Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Agent 86, "8 of 436 Print all In new window Double dipping hobie, conveniently does not account for the money deposited directly to paypal/raypal vs the widget that was down for almost two weeks"

Jeff (Hobie) Gordon just loooves double-dipping.  And he and Raye love collecting money for doing nothing but allowing others to steal content for them.  I, personally, do not believe their donations are all that large any more.  Unless the CIA is pitching in.  

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Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 28-Jun-2017 02:15:51

Hi, folks -
Many thanks to the many fine folks who have brought the RMN Fundrazr total for both May and June to $3,275 at time of this posting - and also to the many who contributed so generously during this time in support of me personally. :)
It's almost the end of the short month of June, and we're $1,725 short of the combined goal of $5000 for the two months together. So here's your chance to 'vote' for the continuation of Rumor Mill News and what it represents. Please contribute now if you're able and would find it fitting - and thanks for your support. :)
Blessings, all.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Agent 86 said, "but who will post all those useless youtube music videos? thank god we have the dinar poofter posts covered by agent mr. ed"

Agent 86 wryly reported Jeff Gordon (Hobie), is again missing in inaction for anything which actually matters for moving the ball forward to prosperity and freedom.  But Lynda (Susoni) reports for him.  Most sites which position themselves as providing people-based interaction and truth allow, or encourage the use of real names, let people contact each other directly, and compare notes.  Wouldn't you like to do that?  Compare notes and understand what who these people really are?  Agent 86 wanted to know, and he found out.  

And while you are mulling that over read the an excerpt of the synopsis of my screenplay.  If you live in a major metropolitan area in the US, or know someone who does, you need to know.  

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 22-Jun-2017 12:22:05
Hi All,
I talked to Hobie, last night, and he told me that his internet connection is back offline again until late Sunday or Monday. That's the date they are giving him. That storm really messed things up..
If anyone has any problems or if you need something changed (edited-corrected etc) on a post just click on my email above (unless you already have it) and email me.. I'll get right on it..
Lynda (Susoni-RumorMail)

And Jeff Gordon is back to have another suck on the straw into your bank accounts!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
...I'm back...again :)
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 22-Jun-2017 18:52:03

Hi, Folks -
Looks our Internet connection and landline phone were part of a larger outage that's been repaired, I'm back. Again. :)
Thanks kindly to Susoni and to Mr.Ed for services rendered. :)

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Agent 86 says, "Grifter raye's latest load of Bull shit, cough, cough...I'm sick"

Thanks, Agent 86!  As you read this remember Raye enticed me to leave my home and relocate to Ohio.  She offered to pay for the trip, provided an offer of employment, and a partnership in what I believed was the corporation, Rubicon Aegis, LLC, which, she said, owned RMN.  She lied.  

She asked me to set up a corporation, by this name in 2012 knowing full well Rubicon Aegis, LLC, had been incorporated in 2010.  She had, herself, taken out the papers.  

I am one tick from being legally blind and absolutely did not want to leave California.  Driving is hard for me.  I have a bad heart, a family issue which has already killed three of my siblings.  

She had persuaded me to work on credit for her 'best friends,' The Duke and Duchess of Manchester.  She told me they were highly ethical people and she knew, as a fact, the charges of bigamy then appearing in the media were untrue.  She lied.

Once there, I was attacked day and night by her friends, The Manchesters, joined by my estranged daughter, Morgan.  I discovered she was working with them, activated by Craig, my former husband.  

Yesterday I received another hateful email, via COMMENT, on the site I maintain on Craig, who is a sexual predator who married me to gain access to my children.  

Here my response.  

Morgan, the Psychopathic Predator, Speaks.

I do not feel sorry for Rayelan.  Remember Jim, Raye's dear friend who moved in with her?  She persuaded him to sell his valuables to pay her expenses, then dumped him.  Ask yourself if this woman deserves your help.  

