And when did the monumentally incompetent Aging Badly CIA Moaner get the idea Readers are responsible for paying her bills? She Blythefully admits she is not a journalist, says the truth does not matter - so what are you paying for Readers? She taught English as a second language, which any high school graduate can do. It was political influence that got her the perks. The likely source of these is Gary Condit - Remember him? He was also one of John Fund's buddies because political party and ideology do not matter when you are in it for all you can get for yourself. Keep paying her and feel the money draining into the CIA retirement fund for former Ass Assets.
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 13-Apr-2015 16:55:12
Hi, Folks -
Date: Monday, 13-Apr-2015 16:55:12
If you haven't already, please read:
Bills Are Due...
Rayelan -- Monday, 13-Apr-2015 10:36:22
If you're able to contribute today, please do. :) The goal is to bring the FundRazr widget to $1600+ as soon as we can. Many thanks to the 25 faithful folks who have contributed already. :)
Blessings, all.
It turns my stomach when Jeff Gordon of the many MLM con-games exudes his 'blessings." Should turn yours, too.
Hobie can go pound sand
ReplyDeletePosted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 14-Apr-2015 04:44:44
Hi, Folks -
Many thanks to the 28 fine folks who have contributed $1240 so far toward RMN's April expenses, including the 3 who contributed $80 Monday in answering the call from Rayelan about an important bill she's unable to pay. :)
Our present, immediate goal is to bring the FundRazr widget to $1600+ in order to take care of that bill. Another $360 or more will do that.
PLEASE CONTRIBUTE TODAY if you're able and would find it fitting.
Blessings, all.
Thanks sskids! What is fitting is for Hobie-Jeff Gordon-Zapper to join with Aging Badly Party Girl and for the two of them to get honest jobs at Walmart. Actually, ABPG could move with her crew to Atlanta Georgia and solve several problems simultaneously.
DeleteObjection, Your Honour! It's impossible to get an honest job at Wal*Mart. I know this company from behind the scenes, I learnt lessons from inside and I must tell you, this isn't an honest company despite their Great Value labels. But then, the better for the RayHob duo, they might feel at home there and share their tricks to fool the gullible WalMartians ... he he! LOL!
Besides, my other theme song for RayHobia event management (a few changes in lyrics necessary)
Drama Queen: The Show Must Go On
G~ For the Queenie of Obergon, or OH B Gone! as they call it in some places, there must be DRAMA. It is all about her, her, her and the world can take a hike off a short pier. I would love to see Aging Badly Party Girl living, with dogs and drama, with Jeff Gordon and the RMN Gang. Serve them right.