Thanks for sending! I do not think the Landlord is going to be happy when he sees the 'changes' Rayelan and her crew of Minions wrot - But into every life a little rain, and snow and sleet and the occasional earthquake, must fall.
First, our Recap:
First, our Recap:
There was no sign Rayelan actually intended to move through any of the multitude of dates she gave to the Readers, so eager and willing to assist her (read this as 'be fleeced) when the idea of her moving began last July.
What was happening was an ongoing attempt to persuade me she was moving and so get me to leave of my own accord. Boxes left via the small bed pickup truck which seemed curiously light when carried out. This began last summer when I received the report she had filled five large storage units. Right there we are talking a cost equivalent to the rental of a house in Ashtabula.
Sometimes she seemed to forget she was moving and again become too, too, disease-ridden to move. Except that she was partying with her minions to all hours of the night and waltzing out on expeditions which resulted in more stuff being carried into the house, which was supposedly being emptied.
Then, on December 30th, because the water was turned off, I discovered Rayelan had failed to pay the water bill. If you look at her history all the way to the Phoenix Project in 1993 - 1994 you will see she is always asking for money to pay for bills, being overdrawn and to escape from those nasty people who all oppress her. I am only the latest in a long line of these.
So, I took over the water bill (Aqua), the electric bill (Illumination Co.) and the gas bill (Dominion), thinking Rayelan was finally moving out and I would be able to rent the place in my own name.
But Rayelan, always thorough in her whining and lies had evidently persuaded the landlord, Bob Brobst of local tree trimming and stump removal fame, I was the nasty and threatening source of the problem. Bob served the NOTICE TO LEAVE THE PREMISES on me which was also served on Rayelan.
But this was actually a conspiracy cooked up between Rayelan, the landlord and at least one, but possibly two attorneys to force me to move while she stayed. This is Abuse of Process and really should be reported to the authorities.
I pointed this out in a post here, which elicited from Rayelan the complaint I knew too much about the law to be an honest person. Not true. My experience comes from assisting battered women get restraining orders and such. But what do you expect from a psychopath?
But it was clear I would not be able to rent this place so I started looking around.
Then, I discovered in another step of collusion Bob had, at Rayelan's request, called the utility companies so the utilities could be returned to her until January 30th. I would then take over on the 2nd. No one asked me if this was alright with me, which is certainly an issue and will be taken up later.
I made arrangements to move in short order.
Then, considering the way Rayelan had taken advantage of Brobst who clearly is credulous, I sent him a copy, with exhibits of the action I filed against Rayelan last Friday via fax. I thought he ought to be warned even if I was annoyed with him.
Until last Saturday no real moving had taken place, just occasional small stuff being carted off by Tom. But Friday after noon there was a lot of noise, with Rayelan screaming on the phone. I could not tell what she was saying but, clearly, she was filled with vitriol and spewing.
On Saturday moving began.
Information – Pillsbury-Foster vs. Smith
Claims Case No. _______________
am requesting the amount of $3,000 from Raye A. Smith, AKA Rayelan
Allan, born name Darlene Rae Smith, as an award for the following
first cause is having relocated to Ohio from my home in California at
Ms. Smith's request. Ms. Smith offered numerous enticements to exact
my agreement to do so. I am asking to be reimbursed for my expenses
for driving to Ohio, a trip which took me over three weeks because my
vision makes driving at night difficult for me.
– Two Medical Records)I also included two letters showing Arthur, my son, is disabled and will never be able to support himself.
No. One - $1,322
for my expenses for coming to Ohio in November of 2011.
This took several weeks due to my poor eyesight of which Ms. Smith
had been duly informed before I agreed to come. My unreimbursed
expenses came to $1,322, totaled on the back of one of my business
cards. (SEE Note on card)
Ms. Smith
has said I imposed myself on her and was an 'uninvited guest.' This
statement entirely ignores the documentation. I was already working
for her as Director of Advertising for her online site, Rumor Mill
News and for her 'radio station,' RMN Radio, where she had also asked
me to host a show on Tuesdays. Although she removed any mention of
me from the site I had my own site and maintained records of my
guests. The show was Reclaim America and the site I maintained can
be viewed online.
housing was offered to me as a benefit of my employment, both
Director of Advertising and COO for Rubicon Aegis, LLC.
I left my
home in CA, on which I still pay the mortgage, and my friends to come
to Ohio where I knew no one but Ms. Smith.
