Monday, June 29, 2015

Commentary creeping into wider circles

And another Insight Reader found this comment on Amazon's page for The Obergon Chronicles

C. MILLER10 months ago
This book is fiction and it is very poorly written fiction at that. Most of the people reviewing this book are Rayelan's cohorts putatively titled as 'news agents' who spend their days copying and pasting unsubstantiated rumors at her website. Far more interesting is her background which is detailed at

This comment was made to a review of the book by Freedom4Ever AKA Bonnie.

Agent 86 brings home a delicious one! "A new day, a new unimaginative beg number 21. and the readers are getting restless with Hobie's bullshit"

It appears no one is particularly worried about being denied commenting privileges at CIA-RMN now.  What a wonderful progress toward showing the CIA, nasty arm of the multinational corporations, that it is not going to work.  Thanks Agent 86 and also Reader and Reader Candace!

(hmm) Interesting thought - could the TPP be hiding the global reset...? (views: 1078)
hobie -- Sunday, 28-Jun-2015 17:15:17

Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 29-Jun-2015 05:00:40
Hi, Folks -
Many thanks to the latest three contributors, who have added kind comments and $120 to the FundRazr :), and to the other 83 fine folks who have contributed this month toward RMN's expenses. :)
Another $395 reaches our goal. Please Contribute TODAY if you're able and would find it fitting.
Blessings, all.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Agent 86 says, "Urgent...Only three days left to fund Rayelan's extravagant spending...please contribute to her wastefulness now..June is a short month"

A Two For One Nag, supplied by the ever attentive Agent 86!  Thanks 86!

It is actually a tiny bit refreshing that Jeff Gordon did not mention Raye and only asked for money to operate the most overfunded reposting site in history.  Was Jeff sending out private nagging notes in ongoing attempts to guilt those who use this public site into coughing up?  We will probably never know. 

NEW: ** ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT, $515 TO GO - PLEASE CONTRIBUTE ** (views: 20)
hobie -- Sunday, 28-Jun-2015 03:55:11

Hi, Folks -
Thanks indeed to the 83 fine folks (out of the thousands who regularly visit here) who have contributed $2485 toward RMN's June expenses, and for their many kind comments. :)
Tuesday is the last day of June; another $515 will reach our target goal. Please Contribute TODAY if you're able and would find it fitting.
Blessings, all.

link: "Enriching Your Life By Giving" (views: 77)
hobie -- Saturday, 27-Jun-2015 23:39:58
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 27-Jun-2015 23:39:58

 And why would giving to RMN be a good way to give?  Why not give more to your church?  To your local food bank?  To the local animal shelter?  You can SEE your money being used for good there and need retain no suspicion that instead those hard earned bucks are being taken down to a local posh restaurant to fill the maw of the Madame of Moaning. 

Hi, Folks -
Found here:
Enriching Your Life By Giving
One month after her wedding day, 33-year-old Cami Walker was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, and the life she knew changed forever. Cami was soon in and out of L.A.’s emergency rooms with alarming frequency as she battled the neurological condition that left her barely able to walk and put enormous stress on her marriage. Each day brought new negative thoughts: “I’m going to end up in a wheelchair… My life is over.
“Why did this have to happen to me?”
Then, as a remedy for her condition, Cami received an uncommon prescription from a friend, an African Medicine Woman named Mbali Creazzo. The prescription was simply to give away 29 gifts in 29 days. ...

Friday, June 26, 2015

Another delicious While of the Moment from Ryelan, super woman of the CIA!

Thanks to Agent 86, who commented, "I did not pay any of my electric bill with the $2000 you sent me, or my internet/phone with my $3000, please send more money now for me to squander"

Sounds like there was more essential decorating which needed doing at the new place on the posh dairy farm with the marvelous accoutrements and vast storage for Stuff.  And the 'friend' is doubtless Jim Heath who shares the larder with Rayelan - and if you look at him you will know she has strong competition there in the consumption department. 

Remember, Rayelan's health improves every time she tries one of the 'treatments' which she advertises online and for which she receives a kick back.  She always tells us in trilling tones how this or that has cured every problem she had.  When I arrived these miracles cures were all over the place.  Raye urged me to try them out as I got sicker and sicker as she fed me those funny pills and the strange tasting water.  So, what did she do did she do with them?  Our of Rayelan's vicinity I am rapidly improving.  So, was it those weird cures that destroyed my health?  The pills she insisted I take?  

Anyway, why don't you try some of the advertised goods - or take them yourself, Raye?

Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 26-Jun-2015 10:05:18

My phones are already shut off. If I can't pay $300.00 (a small fraction of what is owed) my electricity will be shut off. I've been able to keep it on because I need a c-Pap machine to breathe at night. But that only goes so far with the electric company.
There is still $900 needed to reach the goal of $3,000 for the month of June. $300.00 will keep the electricity on in the RMN office for another month. I still need to pay something to keep my phone and internet connected.
The whole $900.00 would keep the electricity, the internet and the phone on.
The last time the electricity was shut off an entire freezer full of food had to be thrown out. A friend took me shopping a few days ago because he knew I had no money for food. I don't want to see this freezer of food go bad.
Money is always tight for me, but this move has cost me dearly in things that had to be sold just to keep the movers and the painters from walking out.
Thank you for understanding my situation. If you can help, I thank you with all my heart.

