Friday, March 27, 2015

Junk Jewelry is not interesting. Quantum Physics is.

Perhaps before Angela becomes too invested in the idea I really waste time looking at junk jewelry she would read this, a preliminary treatment I have been meaning to write for some time now which will become a section in the book now being organized.

I had never seen Angela in person before coming to Ohio or even seen a photo of her. All information about her and her family came through Raye.

After arriving, and after Raye began the expulsion segment of her scheme against me, carried out with the Manchesters and Morgan and Jay and Craig, I saw her in person and noted she was overweight. Raye had told me she was very overweight before I arrived but that she had been very thin when they first met. 

Leigh on the far left, appears to be thinner than Raye

I had seen one photo of her mother, Leigh, standing with Raye and the Duke and Duchess of Manchester in Santa Cruz while Leigh was living in Watsonville with Raye. I caught several glimpses of Leigh after coming to Ohio and it appeared to me she had gained considerable weight since that photo and one other, reproduced here, was taken. But it was winter at the time so this may have been a mis-assessment based on the fact Raye had, again, told me Leigh had gained weight since living with her in California. 

I found another photo which was was supposedly of Raye while she was living in Watsonville.   

If these observations are incorrect, or if Raye's statement was false, please let me know.

This is clearly not enough information on which to come to any conclusions about the cause of the weight gain. But I also gained weight after coming into physical contact with Raye.

When I came to Ohio I was wearing size 10 – 12 pants. Over a period of four months my dress size increased to a size 20. I experienced extreme pain in my muscles, nausea, and clear changes in my balance. I could no longer carry my purse over my shoulder because of the pain this caused and could not raise my arms above my head.

Raye said nothing about the obvious weight gain and expressed no concern. 

Raye had made the unsettling statement to me, not once but many times, that I would not live long.   

Yet during this time my eating habits did not change and I was practicing my Yoga every day and walking several times a week. My blood pressure also increased.

I considered every imaginable cause for this change, which also included changes in my body and how my body held weight which were completely different than any I had ever experienced. I had always been thin, The times when I gained a few pounds, usually while pregnant, the weight was not in my belly. In this instance it was. Also, the belly area felt strange, as if it had less sensation than before.

I used every method for detoxing I could find and then went on line looking for possible explanations. Eventually, I found a method which worked in reducing my weight gain the pain. This included Pilates and extremely long stretches, held for about two minutes each.

In addition, I read a book which proved to be very helpful. “The Genie in Your Genes,” by Bruce H. Lipton. I have long been interested in quantum physics and the relationship of this different view of the physical world with such subjects as neuroscience. Energy healing and the related disciplines, such as kinesiology, which I began studying in the 70's, followed by Touch for Health, accupressure, and Reiki. I am a Reiki Master.

These disciplines work to heal and I use them on others though it was hard to do so on myself.

But these pre-existed the present understanding provided by neuroscience of the human body, which gave rise to biofeedback and then neurofeedback.

All of these have a common connection in quantum physics and how energy flows through the body, providing a network of communication which extends beyond the body.

I noticed the painful places on my body coincided with the energy points common to all of the disciplines mentioned. Most especially, the points on my belly were hot and painful, causing extreme nausea and a clear sense of blockage and loss of energy.  These clustered through the heart meridian. 

My stretches had all focused on these points, which also responded to deep massage.

Why am I telling you this?

Because the explanation I found included the presence of an energy vampire of some power who was using techniques provided on websites written by and for energy vampires which were available online.

I concluded Raye is an energy vampire who uses these techniques.

The characteristics of psychopathy are congruent with those associated with demons.

I have to go through the regimen I assembled every day to stabilize my health and continue the weight loss, which at this point is about 75% complete. Attacks take place whenever Raye is in the house and awake. 

If you do any experiments or have treatments which either prove of disprove this theory please let me know. 


  1. Rayelan seems to be obsessed with the weight of other women when her figure has all the shapeliness of a beached whale.

    1. Sskids, when your only asset in life is your body it would be very strange if you were not conscious of the depreciation taking place over time and as a result of your own bad habits. But looking at better assets owned and controlled by others is then intolerable if you are entirely invested in your own losses. I wish I knew of more women who lived with her or with whom she spent a lot of time. There were two issues, the stealing of energy and the reconfiguring of the body. I could find no sources for the second so this is speculation using my own case and, to a lesser degree, that of Angel and Leigh. With them I do not know enough to be sure.

  2. That 'asset' has suffered accelerated depreciation for the last 25 years...Rayelan should be used to it by now. Does she not own any mirrors?

    1. Talkin' 'bout assets: I didn't know Raye wears a black wig when strolling down taboola shopping mall arms in arms with Leigh Lee, did you?
      Did Raye try to qualify in Applied Quantum Physics?

      Anyway, we see what happens 'in the end' when amateurs deal with subjects they don't have a clue of.