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Why we have combined May and June
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 20-Jun-2017 06:37:50

As many of you know, I've been having some health problems. I've had the "flu" or something that resembles the flu for almost a month now.
I think I'm well, and then I fall ill again. Over and Over! Whatever I have, it is so debilitating that I stay in bed most of the day. It takes all my strength to walk from the bedroom to the kitchen.
Yesterday I was very close to going to the ER. But... I knew they would admit me because of the blockage in the main artery to the heart. So I waited to see how I would feel "in the morning".
As I lay awake in bed last night I realized I have taken vitamins for over 40 years. I used to work in a health food store in Carmel, California. The owner of the store taught me about vitamins and supplements as well as any professor at Loma Linda, the only place in CA, at the time, that taught nutrition.
Clint Eastwood was one of our customers. He also taught me things.
Last night, I also realized that I was not taking my usual regimen of vitamins and supplements that our own Dr. Robin Falcov had put together for me. I ran out of money. I believe there is probably a direct connection between not taking my vitamins and this cough and stomach bug I can't seem to shake.
I just ordered what I used to take from Vitacost. After I ordered, I checked to see how much I had left in the account. To my horror, I discovered that I was $132.00 overdrawn.
How could this be?
Then I saw that an order for Vitamin B12 had been charged. I honestly don't remember ordering it. It was the Vitamin B12 that George Noory advertises on Coast to Coast. It sounded amazing. So I wrote down their number and would order it in the morning.
For years now I have had to have a Vitamin B12 shot every month. My doctor in California told me that I lacked the intrinsic factor required to make Vitamin B12. At least that's what I remember her saying.
She went to medical school in Mexico where at least a quarter of their education is in nutrition. She then came back to the states and finished her medical training in Chicago.
I WAS pretty satisfied with her treatment of me. But now I live in Ohio and have an osteopath as my primary physician. Up until recently she has been giving me a Vitamin B12 shot when I needed them. But now she won't give me the shot. So when I heard about the Vitamin B12 that was being advertised on Coast to Coast, I knew I had to order it. So I wrote down the number and put it on my refrigerator meaning to order it.
But I don't remember ordering it. It was this order of Vitamin B12 that has caused my bank account to be overdrawn. I had checked my account yesterday and I KNEW there was at least $214 in it. When I ordered the vitamins from VitaCost I knew that amount would cover them. But I forgot about the B12... and because if this, my bank account is overdrawn by $132.
If you can help, I would really appreciate it. This illness has caused all sorts of problem for RMN's owner and for RMN's hobie... but that's a long story. I will tell it when I feel strong enough to sit at this computer for a long time.
I'm unable to insert the Fundrazer Widget in this post. But that shouldn't matter. The widget is on the left side near the top of where the articles start.
Thank you in advance, I remain dedicated to bringing you the best information that our agents can find.

Monday, June 19, 2017

The Unopened Letter from PayPal, Inc.

It is probably a good idea to remind Readers about past events. 

The letter below arrived at 535 Bunker Hill Road and was left, unopened until it was soggy with snow.  I photographed it sitting outside on the porch.  It is addressed to Rumor Mill News and was sent by PayPal, Inc..  It says,  IMPORTANT TAX RETURN DOCUMENT ENCLOSED.  

I did not open it.  That would have been a violation of the law.  But eventually there would have been a reaction from those careful folks at the IRS.  I have no way of knowing if Raye ever filed.  But if she didn't then, with the move and other cons over the years she would owe a couple of hundred thousands dollars. A garnishment puts a crimp in your style.  This is why Raye may be 'without funds.'  It is silly to feel sorry for her because she knew eventually they would catch up with her.  

Sunday, June 18, 2017

2W3X4YZ5 sent this on to us. Never be distracted.

It is like this.   I suggest you visit the website, The Best Years of Life, is now asking for money.  It is selling products and appears to be selling advertising.  Here is their WHOIS

How were they persuaded to ask RMN Readers for money?  The clear intention is to create the entirely false impression Raye and Jeff Gordon care about other people.  They don't.  And, never forget, Rayelan and Jeff continue to refuse to provide copies of their bills when they ask for money.  

Do these folks know anything about what has been going on?  Probably not, but you could ask them.  

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Tony and Luella Need Your Help!
Posted By: Dquixote1217 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 17-Jun-2017 21:14:09

Normally, I would never post a message like this, and I absolutely HATE the idea of asking anyone for money - but these are desperate times my friends!
Over the years, Luella and I have saved and helped thousands of lives around the world. Now we find ourselves needing help. To find out more, please see the details on our GoFundMe page, as written by our friend and a contributing author to our website:
If you can spare anything, it will be a blessing and greatly appreciated. If not, then we understand. And PLEASE do not give us one penny if it takes from your planned donation to Rumor Mill News!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Agent 86 reports, "he's back"

Now the question is, why Jeff Gordon AKA did not head over to the StarBucks to, briefly, report.  And knowing his veracity is always in question why did he not provide a third party link to a report.  