(SEE Emailbetween myself and Ms. Smith after she hired me dated September 13,
of Employment as Director for Advertising
I was still
working as Director for Advertising in August 2013, an employment
lasting over two years. I have hundreds and hundreds of emails
documenting this and a list of advertisers, with their correspondence
to me as well. I will produce these in court so the court can see
they are in my email account and genuine.
enticements which made me decide to accept Ms. Smith's offer were an
offer to partner with her in a corporation to be organized which
would be focused on online publishing and a benefit package which
included medical insurance. Ms. Smith told me this entity would then
own Rumor Mill News (RMN). RMN generates a decent income through
advertising but it was clear to me it could at least double this if a
redesign took place.
In coming
to Ohio I was to be Chief Operating Officer of Rubicon Aegis, LLC.
Ms. Smith was Chief Executive Officer of the company we would,
together, start.
As part of
my assigned duties as COO Ms. Smith asked me to find a state where
the LLC could be inexpensively incorporated. I did research and
provided to her with information on five different states, printing
these out on my own printer. Ms. Smith then asked I use for
printing our business cards and for multiple other jobs since Ms.
Smith's own printer was not working.
Soon after
this Ms. Smith informed me she had suffered undisclosed financial
reversals which made it impossible for us to start the corporation
immediately. She asked me to wait and began giving me household
chores to do.
Only much
later did I discover she had already incorporated Rubicon Aegis, LLC,
in Ohio the year previous. The Incorporation Number being 1986471,
incorporation date November 18, 2010 and it appears the Ohio entity
is the actual owner of Rumor Mill News.
appears to be fraud from the inception. See The History of Raye A.
Smith for insight as to her history as a con-artist.
Item No.
Two - $1,440.
I am asking
for payment for one job Ms. Smith assigned me unrelated to either my
job as Director of Advertising for Rumor Mill News, for which she had
hired me in early September 2011 while I was still in California, or
as a partner in Rubicon Aegis, LLC, which entity she told me we would
operate together, as partners.
in January 2012 Ms. Smith asked me to carry out household tasks,
which included cleaning out the basement, then filled with unopened
boxes from her previous move from California to Ohio, which had taken
place two years previously. I was to sort these and organize them
as well. I did so.
out the basement took nearly a month of days of not less than six
hours each, including Saturday. At the moderate rate of $10 an hour
this comes to $1,440.
Three & Four – Utility Bills - $328.08
Payment for
utility bills of $226.12 (Aqua) and $101.08 (Dominion Gas) I paid to
keep the water on and in the mistaken belief Ms. Smith was moving and
I could, therefore, rent the house in my own name. I was told when I
called Aqua, Illumination Co., and Dominion Ms. Smith had turned off
the gas as of December 3oth and would be moved by that day. These
facts came to my attention because Aqua turned off the water because
Ms. Smith failed to pay the bill.
(SEE copies
of 2 bills, Dominion and Aqua)
History of Raye A. Smith - Discovered from Research
Smith, then divorced from her second husband, married Gunther
Russbacher on August 30, 1989. Russbacher claimed to be formerly the
number three man in the CIA and the pilot who flew George H. W. Bush
to Paris to set up the October Surprise in 1979. This claim appears
to be a fabrication.
an article published in the Chicago Tribune,
“A Pro Con,”
by Michael Tackett
on March 17, 1992, Russbacher is revealed to be a con-man. At the
time the article was written Russbacher had recently been convicted
and sentenced to 21 years in prison in St. Charles County, Missouri.
In an
article about Ms. Smith and her then husband, Gunther Russbacher,
published November
15, 1994 by The Phoenix Project,
both Ms. Smith and her husband are publicly named as con-men who
bilked supporters of thousands of dollars.
ARTICLE: The Phoenix Project)
The article
contains this statement by Ms. Smith. “I
need $2,000 for my phone bill,”
the writer then states Ms. Smith, referred to as Rayelan, one of her
pseudonyms, in the article, asked for money for other bills after she
and her husband committed credit card fraud, charging $36,000 to pay
for “Gunther's coronation” in Austria.
Ms. Smith
still claims she is the legitimate Arch-Duchess of Austria, though
Russbacher divorced her in 1996 and immediately, by Ms. Smith's
report, remarried.
The Phoenix
Project article includes this quote, chastising a Dr. Koenig for
trusting the Russbachers. “
should have checked this out a bit more carefully. One of the
smoothest SCAMS ever run was foisted off on these people AND YOU by
the so-called Russbachers.”
writer goes on to say the police in Vienna said Russbacher had been
in prison in Germany, the U. S. and also in Austria.
The article
includes the same formula for panhandling which is replicated online
at Rumor Mill News today as a matter of routine.