Agent 86 sends HobieInsight "Hobie does the math, another example of breaking news at RumorMillSwindle, the stuff the MSM does NOT want you to know! Send Money NOW"

Can anyone really point to any actual fact they learned on RMN?  I'm curious.  As far as I can see what is 'learned' runs to how you will become a billionaire if you invest in Iraqi Dinar, buy cures which Raye said cured every ill she ever had and such.  

By the way, if it all worked so well why is she sick all the time? 

And HEEERE is the pitch! (Maybe he get desperate enough to tell you if you donate you will magically be as good looking as is he.  Of course, how would you know?) 

  • NEW: ** PLEASE CONTRIBUTE - ANOTHER $945 REACHES THE GOAL FOR JUNE ** (no msg inside this post) *NM* (views: 5)
    hobie -- Friday, 26-Jun-2015 04:51:51
  • Thursday, June 25, 2015

    dmh Sends more interesting material on Rayelan the Typographical Error

    From:  Huge Questions

    Thanks for sending, dmh! 

    Rayelan Allan
    One of the suspicious "truth seekers", Rayelan Allan, who runs Rumor Mill News, was recently interviewed on radio. Her attempt to deceive us may provide us with some important clues as to what is going on. For the interview:
    Look for September 28, 2007:
    A direct link to the interview:
    If you don't know who she is, I wrote about some suspicious aspects of her in other articles, such as:
    Rayelan Allan promotes a theory that there are two groups of people fighting for control over the world, which she refers to as Faction 1 and Faction 2. She describes it in the radio interview and such articles as: 41807
    She describes Faction 1 as the New World Order, which she further clarifies as being the Rothschilds, bankers, corporations, and monarchies of Europe. She describes these as bad people who want to take control of the world and turn us into their slaves.
    She describes Faction 2 as a secret group of patriots who are fighting the New World Order. She claims that Faction 2 are good people who believe in freedom and other wonderful concepts. She wrote:
    Faction Two is descended from the King of Bavaria, the Knights Templars and the German Abwehr. Faction Two was created by men whose countries had been destroyed by the New World Order.
    If you watched Part 3 of my Masquerade Party videos, then you know that I also believe there are two primary groups fighting for control of the world. I agree with Rayelan Allan that one group is the Rothschilds, the bankers, and the economic and political monarchies. However, I think the second group, which she describes as a secret group of patriots, is actually the Zionist Jews. So why does she tell us that the second group is connected with the Knights Templar? Before I discus the Knights Templar, here is some information about her radio interview.
    Gary Franchi
    On 28 September 2007, Gary Franchi interviewed Rayelan Allan for his Lone Lantern radio show. His show is on We The People Radio Network, which is almost identical to the GCN and RBN radio networks. They all produce Zionist propaganda, so we should assume that everybody who is promoted by those networks is mixing truth with deception.
    The network's shows:
    Gary Franchi's site:
    You can visualize their propaganda as bait on a hook. They have some truth to attract you, but it's mixed with deception, so try to find the truth and avoid the hook. Rayelan Allan claims that Faction 2 - the good people - come from the Knights Templar. While this could be deception, it could also be important information to explain what has been going on during these past few centuries. Let's try to pick the truth out of her message.

    Agent 86 Says ,"June is a short month...Send Money now"

    .....because even Readers have a function. 

    Looks like they are getting the shills in to prime the pump again.  How many months will this last? Inquiring minds want to know. 

    Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
    Date: Thursday, 25-Jun-2015 04:56:42

    Hi, Folks -
    Many thanks to the 73 fine folks who have contributed $2015 toward RMN's June expenses and offered some very kind comments along the way. :)
    June's a short month with a target goal of $3000, so we need to keep pressing ahead in order to reach that goal.
    Blessings, all.

    Wednesday, June 24, 2015

    Agent 86 says, "Post the bills Hobie or the Rubes of swindlemill might not find it fitting"

    I agree, now surprisingly.   Rayelan's last rambling list of reasons she is incapable of managing her finances, despite the routine generosity historically shown by RMN Readers may have finally given some Readers pause.  Rayelan, clearly, does not track reality.  But psychopaths are never embarrassed.  They just withdraw to spend time figuring out another way to manipulate you.

    If we could see what is really going on behind the face of a psychopath there would be fewer of them.  When we were tribal there was a custom for handling the problem.  It will probably not be long until dialog on the issue begins for us.  After all, we have the fMRI, which used, can show what is really going on in the mind of a psychopath.   

    What RMN needs is a forum where a dialog can begin with counselors who understand the behavior you are seeing.  Aftermath:  Surviving Psychopathy maintains such a resource. 

    What is psychopathy?

    Psychopathy is a personality disorder signified by a pattern of lying, exploitiveness, heedlessness, arrogance, sexual promiscuity, low self-control, and lack of empathy and remorse. Those who are affected may appear normal thus increasing their ability to effectively prey on others. People severely affected with psychopathy have a false belief in their own superiority, a sense […]

    Hare says all conmen are psychopaths.  Not having a conscience is a tool of the trade.  Facts are very healing, I know from experience.  