      PS: Still trying to retrieve basic knowledge in Quantum Mechatronics (what I'd prefer to call it)

    2. Gosh, G~, that was a horrible shock. I hope no one faints. I don't know what lies Angel and Leigh have bought from Raye. She must have told them it was my idea to go after then and she was just a poor, easily influenced dupe. It is either that or they were in on it and promised a cut of what she was to get from Craig. Of course, that would make them co-conspirators. My situation is really more like a foreign worker brought in and then kept working without being p aid. That is a form of slavery. I could not get anyone to believe me because Raye had so thoroughly slandered me at church. I remember she expressed real annoyance in one post almost outrage, that I was writing a column every week and people were beginning to know me.

      Who would believe I was being held in economic servitude, unable to leave because Raye had drained me of money? It was really a well thought out plot.

      Reading the material from Anne Fisher was a shock - again. I had tried to put it out of my mind, I think. They hacked Just the Evidence again and I have to put some of those documents back up today.

    3. Sorry Melinda, I had just made a poem and then erased it when I didn't foresee the total wiping of the notepad cache before I had saved the content to a text file.
      In short, I was flattering in rhymes: your moderate, sound and balanced reasoning
      and concluded - plain to see - there's no need for you to do the Hare Test.

      be well


    4. Thanks G!! That is sweet of you and much appreciated. - Melinda

  3. How do you know the one with the black wig isn't Angela?

    I have thought about how evil a person would have to be to do what Rayelan "the giver" is doing. A hit man, for instance will kill somebody for money, they are mercenary and certainly evil but they don't generally torture a person. What Rayelan is doing is very personal, it is a form of torture and she is absolutely delighting in it. She has also used the situation to scam money from the rubes at rumorswill.

    The most valuable thing one has is their good reputation, Rayelan 'the giver' has trashed Melinda in every way possible. I hope Rayelan the liar gets exactly what she deserves and real soon.

    As for the Lee family, the ones who continue to associate with Rayelan for money are the cheapest of whores and have moral values quite similar to Rayelan's in the sense that they think it is fine to lie and scam the reader rubes of RumorSwillNews.

    1. Well, SSkids, I certainly agree with your analysis. Panhandling destroys trust between people and is despicable.

  4. RumorSwill Rubes remarks

    Anonymous gave $20

    May you come to see the Universe is abundant. Per my perspective, everything happens for a reason - your new comfortable bathtub! Enjoy, knowing that karma will get to Melinda :-) Please remember, you can always spin your thoughts to positive. Best wishes!

    Anonymous gave $20

    Wish I had more, I suffered a $3000 loss in salary every month with my retirement last month. Things will be difficult for us too, unless the Dinar RVs. Praying for the best for you. Magnesium caps cured my restless leg syndrome. Bye.

    Anonymous gave $20

    Hang In. You have all you need to create Happiness... just look within! Best wishes and thank you for your efforts to provide awareness!

    Nimueh Rephael gave $10

    Love, peace, joy, harmony, success to you, Rayelan!

    ShadowSoul gave $100

    Thank you, Rayelan and dream team. Thank you all who contributed early this month. <3

    Gail Carlson gave $50

    Appreciate you so much Raye and all you do.

    Captain Drew gave $20

    Don't give up! You have provided so many with so much for so long.We love you.
    The Cap

    What a gaggle of ignorant folks, just the kind Rayelan and Hozie love

    1. Agreed, these people are sad and pathetic. But this should draw the mind to what kind of people put up with a website which only reposts content from elsewhere and intentionally keeps them from reclaiming their own power. They don't believe they can act for themselves and have externalized control.

      Remember, these people also accepted the RV of the Dinar which was going to happen - when the last time? Friday, March 27th. All of a sudden, no mention again.

  5. RumorSwill Rubes remarks

    Anonymous gave $20

    May you come to see the Universe is abundant. Per my perspective, everything happens for a reason - your new comfortable bathtub! Enjoy, knowing that karma will get to Melinda :-) Please remember, you can always spin your thoughts to positive. Best wishes!

    Anonymous gave $20

    Wish I had more, I suffered a $3000 loss in salary every month with my retirement last month. Things will be difficult for us too, unless the Dinar RVs. Praying for the best for you. Magnesium caps cured my restless leg syndrome. Bye.

    Anonymous gave $20

    Hang In. You have all you need to create Happiness... just look within! Best wishes and thank you for your efforts to provide awareness!

    Nimueh Rephael gave $10

    Love, peace, joy, harmony, success to you, Rayelan!

    ShadowSoul gave $100

    Thank you, Rayelan and dream team. Thank you all who contributed early this month. <3

    Gail Carlson gave $50

    Appreciate you so much Raye and all you do.

    Captain Drew gave $20

    Don't give up! You have provided so many with so much for so long.We love you.
    The Cap

    What a gaggle of ignorant folks, just the kind Rayelan and Hozie love