Why no names, even first names?  Any time Jeff reports on his 'personal' life all information which could validate this is missing.  Same with Rayelan, of course.  

It is now clear nothing here is 'classified information,' is confidential in many sense which is legitimate.  In this case the only restriction is ensuring RMN Readers do not know the facts.  So, Jeff, put up the bills and records.  Same for Raye, revisiting the issue of her astonishing expenses.  

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(Finally) I'm back. :)
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 17-Jun-2017 18:18:54

Hi, Folks -
I'm back. :) For the record, sixteen days without Internet is not something I'd recommend. :)
At about 10:20 p.m. May 31, a neighbor's 250-year old oak tree fell across the street and all the lines (power, phone, Comcast and Google) and in the process also pulled on the power cables to my house, bending what's referred to as the mast. Main power was restored to the neighborhood in a short while but could not be restored to my house until an electrician could rebuild the mast and sign-off on the safety of the connections. That did happen about two days later and cost a surprisingly large amount, and then we had power once more. In the interim a neighbor had allowed us to run a long extension cord from his house to ours so the refrigerator could be kept running.
We don't know if it happened the night of the 31st or sometime later, when workers moved the huge tree around to clear the roadway, etc., but at some point we had water running into the street from about where our meter is. Fortunately we had good water pressure in the house anyway. Perhaps by day 4 a crew had repaired that situation. We wait to see if our next water bill will be huge; hopefully not. :)
Then began the waiting for our land line and Internet connection to be restored. I'll spare you the details. Just know that there were many phone calls on a borrowed cell phone and some missed commitments. I think AT&T made the assumption that our problem was part of a larger problem and would be resolved when the larger problem was taken care of. That may have been partially correct - the falling tree required running of a new cable, and apparently not just near my house but all the way to some connection box, and then the hooking up of all the related terminal connections.
The missing element, however, was that our "drops" (lines from cable to house) were severed and new ones would need to be installed, on top of running the new main cable and hooking up the terminals. The new drops were finally put in place, Friday evening and Saturday morning - and here I am. :)
The amount of disruption caused by all that is noteworthy. There was an ongoing sense of being on edge, poised for some appointment, only we didn't know when the appointment would be. And there was a sense of, "What am I supposed to be doing right now?" And, "Is something important that really should be happening right now not happening because we're off line?" There was considerable stress involved in all that.
However: I'm back. :) I see things went along smoothly enough in my absence, and I'm grateful for that. My thanks to HotCoffee, CrystalRiver, NaturalWisdom and others, who expressed concern for my welfare and/or stepped up to at least try to handle things that seemed needful.
Rayelan had emailed me new Fundrazr code on June 6 but of course I wasn't able to receive that email or do anything about it if I had. I was able to get Raye on the phone today, and rather than put up a new Fundrazr now that the month's already half over, we decided to leave the existing Fundrazr in place and let it be for May and June combined. Many thanks to the approximately 19 fine folks who contributed toward RMN's expenses while I was away, and to the 8 or 10 fine folks who have added their contributions in support of me personally. :) (HotCoffee, thanks for suggesting that; you were right about this being "a good time" to add to that account. As mentioned above, the cost of rebuilding the mast was large and unexpected; recent contributions will definitely help with that. :)
I have a very large amount of email to wade through. :) So please be understanding as I do that.
Blessings, all.

Agent 86 said, "here is a post I missed, a tisket a tasket, how much for the basket? Notice the clutter?"

Thanks, Agent 86.  We do want to be thorough.  Humm, this appears to be designed to be pathetic.  I saw one like it recently at an export-import store, economy oriented, which looked like it. I did not notice the price but did notice the size and shape.  I was looking for a bread basket at the time.  The  original looking telephone, new since I was around, would sell for more, likely.  

Thanks!  Now, we have to wonder if it was ever listed.  

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Does anyone know anything about BASKETS??
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 23-Oct-2016 05:27:27

I have had a basket for years now. It's not just any basket. Not one you would find in Walmart at Easter time.
It appears to be OLD... but with the way things are made to look old... who really knows? No one but an expert on baskets!!