On Rumor
Mill News Ms. Smith continually claims to be either victimized or in
desperate straits and unable to pay her utility bills or other
necessities. RMN Readers donate around $3,000 to $4,000 a month to
relieve needs which I observed while living in the housing provides,
upstairs from Ms. Smith, did not exist.
(SEE –
Front Page Rumor Mill News)
coming to Ohio at the end of 2011 I learned that around 2007 Rumor
Mill News Readers were enticed to invest in what was presented as a
'Family Campground' to be developed in Rock Creek, Ohio and invested
thousands of dollars. The money was never accounted for and the
subject was dropped from discussion.
RMN is
organized to give Ms. Smith complete control of what appears on the
site. Posters, referred to as 'Agents' who annoy her are summarily
eliminated and unable to take issue with anything she says. There
is no channel for appeal. Readers who post use handles, not their
names so locating each other and sharing information is nearly
I did not
actually read RMN until after coming to Ohio. When Ms. Smith asked
me to consider partnering with her to improve the look and income of
Rumor Mill I looked at the layout to assess the need for redesign but
not the content, which included subjects, for instance aliens and
multiple conspiracies, which did not interest me.
At the
time, Ms. Smith I was already working as Director for Advertising for
Rumor Mill News.
(SEE Letter
for employment, October 19, 2011 and Email Correspondence September
13, 2011. )
Over the
time I was working for her Ms. Smith drained me of resources. She
then attempted to force me to leave without even firing me. Knowing
I had documentation of my work and employment she has attempted in
various ways to force me to leave without attempting to evict me,
which would put us in a court of law where I could present my
On January
5, 2015 Ms. Smith published a Post which
appeared on Rumor Mill News libeling me. This same post publicly
states I am a free loader who foisted myself on her, ignoring that I
am in Ohio as an employee occupying 'corporate housing.' The post is
an astonishing fabrication of outright lies.
- Libel January 5, 2015 POST)
I made
multiple attempts to reach a resolution by settlement using my
attorney and offered mediation through the minister of the church we
then both attended.
The issue
of slander and libel are not being raised here in any legal sense.
The material is presented to illustrate the methods Ms. Smith employs
and her personal history.
I am now
asking friends and associates to send me character references and
will have those at the hearing.
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster
Comment -
Rayelan thinks she is being oppressed and threatened if you tell the
truth about what is happening or if (gasp) it becomes clear you become
aware she is lying though her teeth.
I now realize Rayelan was trying to get rid of me because I brought in
an account from someone I knew which would generate real, substantial
income. Being a greedy gut, as are most psychopaths, she decided she
needed to get rid of me so she could have it all for herself. There
were actually two of these in a short period of time.
before this had occurred to me I might have a legal obligation to
inform those overseeing a duty to inform those officials who oversee
businesses remain both orderly and operate legally. To check I called
each agency. Actually, I am still calling them since once I got into it
I realized there were far more than I realized.
don't need to name these individually. Assume I was able to find most
of them since, as I chatted with them and provided hard data and evidence, I
discovered they were very helpful about making more suggestions.
And to celebrate Gunther's Coronation:
![]() |
The Coronation of Gunther Russbacher, Arch Duke of Austria - a Rayelan Fantasy Moment |
Winning your case should be a slam dunk, because she will not show up. Your next step is to collect, if she fails to show up for an examination of assets, you can have the judge issue a bench warrant and set her bail at the amount of the judgement. Oh happy day! Think how much money Rayelan can scam from the readers with her tales of arrest and financial needs for legal fees and bail.
ReplyDeleteA delight to consider. But in small claims they go right to the lien and I know where her money comes from.
DeleteRayelan claims her second husband died in 1988
ReplyDeleteDid you mean: raylan's second husband died in what year?
Search Results
AMAZING LIFE OF Rayelan Allan, Publisher, RMNews
Were they going to stage an accident and say she was dead when they found her? She accepted her imminent death, but in a split second, reality changed. The small ... After her husband's death in 1988, Rayelan moved to New York City.
Right you would levy her bank account or paypal, but she can close those accounts before the judgement is satisfied. It has been many years since I was involved with small claims in California, but often the debtor would close the bank accounts and quit their jobs, unless there was property to lein, the next step was examination of assets.
ReplyDeleteSo I put a lien on RMN. And the case is in Ohio.
DeleteIn my experience, liens were only useful in the event they sold their property, but I hope you are right and she pays you immediately. She can do her usual histrionic performance for the marks who read RMN and raise buckets of money over your
ReplyDeleteoutrageous assault on Rayelan's integrity and generosity and your vicious persecution of the brave Rayelan Allan. You might say it's a win-win for all parties except for the fools paying for it.