    Date: Wednesday, 24-Jun-2015 05:25:28
    Hi, Folks -
    With much appreciation for the 64 fine folks (out of the thousands who visit here) who have contributed $1710 toward RMN's June expenses :) we do still need your support to keep us on the Web and the lights on here at RMN.
    June's a short month, leaving us only about a week to reach the target goal of $3000 - and as I've been saying for quite awhile now, reaching at least the $2000 mark would have been quite helpful - but now it's time to shoot for the whole target and bring the remaining $1290 into the FundRazr widget right away.
    Blessings, all.

    Tuesday, June 23, 2015

    The Twenty Seals who were assigned to protect Rayelan

    Only one of them survived, you know.  The other 19 had to be sacrificed to a higher purpose.  Unfortunately, 19 of them were not enough to get the job done. It was just too much of a stretch even for them. 

    Here is the one survivor, with Raye, the monumental and magnificent.  And the survivor, named Snuffy, kept wondering where his friends went. 

    Of course, it does not look like Raye.

    Does this sound like anyone you know - Named Raye A. Smith, AKA Darlene Rae Smith of Crows Landing, California? 

    And Agent 86 says, "The feeble minded readers at RumorSwindlerNews, or maybe Hobie just made this up"

    And what is the real name of Agent N?  Jeff Gordon or Raye A. Smith? 

    Designed Rayelan the Magnificent Queen of Cons's circumstances?  Why are you trying to con now?  I guess it could also have been Theresa of Surfing the Apocalypse.  But who else would write such a thing with a straight face except the ConArtists in Chief and their close associate? 

    Raye decided to con me into coming to Ohio with blandishments and pledges of undying friendship and a share in Rubicon Aegis, LLC.  She pretended to care about my son to the extent of offering to become his Godmother and care for him when I die.  And I believe her and go.  

    Then I find out she has been talking to Morgan for a good long time and she, Morgan and the Manchesters are working with my enormously wealthy former husband who I know is a psychopath who wants to make me homeless.  He tried to do the same thing with his first wife and only stopped because her parents, and his intervened and forced him to stop.  He made his girl friend Anne Fisher homeless twice.  He bankrupted a famous soft core movie star whose name you would recognize.  (I'll reveal the name in the book.)  And the number of other women and girls he has done the same to is significant.  His attempts included my own kids and also his own grand daughter. 

    That is why I get thank yous for my site on Craig  Craig Franklin.

    Everyone told me just to move on.  But how could I do that knowing others would suffer?   So I out them - and never ask for thanks or expect anyone to appreciate this because I do it because it is the right thing.  

    Leave Rayelan to the circumstances she brought about and to the mice.  They deserve her. 

    Date: Monday, 22-Jun-2015 23:31:48
    (Thanks kindly, N. :)
    Received around noon Eastern Monday. Reader N. writes:
    POOFness for JUN 21: Lion In The Jungle (views: 3012)
    hobie -- Sunday, 21-Jun-2015 22:49:47
    Friends who read the Poof report here at RMN, ...and other related reports,
    How many times daily or weekly do you check RMN for projects/ PPP/ RV updates? and for related news?
    Have you ever NOT been able to access news and articles at RMN? Do you have to register and pay just to view or read articles?
    Over what period have you been checking RMN? I have been coming here for probably 10 years, daily!!!
    Maybe you have supported RMN before, as I have. I hope so! We cannot understand Raye's extremely difficult circumstances at present! We have to take her word for it! She has only told us the truth, and even tried to shield and cushion her reports too, because they sound "crazy". That is what those who create her circumstances have designed them to sound like!!! But she needs our help!
    Believe me, if I can afford $5 for Raye, you can too. (I will spare you my details. )
    There is always a way to do the right thing!
    Will you please do the right thing and contribute to Raye's support at this time?
    Reader N.

    Monday, June 22, 2015

    86 says channels Rayelan, the Mutant Whiner with, "deadbeat squatter mice...send money now I have my entourage to pay"

    Thanks Agent 86! 

    Can you believe this woman trots out her incompetence and expects people who are dealing with real problems and cutting back on everything to pay for her luxuries?  So now she says she threw the electric bills out because she thought they were duplicates?  Do you actually buy that? 

    Of course, it is better than claiming I stole them.  Why would I do that - and how?  I was upstairs and her office opened right onto the hallway so she could hear the postman arrive if she was working - not that she did much of that.  It interfered with the delights of garage sales and Goodwill and Salvation Army diving. 

    The two people from church (notice how she does not identify who they are so you will think these are new folks?)  are likely Deadly Handyman and Angel.  You could move a mansion in a truck if you took a year to do so.  Remember that Rayelan has been collecting from all of you for a year now for this move and, if she was not moved out she must have been paying the rent on the Bunker Hill place all of this time.  But it would clue you to just how much stuff she had if she said that.

    And the cute little micies.  Did she have a proper funeral for each of them?  I am surprised she did not ask Readers to send little wreaths for the obsequies. 