On another subject. My phone bill is overdue. It's a little over $200.00. I connect to the internet over its dsl. It's getting close to the end of this Fundrazr and we really haven't got much in it.
I know I said that I am starting ebay so I can pay the bills associated with RMN. What I didn't know is when a new person comes along, they are limited in how much they can sell. I have to wait a month before the items I have posted close... and I can only post 10 items.
I was hoping that by now several of my things would have sold... but sadly... I'm still waiting. I have bids on them... but I have to wait a few more days. I really thought I understood eBay. But it has changed so much since the last time I used it, I feel like a first time user!!
Oh... the basket pictured above... will be on eBay as soon as I find out what it might be worth.
Can anyone help me figure out how old the basket is and if it's worth anything??
Thank you!!

Monday, June 12, 2017

2W3X4YZ5 wondered about visiting Atlanta. And what is RMN worth now?

2W3X4YZ5 wondered, "Could RayéLoon and Jeff Gordon have had to initiate ghost protocols in order to try to prevent themselves from being arrested for fraud? Who specifically is running the RMScam? I hear north Atlanta is a beautiful place to visit this time of year."

We know that Susoni, Lynda, has been working with/for Raye for many years.   Rayeloon and Jeff Gordon could be assuming other personas, as Jeff has done for many years as 'Hobie,' and Zapper.  Raye is always pretty obviously herself because she has to find a 'persona' which has the same initials or is a not-too-clever play on words.  Other long time readers appear to be involved in this Hold-The-Fort action.  

We will see, but this should be kept in mind.  

In regards to moving I cannot imagine Raye abandoning her 'Treasures,' and I think it likely she cannot pay to store them.  And if she moved them how would they fit in Jeff's house?   But one never knows for sure because we do not have first hand information on the Princess of Obergon, do we?  Thanks for the ideas!

And here is the worth of RMN today.  From:

Global Rank #28,027( for has a global rank of #28,027 which puts itself among the top 100,000 most popular websites worldwide. rank has decreased -4% over the last 3 months. was launched at June 9, 1998 (she lied, what else is new?) and is 19 years and 8 days. It reaches roughly 510,840 users and delivers about 1,123,890 pageviews each month. Its estimated monthly revenue is $3,259.20. Revenue!  (Perhaps Raye forgot she has it!)
We estimate the value of to be around $39,653.60. The domain uses a Commercial suffix and its server(s) are located in United States with the IP number is also listed on Dmoz.
Webmaster and SEO Tools

Here is the IP information:

IP Address:
Handle: NET-45-79-0-0-1
Registration Date: 4/29/15
Org: Linode
Org Handle: LINOD
Address: 329 E. Jimmie Leeds Road
Suite A
City: Galloway
State/Province: NJ
Postal Code: 08205


Sunday, June 11, 2017

Agent 86 notes the frenzy to waste money on the scamsters

Agent 86 said, "save your money folks, if grifter raye really needed your money she would be online begging for it with an updated fraudrazr for june."

Grifter Raye needs money the way any addict needs drugs.  She has not had to limit her spending since she fell into the scheme of squealing on her friends who were smoking pot in the 1970s.  But the money is apparently burning a hole in their pockets so let them be warned.  When you turn up on Raye's door step (or Jeff's, for that matter), there will be no Family Campground for you!  That also burned a hole in Raye's pocket.  

Junes Close to Half Over ! Please Contribute to support RMN (views: 58)
RumorMail -- Sunday, 11-Jun-2017 14:24:42

sskids provides more information on the scamsters of Ashtabula and Druid Hills, Georgia.

They never cease to amaze me!  Thanks for sending!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Paypal Link to send direct to Rayelan

Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 11-Jun-2017 14:47:25

In Response To: The FundRazr widget is the one for May that has since expired. No more funds can be provided until we get the June widget code. *NM* (NaturalWisdom)

.. I just tried to donate (via the fundrazr link) and it would not process it.. So Yes, D, you were correct.. :-))

Hobie said to send any Paypal donations to Raye directly to .. That should work and also things can be mailed to

Checks & Money Orders:

Raye Allan Smith
P.O. Box 95
Ashtabula, OH 44004 


Agent 86 finds indications of further inaction by the Dilapidated Duo. "lazy susoni recycles the lame grift beg from May, as she holds down the rumorswill fort during hoaxin' hobie and grifter rayes absence"

Thanks, Agent 86!  It would be fascinating to find out what the two of them, Jeff Gordon of Atlanta (Hobie), and Raye Smith (Darlene Rae Smith of Crows Landing, CA),  now, residing either Ashtabula or other nearby town, are up to.  And I am sure we will.  And if you go look at the Fundrz site, which I suggest you do, you see that anonymous, who is most likely Jeff and Raye themselves, has been busy chumming the waters.  It appears $105.00 has been contributed during June.  In the short period there were multiple contributions of 'likes' to warm the heart.  How sweet!

