Raye asked me to compile the information and do research on the Powers - Lee Family after giving me a full bio on herself. I did not authenticate the material on Raye, which would have showed major gaps in her story.
At the time I was also coping with badly failing heath and being hammered by the Manchesters who, without my knowledge, were allied with my former husband, Craig Franklin and my estranged daughter, Morgan, in attempts to destroy my credibility.
I now believe Rayelan was in on this from the time she asked me to do a radio show in July the previous year.
I deeply regret the trauma also caused to members of the Powers - Lee Family. Rayelan is a very effective psychopath.
Powers Complaint rewrite
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Police Report for embezzlement, fraud,
elder abuse, and grand theft.
Raye Smith Kooker, age 63, is the widow
of Major David Kooker. As a widow, she has income from her deceased
husband which is the income on which she lives. She is a former
teacher with a BA and teaching credential from California.
Additionally, Raye is the
owner/operator of an online website which is educational in nature.
The website has been in operation for sixteen years and has a large
and faithful following but generates no effective income. Raye is
also an ordained priest in the Church of Antioch, a faith association
of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Numerous people work with Raye as
volunteers on the site and its projects.
Mrs. Kooker was persuaded to relocate
to Ohio by a woman she knew as Anna Leigh Powers, who goes by several
different names in late 2010 for the purpose of carrying out their
largest project on which she had been working for several years.
The project was to establish a retreat
for members as a conference center for educational and spiritual
purposes. The woman's daughter, Angela Kay Lee, had been assisting
with the website, which Raye runs, for several years and introduced
her mother to Raye.
The project in question began three
years ago. Other the intervening years Raye found herself doing
small fundraisers to pay, first to put a down payment on the land,
then to pay for needed improvements and other ongoing expenses. Over
the last three years supporters have contributed over $100,000. One
individual donated $16,000. Raye, herself, contributed her entire
retirement savings.
Anna Leigh Powers, pleading
homelessness and medical problems, persuaded Raye to allow her to
live with her in late 2009. Powers moved into Raye's home in
Watsonville, California and began a campaign to persuade Mrs. Kooker
to sell her home and relocate to Ohio.
Raye, a trusting woman, did not think
to question Power's motives and, in fact, lacked relevant information
on Power's background. Mrs. Kooker supported Powers while she was
living with her, providing shelter, food, clothing and entertainment.
Powers had no income of her own as far as Raye knew. Powers, who
claimed to have medical problems, did not help with housework, which
was performed by Mrs. Kooker's housekeeper. Powers did offer to help
with bookkeeping and prepared two tax returns for Mrs. Kooker, 2009
and 2010. Later, these had to be redone. A significant number of
records went missing, later found secreted in Powers former room in
Mrs. Kooker's rented house located in Ashtabula.
Power's name at birth was Donna Jean
Bartac. Raye has since learned Powers has used several other names
these are: Anna Lee Powers, Donna Jean Beckelheimer, Anna Leigh
Powers, and Anna Lee. She also goes by Onalee. We have found
indications she may also be using other names as well.
She and her family have been using the
Social Security numbers of the minor children of the family to obtain
credit for at least 15 years, since the oldest grand-daughter of
Donna Jean was seven years of age, according to the girl herself, who
discovered this when connecting electric service in her own name
using her Social Security Number. The grandmother, Donna Jean,
blamed her daughter, Angela Lee, Angela blamed her mother.
It appears that no one in the family
can hold a regular job.
According to records found on the
Internet Powers has been evicted numerous times. She admits having
'worked' for elderly people who she claims, left her valuable jewelry
and other items, still in her possession.
Powers' behavior underwent a dramatic
and significant change after she, her son, Scott and grand-daughter,
Amanda, had Raye on the road, with her possessions, heading to Ohio.
While living with Mrs, Kooker at her home in California she was
anxious to be friendly and helpful and appeared to be grateful for
the many favors done for her.
At soon as they were on the road Raye
began immediately to be very unwell, experiencing (symptoms).
Showing no concern for Raye Powers' behavior became abusive and
critical. Her utterances became ugly, critical, and larded with
demands for money.
Upon arriving in Ohio with an RV, the
demands from Powers and her family began to increase. Mrs. Kooker
found herself supporting six people, Powers, her two children, both
of Angela's children, who are both illegitimate, and the illegitimate
child of Amanda, the eldest Powers grandchild.
Seeing the land her fundraising had
purchased for the first time Mrs. Kooker realized Angela was
incapable of handling any project herself. Angela had either
intentionally withheld information or intentionally lied about the
facility on the property and what was needed to make it work as the
center promised to their donors.
In the home Mrs. Kooker rented in
Ashtabula, at 525 Bunker Hill Road, Mrs. Kooker found her self
forced to use as a bedroom the downstairs room off the kitchen. She
had been left, sick with an attack of Meniere's Disease, in her RV on
the property, located (address) while Powers, her two
grand-daughters, her great-grandchild, and Scott Beckelheimer moved
into the house.
The house had only one bathroom,
located on the second floor. Mrs. Kooker was unable to climb the
stairs due to Meniere's Disease, from which she suffers when
subjected to undue s tress. No one helped her, inquired if she
needed medical assistance, or offered to get her food or clean when
she was completely incapacitated. These circumstances lasted from
the time she moved in, October 2010, until she began to recover in
During this time Mrs. Kooker's Jeep
Grand Cherokee was never available for her use as it was being used
by Powers family members who left it badly in need of repairs. In an
attempt to ensure she had transportation Mrs. Kooker, by now, badly
traumatized and unable to sleep, purchased a car to be used by Scott
and had the car used by Angel's youngest daughter, Brittany, repaired
at a cost of $1,500.. But still, her own car was never available to
her making it difficult for her to seek medical help.
Alarmed, Mrs. Kooker's friends began to
ask questions.
One of her friends came out from
Montana to install toilets on the first floor and basement. These
were jobs Scott had been paid to do. He disappeared while the
friends were on site. Other jobs Raye paid him to do were either
partially finished or never begun despite continuing and mounting
demands for more money.
As she recovered Mrs. Kooker began to
notice many of her valuable possessions were missing. The Powers
clan claimed no knowledge of their whereabouts but Mrs. Kooker
surprised Scott leaving the house with her DVD olayer and demanded he
leave it. He took it anyway.
Items missing which Scott admitted
'borrowing' and promised to return are on the list below.
Finally able to see the direction
events were taking Raye confided in friends who arranged an
Powers Family Members
Anna Leigh Powers
Donna Jean Bartac.
married James Lee, becoming Donna Lee. Her daughter, then twelve,
changed her name to Lee and later used the name for her two children,
Amanda and Brittany, who use the last name of Lee.
Thomas Scott Lee, born
44 years of age.
fathered at least five children, none of whom he is supporting
Angela Kay Lee
42 years of age.
Amanda –
Father unknown
Jade –
Father unknown
Brittany –
Father known, mother never married to father.
is the only family member who is working regularly. Is plagued
by demands for money from her sister, mother, uncle and
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