    Most of us handle our problems ourselves, without exposing them to the world and whining for sympathy over and over again.  And why?  To keep the congame in motion.  If you donate to this shark you asked for it. 


    Thanks Agent 86! More whining from Hobie - and a solution.

    Agent 86 says - "$95 donations divided by 2064 views = an average return of 4 and 1/2 cents per view which is way too high for delusional bullshit.   A much better return than the dinar fools will get.     Hobie demands that they pay to be lied to and ripped off...such a giver eh?"

    They work hard on those lies, 86.  They are professionals at lying to the rube-Readers.  Notice the happy, deluded Agents for RMN go get the articles and like good little doggies are paid nothing for finding the articles.  The writers of the articles found and reposted are not paid.

    The solution is to put a couple of bucks in the PayPal Donate button of the author whose article you liked on the original site.  
    Rayelan is paid for spending money and telling lies and Jeff Gordon-Hobie-Zapper is paid for helping her build up the hits so they can also make their MLMs profitable and get a cut of the Dinar loot.

    You can't blame Hob-Ray for being annoyed it is not longer working as planned. 

    Hi, Folks -
    Several thousand of you will come here to read this one post. If each would contribute $5, it would help Rumor Mill News and its publisher significantly. PLEASE CONTRIBUTE WHILE YOU'RE HERE:

    And that Darn Kitty is Still so, so, low.

    Thanks Agent 86 for sending on the most recent demand for unearned money by the Creeps in Chief of Rumor Mill News.  

    Now that people are finally 'getting' the systemic nature of (fill in your favorite word here, may be New World Order, maybe Multinational corporations, my choice Greedville) the world is changing.  Change does not come without action.  

    What actions are RMN Readers supporting when they toss money into the hopper for Rayelan and Hobie?  Think hard now. If you like the articles snatched, often without credit, from the Web google a few words and find where they are legitimately posted.  Then donate to the writer directly.  

    Or are you ponying up money because you enjoy the ongoing soap opera of a life focused only on deceit and self-indulgence?  Think about it. 

    Those who abuse our trust, con, steal, deceive, must be exposed.  

    NEW: POOFness for JUN 21: Lion In The Jungle (views: 2064)
    hobie -- Sunday, 21-Jun-2015 22:49:47

    Saturday, June 20, 2015

    Agent 86 again provides food for thought.

    Agent 86 has again brought us some interesting insights, which will comment on forthwith.  I have been ruminating on this for some time now.  Why do people continue to pony up for a most blatant un-cause imaginable?  Don't you care if we throw off the forces of evil? 

    Through their threats and posturing you can see the Multinational corporations are losing ground every day.  Look at the heroic stance of Iceland!  Thanks God for them.  Look at the real whistle-blowers who put their lives on the line for US! 

    But you give money to this....pathetic excuse for a human being? 

    Rayelan is a shop-a-holic with the background typical of a CIA asset.  She refuses to give details, has no discernible history as any kind of an activist, tells tall tales which should destroy her credibility, acts as a less than benevolent dictator over a website which, by routine practice, steals content from writers who include dedicated activist-journalists attempting to make an honest living while enacting real change.  She is demonstrably incapable of handling real life situations and always, always, always injects drama into any and all situations which focus entirely on her own self, her needs - and by so doing unwittingly transparently displays her real values. 

    I really thought more Readers would be fed up when they saw this supposedly stalwart female who claims to have conquered the CIA and put her life in danger continuously could not back a Jeep out of a FLAT driveway in the snow.  Personally, my lip curled. 

    It is your money.  Get smarter.  

    Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
    Date: Saturday, 20-Jun-2015 04:21:48

    Hi, Folks -
    Many thanks to the 38 kindly souls who have contributed $1325 toward RMN's June expenses. :)
    The month's now 2/3 over and we're not yet halfway to the goal for this month's expenses. Reaching the $2000 mark as soon as possible would be very helpful. :)
    Please CONTRIBUTE TODAY if you're able and would find it fitting.
    Blessings, all.

    Friday, June 19, 2015

    Agent 86 has done some calculating....

    86 says 

    Rayelan is getting approx $3000 from her husbands social security and pension, she is getting another $3000 or more per month from the begging and lets just estimate $1000 per month between kickbacks, advertising and donations to her paypal and direct mail.

    That is $7000 per month!

    Her rent is $500 but she claims it is $750...(the old Rapacious Raye markup)
    Her server is $400 per month
    Utilities, Cell Phone and Internet  $600?
    Food maybe $400
    Storage  $250?

    That leaves about $4850 discretionary and unaccounted for since she does not have any debt because nobody will loan her any.

    It could not ALL be going to Denny's Early Bird specials, nor could it all be going to buy junk from yard sales and thrift stores.

    She acts as if she had no money this month yet we know she got $1000 from the rubes plus her husband's $3000.

    I wish I had that much money to spend/giveaway each month, but NOT if I got it through lies, slander and fraud

    Sort of goes with "Where have all the Flowers Gone," don't you think?

    The answer, my friend, is living every sin, the answer is living all the sins.  

    She did not want to miss a one of them - and that she achieved.  

    Thursday, June 18, 2015

    She's Baaack. And singing the same old song. (What? You expected originality from the Sink of Stink?

