Up Dates

Updates has now changed.  Here, I put links to posts with background useful to understanding Rayelan which did not originate on this site.  

From 1992 - 1995 an amazing number of articles on the Phoenix Journal followed the activities of Gunther and Rayelan Russbacher.  At first the Readers were excited, admiring and eager to help.  This changed as a very non-heroic reality emerged.  

To read these go to  Phoenix Source Distributors and find 'Search' on the left menu bar, at the bottom.  Then search for the word, 'Rayelan.'   Please note Rayelan's phone bill was already a reason for online panhandling. 

             Thanks Anonymous!
Entire entry from fourwinds10 reposted here.
"From: EW
To: <bellringer@fourwinds10.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 2:10 PM
Subject: E. J. & Doris J. Ekker

Hello Patrick,
Any thoughts on why RumorMillNews is putting out all the propaganda against E. J. Ekker and Doris J. Ekker? Aren't the Ekkers the primary human operatives in the Phoenix Journals?
And, who is this V.K. Durham and the Durham Trust?
I have no problem with the info in the Phoenix Journals.
Is this an attempt to "kill the messenger" by the operatives running RumorMillNews?
Couple of URL's:
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Dec. 11, 2007

Dear EW:
Thank you for your letter.  Doris Ekker is now dead. If you know nothing about the Ekkers and the 20 year feud with V.K.Durham, you have 500 Contact papers to read to catch us. Maybe its time for a brief history lesson. It's all about money and power

The Ekkers were in charge of the Phoenix Journal Project over eleven years of rocky road (1987-1998). V.K. Durham was "Grandma Hermann", wife of CIA operative Russell Hermann and co-worker with CIA G.H.W. Bush in the 1980's. V.K. was Navy (Waves) and worked at one time as White House guard, very intelligent and well versed in common law. She found an 1875 Peruvian Gold Certificate in an old Bible she had purchased, face value of $1000. plus accrued interest, now worth trillions.

Bush, Sr. learned of the gold certificate through Russell, who verified its validity, and determined to steal it. Russell was poisoned, died a horrible death at home under care of wife/nurse V.K. Durham.  Russell Herman was cloned and under Bush, Sr.'s. direction gave his authority for the Gold Certificate to Rick Martin of the Contact Newspaper staff. Rick Martin immediately turned the fake authority for this supposed wealth over to the Phoenix Institute and President E.J. and Secretary Doris Ekker. Thus, they rushed off to Manila, Philippines in 1998 to begin their new GAIA (Global Alliance Investment Association) project based on this supposed wealth.  Thus, Bush, Sr. accomplished his goal of stopping the Phoenix Journal Project. 

V.K. Durham had control of this wealth at one time. Hatonn met with her in person to advice her how to use this wealth for goodness, but V.K. with her great ego rejected His wisdom. Thus, he said she would never be wealthy. She lost the Gold Certificate, which is now aboard the Phoenix Command Ship, and her wealth, which is in the World Trust of Violinio Germain.

For years a battle of wills went on between Doris Ekker and "Grandma Hermann" over V.K. helping Contact Newspaper and the Phoenix Journal Project with her wealth. Due to greed and the desire for control on the part of both parties, little financial assistance was ever provided by V.K. to the Ekkers.
The Ekker's GAIA project was based on fraud, for they had no lawful control of the Peruvian Gold Certificate of V.K. Durham. To this day V.K.claims that through Russell Hermann and Rick Martin the Eskers stole her wealth. Thus, she keeps ranting on the Internet about how evil the Ekkers were, and how she is going to get it back.

Rumormillnews.com is a CIA website and is quite willing to broadcast V.K's rantings and propaganda to cause confusion and cover up the Truth. Watcher 51445 is also a CIA stooge. Beware, that V.K. trashes anyone, who disagrees with her or gets in her way. I speak from experience.

The Durham Trust was set up by V.K. for handling her Gold Certificate, when she lawfully held it in her possession. Because V.K. refused to honor the banking window for the transaction of her Gold Certificate, the window closed, and she lost her opportunity to "cash" the certificate.
I see little merit in giving greater historical detail. May this sketch be sufficient to answer your questions.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

----- Original Message -----
From: NK
To: "Bellringer" <bellringer@fourwinds10.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2007 8:55 AM
WHEN DID EJ DIE  PER         12/11/07      POSTING?
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  NK
DATE:  Dec. 12, 2007
Dear NK:
    Your question prompted us to call the Contact Office at 1-800-800-5565  for further information.  The lady, who answered the phone, was very secretive but disclosed that E.J. Ekker was still alive.  We have changed the information in our "Hello, Central!"  accordingly.
    Thank you for your help in getting our facts correct.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer"


          29 -  Is Rayelan Trust-worthy?

