels are too high for me to wear these days.Have you ever wondered why Rayelan talks about herself so much? I did. When I realized I could recite her stories with the same inflections she used I realised something was very wrong. Does she think anyone cares about how many pairs of shoes she received 40 years ago? Are you excited at the opportunity of buying one of these relics? During my modeling days I visited many of the main offices of the companies I worked for. One of these companies was in Los Angeles and I was given two pairs of shoes that they had manufactured in the 50s. I wore them a lot but they are still in great shape. If you wear a 6 1/2 or 7, you will soon be able to say that you have walked a mile in my shoes. (I even have a pair of shoes that I use as bookends!! Red and Black!) I thank all of you with all my heart for the help and support you have given me, hobie, Susoni and all the RMN Agents who keep this site filled with pieces of information and news from all points of the globe.
- Not that I blame you – I was suckered, too.
Many, many blessings to all!! If you can put a little in the Fund Razr widget (below) today, I will greatly appreciate it and not incur overdraft fees to the tune of $70.00 a day for both accounts. Rayelan
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Rayelan, eating |
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