    Agent 86 says, “I can't pay the vig on my shylocks payday loan, my radiator is leaking, I stiffed the cell phone company, need a new storage unit SEND MONEY NOW”

    Can you imagine the dialog between Rayelan of the Null Reality and Jeff Gordon AKA Zapper-Hobie?
    Jeff - Listen, you better get your sorry ass onto a computer and write up some more lies for the rubes. If you don't......and I mean this.......I am going back to the Agency full time and you can handle your own stupidities. How would you like that?
    Rayelan – But I am still DECORATING? Have you no understanding of priorities?..........any ideas?
    Jeff – It is retread time. Use what worked.
    Rayelan – Alright..(she puts down the Martha Stewart catalog)....Jim, I'll be back in 20 minutes. Those Rubes just do not understand their jobs. Just PAY me! Why should I have to think up new lies all the time!
    NOTE: Rayelan is the one who was downstairs right next to the mailbox and she had a PO Box to which her mail was forwarded LAST SUMMER. I hope Rayality is beginning to sink in. - Melinda

    Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
    Date: Thursday, 18-Jun-2015 15:18:19
    I am over a thousand overdrawn in my bank account. I borrowed money from one of those payday loan places because I was just too embarassed to ask for more money last month. I forgot about the payday loan. They took out over $400.00 from my bank account. That was on top of the money I had overdrawn knowing that my deposit on the first would cover what I took out AND I would still be able to pay the landlady her $750.00.
    With over a thousand overdrawn, I will not be able to pay the rent. I am moved now. I have no more people to pay for the moving. This means I will have no more moving costs.
    However, another snag has appeared.The radiator on my 99 Jeep Cherokee has a hole in it. I can still drive short distances and fill it with water after it cools down, but it has to be replaced.
    The Jeep dealership wants $400.00 for a new radiator and god only know what they want to install it. There is one in good shape at our local junk yard. That's where I buy most of my parts to fix it. They want $150.00 for it. My mechanic wants $50.00 to install it.
    I need that $200.00 asap before the junk yard sells it to someone else. They do business all across the country.
    I need the Chip in Widget filled completely by the first so that my VA benefits that come in on the first won't be eaten up by the thousand plus that I am currently overdrawn and I will be able to pay my rent.
    For some reason I can not log on to my computer at home. I have to drive the car, that is barely working, to our local library to access this computer.
    I have no more cell phone. I couldn't pay the bill and they would not accept payments. I never saw the bill to pay it and I have never found it. I don't remember what the balance is. It think it's somewhere around $300.00 maybe higher
    I still owe $2,000 to the electric company on bills I never saw. I know my "houseguest" was taking my bills to cause me problems. I now have all my bills going to a post office box and I have left orders that only people with keys are allowed to get my mail. I used to be able to go to the desk and ask for my mail when I forgot my key. Now NO ONE can go to the desk and ask for the mail in my box.
    I don't even have a mail box on the road for my new house. All mail is forwarded automatically to the P.O. Box.
    I need the $200.00 asap in my Paypal account, or in the widget you see on the left side of the page.
    As for the move, my house is stacked from floor to ceiling with boxes. The basement is full of boxes. I still have pods to unload and no place to put them except on pallets in my driveway. I may have to rent a storage unit if everything doesn't fit it. A garage sale is definitely going to be held and our local antique dealer is coming to take a look at some of our things. I have some furniture pieces that are quite impressive. He will sell them for over a thousand... I will be lucky if he gives me $300.00 for them. But at the moment, I have to do what I have to do to survive.
    I thank all of my longtime friends for helping me over this mountain.
    Because I am on a library computer, I can't access the fundrazr widget because I don't know my password. It didn't occur to me to bring my password booklet with me to the library.
    If you can help me with the $200.00 I need right now, and also help me pay off the thousand plus overdraft at the bank so that my VA benefits check won't be eaten up and I can pay the rent, I will be eternally grateful.
    Thank you so very much. I pray things calm down a bit and I can soon get back to work here at RMN.
    The chip in widget is on the left side at the top of the page. I am not asking for MORE money, I am just asking that what is needed in the chipin be put in as soon as possible.
    Many blessings to all!! May miracles happen for you and for me.

    A miracle would be Rayelan telling the truth. Pray for that.

    Wednesday, June 17, 2015

    Agent 86 says.........."Since they are "in hand" please scan and post for all to see"

    And everyone is curious to see where the money actually goes.  Actually, posting the Paypal account and the Huntington and other accounts would also much relieve those suspicions RMN Readers are being conned.  We know, don't hold our breaths.  Not going to happen.

    Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
    Date: Wednesday, 17-Jun-2015 04:50:16

    Hi, Folks -
    Thanks kindly to the 30 fine folks who have contributed $1020 toward RMN's June expenses, and particularly to the most recent two, who got us over the $1000 mark. :)
    RMN bills are already in hand, needing to be paid. Reaching $2000 as soon as possible would be the best idea, but whatever you can do. :) Please contribute TODAY if you're able and would find it fitting.
    Blessings, all.

    Monday, June 15, 2015

    Agent 86 says, "Attention Free loading shortbus riders, please pay a fare for reading Poofness Bullshit!"

