Thursday, March 19, 2015

Agent-Insighter 86 Brings Home the Bacon!

1802 suckers breathlessly awaiting word from Poof, buy a clue, your investment went poof!

Now, all of the Poofie Followers are in a frenzy, an absolute frenzy, rushing out to buy MORE Dinars! Did you ever ask yourself if this is a Multi-Level-Marketing Scheme with Rayelan and Hobiedoms making money if you are motivated to BUY BUY BUY through Rumor Mill News?
Since Rayelan is absolutely unmotivated to do anything which does not immediately profit her that is the way I would bet. Ditto, Hobiedoms.
Iraq's only asset is oil. At the start of the War on Iraq in 2003 Greedville was highly motivated to take it out because that lovely oil was about to start flowing to France and Russia. So we conned Saddam into staying so we could invade.
As a measure of how much Greedville values human life millions either died, were impoverished, suffered horrific injuries as mothers gave birth to children with hideous birth defects.
Young Americans signed up to serve their country, many compelled by the fact jobs had been outsourced to increase the profits of Greedville. People with intact consciences were stunned at the barrage of propaganda extruded by the MSM, which is actually a subdivision of seven corporate entities who view it as an extension of the public relations departments.
Those young Americans began coming home with life altering injuries to lives in wheelchairs, on the street, or traumatized by Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. 20 such veterans commit suicide every day now.
Iraq is destitute. And the market surrounding oil has changed. We are now less than ten years from the transition to solar or other alternative energy systems. Greedville has done everything in their power to convert these to their model of continuous 'renting' of the resource but they are failing.
I wrote an article about why the Dinar was a con in 2012. It may have been removed from RMN but I think I posted it elsewhere, too.
So, return to the original motivation driving Rayelan and Hobiedoms. How much do they make by bankrupting you with one con-game after another? 
How long are you going to keep funding them as they do their part to destroy us?  

NEW: ...about the Poofness midweek update... (views: 1802)
hobie -- Wednesday, 18-Mar-2015 21:31:17
Hi, Folks -
We _are_ expecting one, waiting on it now. :)

...about the Poofness midweek update...
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 19-Mar-2015 01:37:46
In Response To: ...about the Poofness midweek update... (hobie)
Hi, Folks -
I've had no further word from Susan, but I do think it's now too late for her to send the report out tonight. I expect we'll see it sometime Thursday.


  1. Secret Agent Scam
    Song by Hozie

    There's a bitch who lies a life of danger
    To everyone she scams she stays a stranger
    With every grift she makes
    Another buck she takes
    Odds are she'll have another scam tomorrow
    Secret Agent Scam
    Secret Agent Scam
    She's given you a con job and lies about her name

  2. She should be put in a HOME!
    ** ...what Rayelan said... **

    Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
    Date: Thursday, 19-Mar-2015 17:38:30

    Hi, Folks -

    Rayelan e-mailed me a few hours ago, saying:

    I hve $20.00 to my name.

    The money went out so fast to get the new house set up. I don't even know where it all went. A lot to fix the car, at least 500. An extra 700 to the old landlord who threatened me with a lawsuit. 300 to the moving people. Buck was 300 plus 60 in pills. I didn't pay the cable so they shut it off at the new house. I don't have money to pay the electric, water, gas, anything. I have no idea where the 3200.00 went.

    What she didn't mention there are the physical ailments that have been part of the picture for her these past several weeks, including significant sleep shortages and the brain fog that goes with abnormally high blood sugar levels, etc.

    Many thanks to the 87 fine and faithful folks who have contributed $3303 already this month. :)

    Looks to me that we'll need to exceed the $3500 goal. If the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar occurs, that may prove easy to do. :) But if not, our individual contributions are what will save the day for Raye and for RMN.

    Please contribute TODAY if you're able and would find it fitting.

    Blessings, all.

    Don't you all think? ~dmh

    1. Thanks dmh! Now, you should have heard the uproar yesterday downstairs. The Daffy Deadly Handyman was screaming at Rayelan and things were being clanged and banged for a while as he and then she screamed in very uncivil and uncultured tones at each other. Daffy Deadly Handyman was the fellow recorded gloating about replumbing the water so mine would be turned off. I responded by making phone calls and sending a note to the real Landlord.

      Did you know that RMN paid to put three extra bathrooms in this rented abode, all by unlicensed individuals as far as I know. Certainly Daffy Deadly Handyman is not licensed. You sort of wonder what the real Landlord will say when he views the unhandy work.

      RMN Readers are also paying for the Endless Move, the furniture which cycles into and out of the place, and a wardrobe for Rayelan which requires its own special room in the basement.

      Do you think that is fitting? (I suspect most of it does not fit which is why she can no longer squeeze into it.)

    2. What? No permits? Are permits required in Ohio? You mean Rayelan lied, when she complained to the readers that she was going to the YMCA to shower? So many questions, such a pathological liar, Rayeliar.

    3. Did Rayelan out of her generous and kind giving nature, provide the handyman shelter from the snow and cold for the winter too?

    4. Hi sskids! He has not been here nearly as much so he may be crashing out in Rock Creek with Angel on her Farm. The yelling and screaming lead me to the conclusion he is getting uppity.

  3. RayePal, lol, that's priceless

  4. G~ - So on point and informative! Thanks for digging it out and making it available to us here.


    ** ...what Rayelan said... **

    Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
    Date: Thursday, 19-Mar-2015 17:38:30

    Hi, Folks -

    Rayelan e-mailed me a few hours ago, saying:

    I hve $20.00 to my name.

    The money went out so fast to get the new house set up. I don't even know where it all went. A lot to fix the car, at least 500. An extra 700 to the old landlord who threatened me with a lawsuit. 300 to the moving people. Buck was 300 plus 60 in pills. I didn't pay the cable so they shut it off at the new house. I don't have money to pay the electric, water, gas, anything. I have no idea where the 3200.00 went.

    What she didn't mention there are the physical ailments that have been part of the picture for her these past several weeks, including significant sleep shortages and the brain fog that goes with abnormally high blood sugar levels, etc.

    Many thanks to the 87 fine and faithful folks who have contributed $3303 already this month. :)

    Looks to me that we'll need to exceed the $3500 goal. If the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar occurs, that may prove easy to do. :) But if not, our individual contributions are what will save the day for Raye and for RMN.

    Please contribute TODAY if you're able and would find it fitting.

    Blessings, all.


    ~R (formerly RJ)

  6. Good one G~ I am laughing at RayePal

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Who is "blog administrator"?
      Melinda? Google? Third party?

      Just asking.


    2. G~ - I suppose I need to do a post and 'splain things here. Though as I look around it seems simple to me.

  8. ** .. Rayelan said.that she is supporting Angela Lee, Scott Lee and handyman Tom Guzzos, because the first two do not want to get a job, we think the readers can and should double their contributions.. ** (views: 814) hobie -- Thursday, 19-Mar-2015 17:38:30

    Re: ** .. Rayelan said that she deserves to own her very own handyman, please give twice as much... ** (views: 414) LilliHart -- Thursday, 19-Mar-2015 18:24:07
    Thanks, P., for that $100. :),PT Barnum was right! (no msg in this post) *NM* (views: 73)
    hobie -- Thursday, 19-Mar-2015 19:49:32
    Thanks, you 2, for the $120 and the hugs for the conmen thugs. :) (no msg in thi post) *NM* (views: 16)
    hobie -- Thursday, 19-Mar-2015 23:05:21
