Wednesday, January 14, 2015

That White Fluffy Stuff in the Driveway

Not everyone is experienced with driving in the snow and coping with the challenges brought on by the melting and frozen states of the stuff which falls fluffily from the sky.

I grew up in Southern California and spent much of my adult life in areas where snow does not normally happen. But I also lived at 6,000 feet through several winters when six feet of snow could fall during short periods of time.

Snow came when it came. One year the last storm, which dropped three feet in about five hours, came in mid April. This was while I was still driving a sedan through the winter so the snow tires, and chains, were more than necessary. Putting chains on during a driving storm at about 3,500 feet in elevation with a foot of snow on the ground was – challenging. Even with chains there was no way we were going to drive the car down to the cabin over those skinny roads, then covered with three feet of undisturbed white stuff. Fortunately, a huge all weather vehicle from the local Christian Camp stopped and gave us a lift from the top of the hill down the half mile to the cabin. Walking the last 100 feet to the cabin was easy in comparison.

A lot of snow means a lot of shoveling. I learned to bestir myself and shovel every day because otherwise the fluffy stuff compacts making removal far more difficult. As the only person capable of shoveling within about a mile I knew no one was going to help – and AAA considered the area far too primitive to venture forth.

I watched the snow carefully and learned to cope with its varying 'moods' and states.

Making a mistake can be fatal in this kind of environment. Too much gas and you could go over the steep embankment so you approach each move after removing the snow with caution. I kept a supply of boards and other useful items for helping my car get traction handy. I learned to ease into it, position the board if the wheels started to dig in.

You notice little things and take them into account under each of the four wheels. It was much easier after I had my own Jeep.
This is why when I noticed Rayelan gunning her Jeep and it beginning to fishtail in the drive way, spraying dirty snow until the ground looked like it was ready for, well, planting, I ran out and moved my car over to the left, away from possible, unintended, contact. 
Rayelan kept getting out of her car and shoveling. I confess my attention was riveted. At the same time I was horrified. Neighbor cars, and my own car, were sort of in the path. At one point she was piling snow on the neighbor's walkway.

Although there have been several falls of snow much of it has melted. Piles of snow, do, however, stand like flattened snowmen across most of the sidewalks, where people have not properly removed them for foot traffic to varying heights.

After moving my car I went back upstairs until it was time to go get some prescriptions for a friend at church who is seriously ill. When I came down to run my errand the AAA was hauling Rayelan's Jeep out of the driveway. See Photos.

My attention was captured by the noise.  Here is Rayelan going inside when her attempts to free Jeep failed.

Here is Rayelan, back on the job, shoveling snow onto neighbor's walkway.

Neighbor's walkway gets more white stuff.

AAA to the rescue, chain is attached, hauling has begun. 

Hauling is proceeding, past neighbor car and my own. 

AAA Guy overseeing process of car removal to street.

When I returned from trip to pharmacy and drop off I took this so you could see Where It Happened without Jeep.

Rayelan told me once, while we were still best friends, she was trained for all weather driving. Now I wonder what she meant.

Incidentally, she told Arthur she will be moved by the end of the month.


  1. Pretty good for a woman afflicted by pneumonia. bronchial infections, stomach flu, menieres, ‎tuberculosis, asthma, epilepsy,
    herpes, moderate to severe copd, adhd, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, std's, psychosis, so please send money now!

    1. I should have taken a video instead but I was trying to keep her from noticing I was snapping away. She conned the landlord to get back control of the utilities. I wonder how she is going to like the next step?

  2. Is this about the jeep being snowed in there or that it failed to start? Where she going all sick and broke?

    1. Well, the Jeep was not snowed in. How can any car, a Jeep no less, be snowed in with barely four inches of snow on the ground? She should have reversed direction and bypassed the mud holes she had made or put something over them so she could get traction.

      The problem was her incompetence in knowing to give her tires traction after she had dug them into the mud (not snow). The car was working. The problem was, well, elsewhere. She is not broke. She has plenty of money to dine out, drawing from her multiple accounts. And until today there was no sign she actually intended to move. But this afternoon several boxes drove off in the white pickup truck, destination likely the house she has probably been renting for months elsewhere.

      It appears to have been all a put on to enhance fundraising.