    Agent 86 is right. 

    Why does hearing from Raye, if this actually took place, matter?  She and Jeff just thrash out which lies to tell in the endless money extraction process.  You can't believe anything you can't see with either of them.  Demand evidence in the form of scanned bills, photos, other forms which cannot be doctored.  

    And wasn't the electricity turned off anyway?  Didn't Raye run out and  buy a generator and other items so she could continue to function?  What happened?  Did the mice steal those?  

    All Aboard the Bus to Mars with Rayelan and Jeff!

    NEW: ** Help RMN keep the lights on - We need the widget to reach $2000 ASAP - PLEASE CONTRIBUTE ** (views: 34)
    hobie -- Monday, 15-Jun-2015 05:08:11
    Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
    Date: Monday, 15-Jun-2015 05:08:11

    Hi, Folks -
    Thanks very much to the 27 kind souls who have contributed $942 thus far toward RMN's June expenses. :)
    (Think of this: Last weekend's Poofness newsletter has had over 6,000 views. Let's suppose half of those are "second viewings". Then let's suppose two-thirds of the 3,000 folks it represents really cannot afford to contribute anything financially. That leaves 1,000 fine folks who probably could.)
    That bill I mentioned, that had been moved from the first to the fifteenth, arrived. We do need the FundRazr widget to reach $2,000 just as soon as possible.
    Please CONTRIBUTE TODAY if you're able and would find it fitting.
    Blessings, all.

    Sunday, June 14, 2015

    The RMN Busride to CIA Heaven

    Agent 86 says, "Hobie thanks the 22 folks riding the RMN short bus," .....and this is an interesting time in RMN history?  

    The RMN Bus to Mars - Get Your Seat Today!


    Are these folks on board or just paying for the next installment of the incredible and, necessarily, unbelievable saga of Rayelan the Fictional?  

    I will never forget asking her to tell me something specific about her 'activism.'  She said she decided not to buy a real fur coat, instead promoting the sale of faux fur.  I was speechless.  She did not produce them, did not sell them, did nothing but not buy a real fur.  This is not activism of any kind.  She is so uninformed she does not even know how to lie credibly about being an activist.  

    And she collected thousands of dollars promising people they would have a bolt hold when they needed it.  Now she is living on an old Dairy Farm.  Why don't you contact her and tell her you are coming to live with her, if you helped fund the Family Camp Ground.  See if she will give you her address.  Just a thought. 

    NEW: * RMN does need your support, folks; Please Contribute * (views: 49)
    hobie -- Sunday, 14-Jun-2015 04:59:58
    Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
    Date: Sunday, 14-Jun-2015 04:59:58

    Hi, Folks -
    Many thanks to the 22 terrific folks who have chosen to be "on the bus" in support of Rumor Mill News and of Rayelan at this most interesting time in the history of RMN. :)
    We do rely on your support, folks, to "keep the lights on" here at RMN. Right now I'd like to see us reach the $2000 mark in the FundRazr widget as swiftly as we can, because I know what's coming that will need to be fitly handled.
    If you're able and would find it fitting, please contribute:
    Blessings, all.

    Saturday, June 13, 2015

    Agent 86 says, "Too lazy to even feed us a bullshit story"

    I do not have the foggiest what is going on with the one and only Darlene Rae Smith of Crows Landing, California now Rayelan Allan of Ashtabula, Ohio who is supposedly living on the rolling acres of a former dairy farm in sylvan peace and delight. 

    We could, of course, speculate.  

    Speculations:  The former landlords, Bob and Stormie Brobst, expected her to continue paying rent while she moved out, this taking more than three more months because she has so much STUFF.  

    Could someone have stolen her STUFF?  We will, doubtless, find out eventually. 

    NEW: * June's half over - Let's get the FundRazr widget to $2000 as soon as we can * (views: 50)
    hobie -- Saturday, 13-Jun-2015 04:26:20

    Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
    Date: Saturday, 13-Jun-2015 04:26:20
    Hi, Folks -
    Thanks muchly to the 21 wonderful folks who have contributed $807 toward RMN's June expenses. :)
    I've heard from Rayelan, finally. I won't go into the details, but you wouldn't wish what she's going through on your worst enemy. (Well - maybe your _worst_ enemy. :)
    Apart from that, we need about $1000 in the FundRazr widget by about the 9th each month, to cover important bills that come due at about that time. You haven't found me freaking out about our not having reached that target this month, chiefly because I know one of those bills was moved to the 15th. That means it will come due in just a few days, now - but other bills are not far behind.
    If we can bring the FundRazr widget to $2000 very soon, that might give us a little breathing room - so I'd like it very much if we could do that. Perhaps some of the thousands who visit here and don't normally contribute will consider doing so, this time around.
    Please contribute TODAY if you're able and would find it fitting.
    Blessings, all.