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Junes Close to Half Over ! Please Contribute to support RMN
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 11-Jun-2017 14:24:42

Today's the 10th. Please help us reach our goal for this month.
It's almost mid-month; ideally there would be $1250 in the Fundrazr, so things are happening a bit slowly - but that's been usual for June, with many folks vacationing. We get that.
I'm not pleading for contributions today, just reminding us all that RMN is Reader-supported. With your support, we'll still be here in July. :)
Please contribute if you're able and would find it fitting:
Click on the Fundrazr widget (top left of the front page) or click here:

Monday, June 5, 2017

And sskids solves the mystery!

Has anyone filed the requisite missing persons reports on Rayelan and Jeff?  

Mystery solved:

Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 5-Jun-2017 01:08:31

In Response To: *** RAYE *** We're already several days into a new (SHORT) month and we need to update the FUNDRAZR code ASAP (NaturalWisdom)

Hobes neighbors tree fell and took out his power, cable and internet lines.. He does heave power back on but not internet should have that by Wednesday (their estimation)..

D, I don't have the password to get into the area for updating the fundrazor widget. That's Hobies personal password ... If she sends me the code, I can't do anything with it unless I get the password too..

He should be back by Wednesday Am and possibly sooner..??!!?? :-)

Lynda (Susoni)

: The May FundRazr widget expires on June 5th (Monday). Zapper
: has been offline for several days due to a power outage, so
: if you can email the June code to either Susoni or me, I'll
: do what I can to update the widget on RMN.
: -NW

Sunday, June 4, 2017

And via COMMENT by sskids!

Well, perhaps Susoni has been performing some of this work longer than we realized.  Mostly, she is under the radar.  That might be about to change.

sskids comments, "Susoni lied to us, color me shocked! Hobie has not been around since the 31st, and yet the latest episode of the dinar scams get posted, the site is up and running all without the 24/7 working hours that hoaxin hobie is claimed to have worked. I am shocked, ruberswillnews is staffed by liars!"

From April:
A Wonderful day to you and yours!
I'm coming forward to ask all of the Rumor Mill News readers for help in buying Hobie some groceries and to pay a few utility bills this month. A few months ago, he lost his earnings due to an ad company misadventure. Since then he has been working here for free and falling further and further into the red zone each month.
Hobie is the backbone of Rumor Mill. He works more hours in one day then most people do in two or three. Without him, we'd be lost. There would be no website coder or one of the other dozen things he does daily for RMN. This isn't about RMN it's about helping one of our own get back on his feet.
If you feel so inclined, would you consider a gift of $20.00, $30.00 or more for this worthy cause. Please help Hobie and make your generous paypal donation to
Thank you so much for your time and your generosity. Let's make this the best month ever for a man who deserves so much more!!
We Love You Hobie!!

Agent 86 wrote, "Grifter raye will get back to you, NaturallyUnwise, by the 15th or when she notices the rubes are not paying tribute and hobie is not answering emails, whichever comes first"

As always, Agent 86 has noticed a significant event.  Hobie is AWOL.  The burden of making an appearance fall to Lynda, otherwise known as Susoni.   

I did look up outages in Jeff Gordon's area and there is one reported, affecting 7 customers, caused by a tree being down. " Customers Affected: 7
Estimated Restoration: Jun 4, 6:45 PM

A tree has caused a power outage in your area. We apologize for any inconvenience and we are working to restore power. We will provide updates as details become available."

But it does not appear to be close to his place.  Note that the electric company takes care of the problem.  There is a Starbucks less than two miles away.  So, what gives, Jeff?

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*** RAYE *** We're already several days into a new (SHORT) month and we need to update the FUNDRAZR code ASAP
Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Sunday, 4-Jun-2017 12:44:32

The May FundRazr widget expires on June 5th(Monday). Zapper has been offline for several days due to a power outage, so if you can email the June code to either Susoni or me, I'll do what I can to update the widget on RMN.