          27 -  Will the real Rayelan AKA Darlene Rae Smith of Salinas, please stand up?

          23 -  Rayelan Named as Mastermind in Murder for Hire by Alexander, 13th Duke of

           9 -  UPDATE: Last Manchester Message from Yesterday 

          8 - Rayelan Enlists Rumor Mill Readers in a Murder for Hire Conspiracy 

       24 -  How the NeoCons Conned Saddam Hussein, with Help from Hillary
                This might seem off topic since, overtly, it has nothing to do with RMN - except
                that the article will never appear there because of Rayelan's censoring.  

      13 - Site Policy on COMMENTS 

      13 -  And we pause for a moment to respond to the most recent posted COMMENT

        9 - Part Three – The Saga of the Move to Ohio continues, as does the panhandling 
       1 - Part Two - The Saga Continues, with a brief stop in Reality 

       30 - Part One - The Original Saga of the Move to Ohio, A Prelude 

          8 - The Curious Relationship of Rayelan and Alex, the 13th Duke of Manchester

          2 - Return to Light Ministry

         31   Eviction Notice No. 3 - This one directed to my disabled son.

         11   Rayelan Makes the News in Ashtabula

           3   Cease and Desist Letter

          27 -   Announcement -  Legends of the Fall  

            1 -  The Rayelan Report Update  


            14 - Further Insights on Rayelan (AKA Darlene Rae Smith, and so on.) AVOID BEING
                    A VICTIM!!!!     


      29 - Eviction Notice II, Raye still refuses to respond to Melinda's attorney.

     12 - 13- Report from Battlefield Ashtabula 

     10 - Rumor Mill News - Consider the Question 

        1 - From: Psychic Vampires by Joe H. Slate, PH.D.
              Melinda considers theories which explain Rayelan's calloused behavior.


          21 - The Revisionist Habits of Rayelan Allan AKA Darlene Rae Smith          
                 How can Rayelan lie and show no guilt?   

         16th - Article from Rumor Mill News begging for money and Melinda's narrative and 


          22     The Issue of the Bathroom
          12     Eviction Notice 

Announcement - Legends of the Fall


  1. http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?read=164911


    1. The thread of above includes the comment by an RMN Reader on his/her suspicions about Rayelan and the site. This includes the need for monthly donations. Hobie ascribes these to constant attacks on the site because it is seen as a threat to the powers that be.

      It passes belief that anyone could view RMN as a threat to the establishment since RMN is hosted on a CIA server. But perhaps this is evidence of the ongoing battle between Faction One and Faction Two, groups of undisclosed interests and individuals who exist in the murky world of rumor?

      There are far better, and provable, sources for all of the topics advertised on RMN. "Find UFOs, The Apocalypse, New World Order, Political Analysis, Alternative Health, Armageddon, Conspiracies, Prophecies, Spirituality,
      Home Schooling, Home Mortgages and more, in:" Check out Before its News for some and sites specific to topics for the others. Home Schooling has both national organizations advancing their cause and local groups which use these as resources without being controlled by them. This is a form of organization which is driven by people locally and which reinforces the power of individuals to decide for themselves what works and what does not.

      The foundational problem with RMN is that it is a top down organization itself with all power held by Rayelan about whom you know nothing which you can document.

      Thanks for the post, anonymous. Please note I use my own name, Melinda Pillsbury-Foster, and have done so since I adopted it at age 23. Melinda is a name which combines Mary Linda, my given first and last names which my parents never used except for legal purposes. Pillsbury was my father's family name. His name was Dr. Arthur Francis Pillsbury. I was struck by the consistency of the family's dedication to individual rights and justice. But the same was true for the Foster line. Foster was his grand-mother's family name. Her name was Dr. Harriet Foster Pillsbury. Harriet graduated from the Women's Infirmary of NY in 1880 and provided both medical services and information to women of all socio-economic groups which, then, were by law prohibited from having such information. Harriet's family were original homesteaders in Andover, MA in the early 1600's.

      I took the names because spiritually, and ideologically, these two lines of my family, as I studied them, affirmed the power of individuals to change their world and live lives which conbined the attributes of strength, kindness and hard work. .