    In Response To: * June's half over - Let's get the FundRazr widget to $2000 as soon as we can * (hobie)
    Hi, Folks -
    To contribute in support of Rayelan directly, click the button below:
    Donations made this way will not show up in the FundRazr widget - but they also won't have the additional 'bite' taken out of them that FundRazr does take. Donations made this way won't be visible to me - I'll have no idea how much is coming in or how swiftly - so, I thank you in advance; please consider yourself hugged. :)

    Friday, June 12, 2015

    Agent 86 Update - Raye Kidnapped by Aliens

    Well, what Agent 86 actually said was, "Deja Moo, I just saw this bullshit yesterday and yes we must get a jump on all those nonexisting bills." But don't you think he is missing a bet by not claiming she was kidnapped?  Given the likelihood of the other pleas for money aliens are very middle of the road as a scenario to explain why Raye is missing in inaction against the Forces of Evil, all of which she previously admired enormously, remember her exaltations over Bush W while we were ramping up to rape the Middle East.  

    Raye started her career as a CIA Playboy Bunny.  Of course she admires people with no ethics and more power than they can ethically handle. 

    Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
    Date: Friday, 12-Jun-2015 04:26:57

    Hi, Folks -
    Many thanks to the one stalwart Reader on Thursday who contributed $10. :)
    I still haven't heard from Raye, I trust she's all right. Bills do keep coming; when Raye surfaces again, she may need to pay those quickly. Let's see if we can stay ahead of that. :)
    Please contribute TODAY if you're able and would find it fitting:
    Blessings, all.

    NEW: ** RAYELAN - See my note in the Lounge ** (no msg inside this post) *NM* (views: 28)
    hobie -- Friday, 12-Jun-2015 03:03:23

    Thursday, June 11, 2015

    Ancient History - When Rayelan was Hot

    I received a request for more Hot Rayelan Pictures.  Sorry, this is all I have.

    Wasn't her electricity already turned off?

    Thanks 86!  Just keep paying - Jeff Gordon, who also has a life style to maintain, you know. 

    Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
    Date: Thursday, 11-Jun-2015 05:13:36

    Hi, Folks -
    In case you were wondering, I haven't heard from Rayelan in several days. I'm wondering if her electricity's been shut off, or if perhaps some other issue has come up and is totally occupying her attention. I don't know.
    Meanwhile, many thanks to the 16 fine folks who have contributed $662 toward RMN's June expenses. :) And thanks for the several kind comments that accompanied those contributions. :)
    As you know, we usually need $1000 in the FundRazr widget by about the 9th to cover important bills that come due at about that time, so we're a little behind schedule. One of those bills was shifted to come due on the 15th, so that's coming up shortly. And there's a chance Rayelan might reappear with some additional urgent need.
    Please contribute if you're able and would find it fitting.
    Blessings, all.

  • NEW: * Please keep the contributions coming, folks - every little bit helps. :) * (views: 84)
    hobie -- Thursday, 11-Jun-2015 05:13:36
  • NEW: ** RAYELAN - See my note in the Lounge ** (no msg inside this post) *NM* (views: 45)
    hobie -- Thursday, 11-Jun-2015 05:05:48
  • Rayelan's Problems and Profits.

    Here is a site from which Rayelan reports a miracle cure, Jurak,  which took care of all the problems she is still whining about today.  I have no idea if the tonic being advertised works for some people.  But it  clearly did not work for Rayelan since every problem she cites as fixed is still being presented to RMN Readers as a problem for which their money is needed so she can survive.  

    While I was working for Rayelan and earlier she would occasionally call in an attempt to get me to buy something, usually expensive, which she said had solved some problem.  But it was clear this was never true.  

    Rayelan is very overweight and at least looks her age.  Here is a photo from 2013.

    This pattern for promoting cures which have to discernible effect could be a need for attention or stem from the discovery it is a fast way to jump start a MLM income stream.  But if you are going to deal with Rayelan, or consider donating to any project she proposes,  you should know how she operates and keep it in mind.  

    The same thing happened when she tried biofeedback as part of a tiny study I did in Ashtabula.  I could see the biofeedback had made no difference in her health so wondered at what she said about its impact on her.  

    Rayelan's Jurak Site

    I’m the publisher of Rumor Mill News, an online alternative news site. When I first started taking JC Tonic I was juggling my time between being a fulltime website publisher/writer and an English teacher. I also cared for my husband who had serious health problems, and I was looking after my mother, who lived with us.

    In other words, I had no time to myself and my health reflected it.

    I can’t remember all the various diagnoses I have been given over the years… Epstein-Barr, fibromyalgia, pernicious anemia, Gulf War Syndrome, herpes-simplex complex, viral meningitis, Meniere’s Disease… the list goes on… but you get the idea.

    In 5 years I had ballooned from 160 pounds to over 200. I broke my ankle and was told it couldn’t be corrected without surgery. I developed a bulging disc in my back and had to see a chiropractor every week just to keep working.

    The skin on my arms developed brown growths called seborrhea Kerasotes. The skin under my eyes looked like snake skin. A dermatologist told me that both problems were something that "older women" develop and there was nothing that could be done.

    I was living on pain pills for the ankle and back and a buckets of herbal supplements for all the other problems.

    Then I discovered JC TONIC

    This is a photo of me before I started taking JC Tonic. It was taken in 2003 for my school ID. I had to use this photo, because I have virtually NO photos from this period. I looked so bad all of the time that I didn’t want any photographic record of those years.