Agent 86 said, "hoaxing hobie mia...oy vey"

Thanks Agent 86!  Of course, one immediately wonders if this is a neighbor or someone from another part of Jeff Gordon's (Hobie) life.  Or, if this really happened at all.  It struck me this morning that what we are seeing is a puppet show, where the producer, director and actors are simply playing out a serial drama, starring themselves.  The perpetual star of the show is Rayelan Allan (AKA Darlene Rae Smith of Crows Landing, California. )  But let's not forget little Darlene is also the Princess of Obergon, and has lived countless lives, each of which was a romantic adventure of galactic proportions.  

So, about that tree.  From my experience the electric company comes out post haste to cope with such interruptions in service.  They keep a staff on hand for just this purpose.  While Jeff's family settled into a home in an upscale neighborhood, his ancestral home is on a rise and the stream appears to be across the street and not too close to him.  

There are a lot of trees but since the land on which the house stands appears to continue to rise it does not seem likely there is another creek up there.  

Incidentally, Jeff gave me his street address when I was working for the Obergonish Princess.  I was attempting to carry out her instructions for incorporating Rubicon Aegis, LLC, outside of Ohio.  Raye did not see fit to mention she had incorporated Rubicon Aegis, LLC, in Ohio the year before.  On November 10, 2010 to be precise.   I, naturally, had copied the address into my address book.  

It seems her offer to partner with me in this corporation, for my sweat equity, was entirely bogus.  The next task she asked me to perform was to make up business cards for her and myself.  

 Note that Raye has long since departed from this location.   If you try to visit the website for this corporation you see THIS.
I do not publish Jeff's address  because that would be a breech of correct practice.  But I'm glad to be able to report to you with an update.  It is unlikely anyone would breech the sanctified privacy enjoyed by Jeff Gordon in his sylvan abode, but one would not want to risk that happenstance.  

Thanks, Agent 86, again you are fast with the next segment on, "Rumor Mill News - your online Disinformation injection CIA soap opera."

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The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
AGENTS!! Hobie is Going to Be Offline For Awhile!! Power Outage and Flooding in his Area
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 31-May-2017 15:40:38

Hi All,
I just received an email from one near to Hobie. I know there is a creek close to his street and imagine he is having trouble with that.
Praying for you Hobes and Prayers for your house and Brother, too. Hoping you'll be 'back at it' soon. If any of you need any help on the front page, email me.
Thanks J for letting me know :-)
To all: Please send your Prayers his way!!
Lynda (Susoni - RumorMail)
(Sent from Hobies friend)
His neighbor's tree came down 'this morn' or late last nite and
took out all the electricity. Which is bad enough but there is massive flooding happening there and he has water coming down his street and flooding everything. So until things can get solved there he is out of commission. His cell phone only has a few minutes left on it and he has no way to recharge it. My thoughts and prayers are with him and know yours are too. I thought about posting this on RMN but figured it would be better coming from you.
If there is anything I can do to give anyone an assist please please let me know.
Many Blessings to all ...

Lymerick -- Saturday, 3-Jun-2017 14:59:51

Friday, June 2, 2017

The subject of OITC came up today in another context.

As a result, I googled the term and this turned up.  Oh Readers, remember this when Raye whines about the server bill.  

Melinda Pillsbury-Foster

to me
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster has left a new comment on your post "Agent 86 commented, "Fake $400 server bill plus fa...":

It is very likely you are actually Hobie-Jeff Gordon-Zapper attempting to reframe the question. Some have raised the cost of DSL before and certainly businesses pay more. However, if there was such a bill she never, never mentioned it while I was living there. And at the time we were discussing various services and their cost. Additionally, the type of service was the originating point for this discussion. The point was her unwillingness to provide the bill and so prove such a bill existed. I must also recall to you that the security specialist for the Office of International Treasury Control said RMN was hosted on a CIA server farm in North Carolina. The CIA does not generally sell this service. The organization ceased communicating with Raye and I believe, from what I heard and saw, this was one of the reasons. The URL used in the emails does not go to a site, but the security specialist mentioned changing it at one time. It is registered to David Sale, with his phone number.

I'm not making any representations about the organization or what they were doing but Raye looked embarrassed when the security specialist, who had gotten off the call to check the location of the server, which he said he could do remotely. He was clearly shocked.

No explanation has ever been made by Raye of this event. All of my attempts to discuss it with her at the time were futile and resulted in trips to the hospital (for her), as I recall.

Posted by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster to Insights on Rumor Mill News at June 27, 2016 at