    The first thing I noticed was an increase in physical strength and energy. I had just been diagnosed with Epstein Barr. After being on the tonic for several months, I had another blood test. The new blood test showed I no longer had Epstein Barr.

    The photo on the left was taken in July of 2005. You can see that I had begun to lose weight. I also had my pernicious anemia under control. I was still having problems with the herpes-simplex complex. I have the cold sore virus, but not on my lips, I have it in my left ear. When it acts up the pain is like shingles, but it’s on the inside of the body. This same virus has caused viral meningitis several times; the last time was in the summer of 2006. 3 spiders bit me in 3 weeks. My immune system failed and I developed viral meningitis.

    The photo on the right was taken a few months ago in fall of 2007. I have lost almost 35 pounds.

    I no longer have problems with my ankle or back.

    The Kerasotes are almost gone from my arms as is the "snake skin" under my eyes... the two things that the dermatologist said couldn’t be helped!!

    All the things that doctors told me would never go away, like the fibromyalgia and the permanently broken ankle, are hardly noticed these days!

    Wednesday, June 10, 2015

    RMN - Alexa this morning

    There is a learning curve on the web, as there is in every other part of our lives.  The question has always been how long can the CIA, and their assets and operatives stretch it?

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    Sunday, June 7, 2015

    How much is that Dinar in the Window? 10 - 20 years?

    Iraqi Dinar Lures Hopeful Investors

    From:  Epoch Times 

    COMMENT - This is what it should look like when you repost an article.  The name of the individual posting it is not mentioned, it is three paragraphs, and there is a link to the original article at the beginning and at the end of the third paragraph.  How much do you think Jeff Gordon and Raye are paid to push the Dinar?  It will come out when they are prosecuted.  

    By | April 22, 2015

    Age-old wisdom says that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Hoax or something that could really happen, untold numbers of people in the United States have scooped up the Iraqi dinar in the hopes that the currency, presently valued at a fraction of a penny to the dollar, will reset to its former glory. Yet financial experts warn that all these millionaires-in-waiting are in for a major disappointment, expecting payouts that will never arrive.
    Since the new Iraqi dinar was issued—minus Saddam Hussein’s picture—rumors have persisted about currency revaluation. “Iraqi dinars have been sold to ‘investors’ hoping to make a windfall when and if the currency is revalued in their favor,” states John Wasik, a contributor to Forbes magazine. Like many in global finance, he sees dinar buyers as victims who have stashed away Iraqi dinar with a steadfast belief that this investment will pay off in a big way.
    The theory is that the Iraqi dinar is set to revalue to its level prior to the Gulf War in the 1990s when one dinar equaled US$3.50. If that scenario came to pass, an investment of, say, $1,000 in the Iraqi dinar at today’s exchange rate would bring in about $3.5 million upon revaluation. Such a scheme is fueled by the legend of the Kuwaiti dinar, which had traded at US$3.50 to the dinar before the Iraqi invasion. After the war, the Kuwaiti dinar, trading at 5 cents to the dollar, is said to have revalued to its former level, meaning those who caught the dinar at ebb tide raked in a lucrative return.  MORE
    - See more at:
    I wrote and published an article on why the Iraqi Dinar was a con job for the first time in 2012.  No one at RMN listened, continuing to believe Jeff Gordon. When the prosecutions began I tried again.  do a search of this site with the word, 'dinar.'  Go ahead. 

    Iraqi Dinar Lures Hopeful Investors

    From:  Epoch Times 

    COMMENT - This is what it should look like when you repost an article.  The name of the individual posting it is not mentioned, it is three paragraphs, and there is a link to the original article at the beginning and at the end of the third paragraph.  How much do you think Jeff Gordon and Raye are paid to push the Dinar?  It will come out when they are prosecuted.  

    By Timothy Wahl | April 22, 2015
    Age-old wisdom says that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Hoax or something that could really happen, untold numbers of people in the United States have scooped up the Iraqi dinar in the hopes that the currency, presently valued at a fraction of a penny to the dollar, will reset to its former glory. Yet financial experts warn that all these millionaires-in-waiting are in for a major disappointment, expecting payouts that will never arrive.

    Since the new Iraqi dinar was issued—minus Saddam Hussein’s picture—rumors have persisted about currency revaluation. “Iraqi dinars have been sold to ‘investors’ hoping to make a windfall when and if the currency is revalued in their favor,” states John Wasik, a contributor to Forbes magazine. Like many in global finance, he sees dinar buyers as victims who have stashed away Iraqi dinar with a steadfast belief that this investment will pay off in a big way.

    The theory is that the Iraqi dinar is set to revalue to its level prior to the Gulf War in the 1990s when one dinar equaled US$3.50. If that scenario came to pass, an investment of, say, $1,000 in the Iraqi dinar at today’s exchange rate would bring in about $3.5 million upon revaluation. Such a scheme is fueled by the legend of the Kuwaiti dinar, which had traded at US$3.50 to the dinar before the Iraqi invasion. After the war, the Kuwaiti dinar, trading at 5 cents to the dollar, is said to have revalued to its former level, meaning those who caught the dinar at ebb tide raked in a lucrative return.  MORE